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so, will we ever be able to see inside the leader's den or the apprentices? I think it would be cool if the dens/nests were personalized, and it would also be fun if we could add things around the dens and the clearing.
but that's just an idea, I absolutely love the game btw!  

i really love this idea! It would be AWESOME to be able to customize/add things to the inside/outside of the dens!

Yeah, I think it would be quite hard to do this but it's definitely a cool idea. Plus, maybe you could change where cats sleep and have two cats sleep next to each other to improve their relationships, but idk.

i dont think this is in the works atm


I’d love if you could have more control over the Med cats. Like some cats I would be okay with dying and some not. Like when you roll it says blah blah blah has been cured with catmint well that’s one less catnip that could be given to another cat. Just a suggestion I love this game <3

Yeah, like maybe for helping cats give birth it could be some sort of timing minigame, but idk if that would be too much work right now. But maybe they'll add you're idea into cruel season. :)

hey! when i try to run the game (after letting it past my firewall) it just immediately closes, any ways on how to fix this? I've tried downloading multiple times (just so you are aware, I am on a mac)

make sure you've put it in your applications folder and check your MacOS. Clangen basically only runs on MacOS 11 or up

the web version doesn't load for some reason 

Yeah, you should just download the game instead since the web version has quite a couple of bugs. I've heard that sometimes it will just stop working at some point.

for some reason mine says this and i just cant open it

try putting your clan_cats.json through

Can you download this game on a Chromebook it's the only device I have, and I really want to play


I don't think you can.


please don't give a response to things you aren't sure about :) not mad, but it's 100% possible and many play on chromebook




you can! i'd recommend heading onto our discord server, we have instructions and tech support for getting it set up

Deleted 1 year ago

its hard to understand the discord very well

whenever i click onto the "other tech support" button in navigation it brings me to tech helper applications. im unsure if im just misunderstanding something but i cant find where i would need to go to get help with downloading on a Chromebook.

Idk if you're still struggling or if you still want to play the game at all, but there is a google doc that explains how to download for Chromebook, here's the link :]

Sometimes my blind cats are "watching" things despite being blind.

How can a cat watch stuff if they are blind?

The text is probably a glitch, but when it appears and hasn't been fixed. Think of it as the cat imagining what ever they are watching in their mind with using their sense of smell and hearing. Just until its fixed. <3

okay I will

(1 edit) (-1)

Please help!! Everytime I try and open it application I get a unexpected error that says this 


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 153, in <module>

  File "scripts\screens\", line 264, in screen_switches

TypeError: format_exception() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'value' and 'tb'


I don't know why it's happening, I've tried Win31 and 64 and both have the same error. Idk if its something on my computer or what :(

(1 edit)

Huh, maybe try the discord linked above but if you can't use discord feel free to ask me questions. So you said when you try to download it? What kind of computer are you using?

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If you are using a windows, what type of windows are you using? Another thing, It might be your antivirus stopping you from downloading.

(1 edit)

Oops sorry not download, I meant everytime I try to open the application! I'll edit it sorry!

Did you extract the zip file?

Yeah, I have no idea what could be wrong :(


would I be able to download this on an Apple tablet or PS4/any console, or just computer?


Just computer

My clan gen wont let me exit or go to the menu- pls help!

i got it, i just shut off my computer


hi can anyone help me when i download clangen it only comes up as files and no game. does anyone know anything to help me.

Just to make sure you're doing everything right, you download the file, extract it, then go through the files till you see the Clangen.exe file, then run it and if you're computer says something like, "This file might be dangerous" then just click show more and then run anyway. The .exe file should be in the (Download file)\Clangen. It is really hard to see so make sure to look out for the file the ends in .exe.

Hey the same thing happened to me! Your antivirus may be removing the actual application and leaving the rest of the files! I would deffinetly check it if I were you, my anti-virus turned out to be a virus itself with that stuff and could never fully be removed from my computer. Happy gaming stranger!

I just did my first update with the new update button. Amazing! TY for implementing it!


Hey, just a little suggestion for a small patch that I don't believe would take too much coding. I think it would be good to change the text for "eye color" for newborn kits to "???" instead of listing their actual eye color, as it isn't possible to know if the little rat hasn't opened its eye color. Thank you!

Oooou i agree to this! That would be such an interesting detail!



I was calling it a rat on purpose, haha!


oh mk


is anyone having trouble getting to their save files to edit thier cats? i could write a quick tutorial if anyone needs it <3

I’d like a tut please!

I tried following the instructions on how to download but it isn't working. I've tried at least 7 times now to download it but it only comes up with a heap of files. I have also been trying to do the online one and it has been working fine for a while but for the past couple of days, when I try to run it, it does the blue screen and then it turns black and stays black until I finally decide to just close it.

Hi! Yeah, I experienced this too. I'm not sure if it's the same issue but I fixed this by finding and attempting to run the game's file. Basically what you have to do is compress the files. Let me know if this works for you.


The online one isn't as up to date as the downloadable one, so the problems you are experiencing with the online one are understandable. In the downloadable folder, the Clangen icon is very hard to differ from the other files so make sure you're looking for the Clangen.exe file. (I tried to upload a picture of the icon into this reply but I couldn't get it to work, sorry)

I have only downloaded the file so if you are downloading a different file then it might be different, but I don't think it would be. You could try searching ".exe" in the search bar while the "Clangen" folder is open so that you can find it easier. If it is not there then idk what happened. Hope this helps :)

Also, just saw someone else say this, but apparently certain anti-viruses actually delete programs that they believe is a virus. When you download your game make sure the anti-virus is turned off, then download your game and look for the Clangen.exe program. Hope this helps :)

I've heard that some people have issues with the online version loading for a few days after an update, and I have a similar problem, except updates don't matter and it hasn't loaded for.... months. How I wish there was a tutorial on downloading it for a chromebook; I know it's possible. However, it would be much easier if the whole bug was fixed, but it might just be me, because I've seen nothing of the sort anywhere else.

The online one isn't has updated or maintained as the downloadable one. You should just download the file above and play the game that way instead of playing the online version. If you're having any problems with the downloadable version then you can bring it up here or in the discord :)

I can't figure out how to download using a Chromebook. I've heard that I can use Linux, but there aren't any tutorials to help me with that.

Ah, sadly I do not know how to use the Linux files for Chromebook but if you go into the discord you should be able to ask how to download the game for Chromebook there. Hope you find out how to get the game to work :]

I'm a few months short of 13 years of age, so at the moment I cannot use Discord. I don't think I'll be able to play clangen, but I'll be okay. My life doesn't depend on it.

Okay, so yes, your life does depend on it, you just don't know it yet.

Thankfully, some nice guy commented giving a short tutorial on how to download the game for Chromebook and gave a link to the official google doc for the game. I'm gonna paste it below :]

1. download Linux

2. Open the terminal

3. Type in or copy paste this:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

And here's the google doc! Google Doc

I could only find one video it was kinda bad, so no video, but hopefully this is enough :]

Also, eventually when it is your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D


hey hey! just a suggestion, maybe there could be an option in settings where you could turn off/on that medicine cats could get a mate, I have been playing clangen for a while now and sometimes when I skip a moon one of my medicine cats has got a mate, and in my opinion it's kind of irritating, because medicine cats aren't allowed to have mates. thank you for reading this! I really love the game btw! <3




Lmao in both of my saves I gave my medicine cat a mate.  Both of which are gay relationships, the first save with one of the other meds of my clan, the other w/ the clan leader. The first one has a ton of kits, and the one on my newer save is one newborn kit (that looks like a rat).


Yeah, that would make it more accurate to the game, but right now I don't really mind it. Also does anyone know how the settings work in the settings menu? Like, when I create a clan, will that clan save the settings and no matter if I change the settings or not the settings will stay the same as when I created the clan or will the settings in the clan change?

For example, if I make a clan with Mass Extinction events off and after a couple moons I turn Mass Extinction events on, will Mass Extinction events now be on since I turned them on or will they stay off because the setting was off when I created the clan?

It will turn on if you do that. If you make a clan and change your settings the clan will be automatically set to those same settings as you are changing your specific settings and not the first setting you choose for the clan


when i download it it just ends up being files and not a game help this isnt normal is it


I’m pretty sure that’s normal. If your on windows, just search clan gen. If on any other device maybe look for a tutorial.


Same with me. It only comes up with files

It's normal, kid!

It is! It is not a steam game (which actually is also files, just with a hub via the steam app), it is a desktop game. If you unzip the file there should be an executable called "Clangen," and that is where the game is.

Note, the icon for the Clangen.exe file looks very similar to the files next to it. Just search ".exe" with the Clangen folder open, and run the "Clangen.exe" file. If you don't want to have to keep opening the file every time you want to play the game, make a shortcut to the game.

If you are absolutely sure that the Clangen.exe program is not in the file then something is wrong and you should probably either redownload the file or take up your problem in the discord. Hope this helps :)

Also, some anti-viruses delete any program that they think are viruses, and I think every anti-virus program thinks this game is a virus. So turn off your anti-virus program when you download the game. Hope this helps :)

It is normal all you have to do is extract it and look in the extracted folders files until you find ClanGen application file

I have the same problem. And I did find the executable file, I clicked on the execute button but it wouldn't open, I waited to see if it would open for like 5 minutes but it wouldn't open. The file was just called 'clangen' with a paper aeroplane icon. I'm using a raspberry pi 4 computer (linux) could someone please help me with this?

I can't download because it says mac cant check for malicious malware. What should I do?

The online version for me is just a blank blue page

A lot of people are having this too, it is unknown why though. Your best path is just downloading it if possible.

(1 edit)

It should work if you wait a little


Just click "More info" and run it anyway

Ah, built in firewalls. Always assuming that if it's an indie game or online it's malware. Don't worry! I believe it's fixable. If it's anything like windows firewall, what'll happen is there should be an option to view more details and run it anyway. Just for the record, if this doesn't work, I don't use mac, so this is just my best guess.

It thinks it's a virus, just play it anyways. It's perfectly safe for your computer



Is there a way to possibly update an already downloaded earlier version? I can't bear to let go of my clan, I'm very attached, I'm on moon sixty-one, and one of my favorite and most lore-heavy cats just got a mate. I really don't wanna see any of my cats go.

Yes! Go to the file itself on your computer and copy the save file, it should be labeled “saves”, then, download an updated version of Clangen, go to settings, and find the little button at the bottom left of the settings, something labeled code or whatever, then delete the current save file, and replace it with the new save file! There’s more information on how to do this on YouTube and stuff, but it worked for me, and this will only work if you delete the current save in the exact file you want to replace ur saves in. Hope this helped :D

I realised that earlier, and I went to go port it I found there was no saves folder. I downloaded the game on January 4th 2023, if that helps.

If your game is version 0.8.0 or later then there is an auto-update feature already in place. It will simply say something along the lines of, "There is a new update available! Would you like to download it?" Just click yes and it will be downloaded and put in place.

I am assuming that your game is earlier than that version and since it is, then I'm just gonna reword theonethetwothefour's reply. Go to the settings, click the "Open Data Directory" button, open the "saves" folder, and copy your clan folders. Then, open the data directory in the new Clangen game, go to the saves, and paste the saves there again.

I am a bit confused on why you couldn't find a save folder. Can you list the folders you see? I have four folders, "~temp", "cache", "logs", and "saves". I haven't seen a Clangen game that old so it could be different. Hope this helps :)

I meant that I was unable to find the saves on the newer version.

I'm having trouble with ho I stock up my medicine den with herbs. I go on patrols with my medicine cat only, but my den still comes up as "bare" Can someone help me figure this out plz?

Make sure u didnt pick the "classic mode" before u made ur clan

(1 edit)

When I downloaded the May update, and I looked at the changelog. I noticed that it was the same as the April update. Is it supposed to be different, or the same as last time?

think its the same thing

I believe it may be mostly the same, however, there is an option in the config.json to set april fools on. I believe setting it to "true" gives all your cats hats.


Earlier I got the update for 0.8.6., and then a little later I got the update for 0.8.7. but it won't load. I waited for literal hours but it just freezes and won't update. is there a way to fix this, or can only one update be performed per day? or is this a bug?

does an IMac work for this or no? I have an old pc I got from my dad

There's two versions for Mac, so consitering your's is so old, I'd say try downloading the smaller download first. If that doesn't work, try the other version. If none of those work, false hope :(

help I used the new system of downloading updates, and after I downloaded the may update, it said my shortcut to the file was no longer valid and it deleted the whole file itself and all its saves :( please help I don’t know how to get my saves back and I was writing a story using my characters, I don’t know what happened and in my windows files it doesn’t show my clanged files or saves at all. PLEASE HELP THIS IS URGENT

never mind I’m just gonna have to redo my entire thing :’/ 


Rip lol

That stinks :( How many moons old was your clan?

it wasn’t very old, it was 51 moons old. :( but I was writing a REALLLYYY long story all centered around the bloodline of my leader, I dedicated time away from my schoolwork to my clan to create this big detailed story with every single character and its personalities imported into a google doc, my screenshot storage is filled with every sprite that ever joined the clan and every moment of the life of each cat, I spent months on my clan. :’( I’m probably gonna spend all summer trying to redo the whole storyline again 💔

yeyy new update, love this game

same :D

How do I get to the update my freind said download the source code but when I did it put the source code in a word doc so what do I do?!

If your game is version 0.8.0 or later then there should be an auto-updater feature already in place. Basically when you open your game there should be a prompt saying "There is a new update available! Do you want to update your game?" Just say yes and your game will automatically update.

If your game's version is earlier than version 0.8.0, then there is no auto-update feature. You will have to go into your settings, click the "Open Data Directory" button in the bottom left corner, go into the "saves" folder, and copy the folder(s)/file(s) that are related to your clan. Then, download the new game files, open the "saves" file just like the other game, and paste the files you copied. You should be all good after that. If not then I might've gotten something wrong since I've never transferred my clans over before. If I am wrong then check in with the discord or look through the replies of comments above. Hope this helps :)

P.S - Updating your game has nothing to do with replacing the source code :P

Every time my Computer tries to go on the Online version, it says "Unexpected Keyword 'import'" Whats that about and how can I fix it? 

I really wanna play

Online version is broken, download the game instead!

Idk if my pc is built for the downloaded one but alr

Is there a may update or are people talking about the April one still?

i dont know why but i can't get into this update

by update do you mean the April or may one?

(1 edit)

Just a quick question- what does 'Omen sight' mean on a medicine cat? I love this new update tbh


So- I don't really like joining many discord servers, but I do have to say that there aren't all that many patrol texts/stories. Also, when you're fighting something, I'd like it to be like a game of rock paper scissors, and some animals are more likely to use rock, or paper. Maybe fantastic/excellent fighters do more damage with all of their attacks, or their heavy blows (rock) do much more damage. Maybe hunting would also be like a 'keep yourself in the green area', some prey items being harder (rabbits, squirrels) and higher tier hunters having a larger green space.

Thanks for reading, It'd be greatly appreciated if someone put this in the discord group! (I hope I can be credited, I might want to join this later. c:<)


there are;

382 patrols for the beach

496 patrols for the forest

116 for every biome

379 patrols for the mountain

400 patrols for the plains

which is a whopping 1773 patrols total. I feel like almost two thousand is a pretty decent amount, no?

additionally, we are not taking suggestions at this time. sorry!

How do you heal hurt or sick cats I cant figure it out?

The game does it on it's own. If you timeskip a few moons, the cat may recover, or they may die.

They will heal in a couple of moons or die. make sure that you have herbs!

Can you DOWNLOAD it on mobile 

Not as of now.

Will the online version ever be updated?

yes it will be but it’s always behind! I’m thinking it will be updated on the next update 

Ok thank you

Not necessarily - it really depends on if the volunteers that made it work in the first place still want to donate their time and effort. Updates to the web version have not been linked to stable releases in the past, and there's no eta on when the online version could be fixed.

I can't download this on my Macbook ;-; help?

Maybe check the disco? or scroll through the comments to see if there is a tutorial? sorry if this did not help

Do you have Chinese here?

(1 edit)

As far as I'm aware, there's no way for me to access this game on my Chromebook. I have an ACER in specific and I can't seem to open the file. Is there a certain version I should be downloading? I've tried the Windows version, but I can't get into the file.

(EDIT) I've tried downloading every version, and I still can't access the game. This is really upsetting because I adore this game, but it isn't supported on my laptop. Is there a certain way I should be trying to get into the game?

Hi, please go to for your tech support issues - if its possible, they should know!

(1 edit)

My computer saw it as a virus. That thing is... Why does is take all of my storage place away? Isn't it a virus then? 
I would really like to downloading this but im scared- 

(1 edit)

Hi, please go to for your tech support issues, they'll be able to ask what this 'storage' thing you mention is, and whether your laptop can support clangen

Well, it THINKS it's a virus, but it's perfectly safe for your computer :)


Hi! I'm not sure if this is the place to suggest this, but I have a few ideas for the next update:

Being able to see the other Clans, edit their names, and see the cats in their Clan that are of importance, and other things. (Ex: Med cat, leader, deputy)

I think that this would be a neat feature, that way you can have better idea of the other Clans. And perhaps there could also be a way to join two Clans so they can neighbor each other? Like, let's say I have a Clan named HeronClan, and another named DarkClan. I could replace one of HeronClan's neighboring Clans to be DarkClan, and I can control both Clans if that makes sense.

Another neat thing to add would you can lunch an attack on another Clan, or start a war with another Clan. Instead of the simulator just saying 'A war has started between ______Clan and _____Clan', you can form attacks against other Clans, start wars between them, and be able to control the tide of war more.

And maybe, there could even be a way that Clan's can take over other Clans.

More ways a relationship (mates) can change.

The only real thing that can happen between mates (so far) is that they can have different thoughts on their relationship, and become mates. (Maybe they can divorce, but I've never had that happen). 

Somethings that could be added is that while currently in a relationship, a cat can become mates with another cat, inside or outside their Clan. I think this would be more interesting.

Another thing is that (if they can't already) is for mates to have a divorce. 

I also think that it would be it would be neat if you could monitor a cat's relationship with cat's outside of their Clans, and possibly even make them mates, like you can with cats inside the Clan. 

Being able to control is lost cats can come back

Let's say that a cat you really, really like was taken away by twolegs and got lost. It would be really helpful if there was a way to make that cat return to their Clan. I've had multiple occasions where cats I love are lost and never return. 

StarClan prophecies and visions being relevant to the game

I, personally, don't like it when any event happens that mentions a prophecy or a vision, and nothing happens. Like, a cat talks to the med-cat on patrol about a vision, but then that's it. The vision doesn't effect the Clan - at all. (Except for when leaders lose a life for ignoring a vision from StarClan). I understand that this would  be hard to add to the game, but maybe just some more things happen when a vision or prophecy is being mentioned.

Half-moon meetings and gatherings

Although in the game there are mentions of the half-moon meetings, your never able to understand what happens there. And, from my experience, not mentions of the gatherings at all. I understand that this means that these would need to happen ever single moon, so maybe the player can choose an option that they want to simulate that moon's gathering or half moon meeting? Or these is a setting you can turn on?

More details on murder 

This one is a little strange, but when a cat gets murdered it would be helpful to learn more reasoning behind it.

Breaking the Warrior Code

While this has been improved slightly, with in the latest update there being more details on cats breaking the warrior code (ex: touching noses with a loner, talking calmly to a cat from another Clan, etc, etc). But sometimes you just get '_______ was caught breaking the Warrior Code'. A nice thing to add would be more details. Such as what part of the code they broke.

Overall, I love the game, but these are a few things that I think could make it better! <3


Hi, I'm Tiri, one of the game contributors. Unfortunately, we aren't taking suggestions for the game at this time, sorry!

You CAN change the clan-names actually! but you have to go into the save file. you only need a text editor like NotePad or something tho

I love your ideas! I wish they were taking suggestions.

Thank you! I do too, but I respect their decision.

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