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Detailed Notifications About Breaking the Warrior Code

I would love to see more detailed notifications about breaking the warrior code. Instead of just "Snowstripe has been caught breaking the warrior code," it would be great if the game would specify what exactly they did. Murder, eating before the Clan, taking a mate/having kits with someone from a rival Clan, etc. "Snowstripe has been caught having an affair with a cat from RoarClan," would be better! So far I haven't had to send any cats to exile or The Dark Forest even if they break the code because I don't know what they did. 

Other Ideas

  • It would be great if patrolling your borders actively before rolling over would lessen the chances of fatal attacks from dogs/rogues/etc. (unless it already does that).
  • Show the relationships that cats have outside of the Clan. If so-and-so is caught touching noses with a rogue or a rival Clan cat, then show who the rival is & their relationship with them. It could be like a "Has a Secret" thing too, so if no one knows their secret then they can't be exiled for it.
  • Randomly generate allegiances for other Clans. I wanna know who they have and how many! It'd be great if you could make allies/enemies and have battles, and it would be cool if you could "Choose a Mate" from those rivals if your cat has met them before for storytelling.

Hi, I'm Tiri, one of the game contributors. Unfortunately, we aren't taking suggestions for the game at this time, sorry!

(1 edit)

hello! I’ve been having trouble the past three days with CLANGEN. I load into the game but my menu screen stays black. I don’t know if I’ve generated too many clans or the game just doesn’t like me, haha. But seriously, I need help fixing this. I enjoy the game so much and I’ve been upset that when I try to fix this, it never fixes. Does anybody know how to fix this issue?

please go to for your tech support issues:)

Is the scar system still in the game? I really enjoyed my cats getting scars and their injuries being recorded? Is there plans to bring it back if not?

yes it's still in the game!

yeah, played a casual game when i usually play expanded, seems its only for casual right now!

It's in expanded too, because my has a scar

Hi, I'm Tiri, one of the game contributors. The reason scars are more common in classic is that the classic game mode lacked the injury system! If your cats are injured and do a good job healing, they can heal without scars

oh alright, thanks!

hey, its not letting me play on computer do you know why?

Web version is nearly impossible to update, and thus the inevitable has happened - it's broken. No eta on when it'll be fixed, it's already a miracle it ever worked. But if you're on a computer, download the game and it should work great! If it's not, go to the discord tech support :)

(1 edit)

I've been trying to play it, but I cant figure out how to download it can you help me?

please go to for your tech support issues:)

I'm not alloud to have discord though. Do you have any tips for how to get it in my library? I'm new to itch

I can help you! What type of computer are you using to download Clangen? If it's a Chromebook it probably won't work. Secondly, when you do download, you have to extract the .zip file and go into the Clangen folder until you find the Clangen application and click on that to run it. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me! :)

I think the one I'm using is a Windows 11 I am unsure, All I know is that it is not a laptop or Chromebook. I think it is a windows 10 or 11 altho i am unsure.

If you go into settings, it might tell you. That's where you need to go to see if your computer is a 64-bit or 32-bit computer and download the one that it says your computer is. Just click the about one and in device specifications it will say one 64-bit operating system or 32-bit operating system.


My favorite is the way the newborns look SO CUTE


is there anyway I can play cruel season on IOS

this game is not available on mobile. you could *try* to run the web version of the game through a mobile browser but idk if that would work


Cruel season isnt even out yet on the main desktop game

Hello, my english can be bad so, forgive me.

I would like to know if there is any prediction/chance of the clan gen game being translated into Brazilian Portuguese, I currently use an application to translate some events (the overwhelming majority of events which makes it difficult to scan, wait for the translation and such) I love to play at night when I have time and I love warrior cats, having this game translated into Portuguese (Brazil) would be a dream come true, thank you for your hard work adding content whenever you can, hugs.

There are people working on translations for different languages, but all of them are still pretty early in development. Although we have roles for portuguese on the discord I dont see a channel for it so idk what the status on it is

Hi, I'm Tiri, one of the game developers. There has been enthusiasm for a Brazilian Portuguese translation of the game, and I know there is a hub that has been formed for that purpose on our discord, though I'm not sure what progress has been made.

I understand, thanks for reply ^^!

Oh, I'm glad that's it, thanks for the reply!


I'm so exited for cruel season and I'm wondering is there an exact date for when it is coming out


We don't really give exact dates on releases or features; all these people just work on it in their free time, so its harder to predict timelines than, say, an actual job

(5 edits) (+5)

(Suggestion) What if it was possible to go to a gathering? Like there would be a button on the "events" tab, where you can choose who goes to the gathering. It then takes you to the gathering screen. Depending on where your clan is located. You would get a different background. Example: The beach clans gathering would be under an abandoned beach house or tide pools. And if you choose to go to the gathering, then there would be about 3-4 cats from other clans (Excluding med cats and leaders.). You can only choose up to 4 cats to come to the gathering along with your med and leader. There wouldn't be too much stuff going on, you would just be able to click on the cats there and see what they are doing/thinking. Next to the other cat's names would be what clan they were from. A new tab would be added to "cat list" tab. Where it's all the cats in other clans that your cats have met. Then after your cats meet them, they have a chance to show up on patrols. Also, the background changes depending on the season. <3 I know that this would take a while to implement, but if the devs do then it would be 100% worth it. :)


That would be really cool!

Yes! My leader had a litter of half-clan kits, and it would be so cool if I could somehow have a name to the other parent!

(2 edits) (+1)

When I open the game the first time after downloading it works but then if I close it and open it again I get this message. Is there any fix to this?

yes, there is! this seems to be an error generated by having the .exe outside of the folder with all the other stuff and trying to run the game. try putting the .exe back inside the folder and running it from there. you can put it onto your desktop by creating a shortcut.

hey, when I go to the clangen link it loads but my screen goes black. how do I fix this?

if you haven't already, please hop on the discord and post this in the tech support channel for the web version!


my computer crashed and when I tried to open it showed this error message is there any fix for it, I really don't want to lose my clan an cats 

Many of us also have been getting this error, I'd recommend keep the files as they are until next update, I got frustrated and reinstalled and the same error on a blank slate, so its to do with the resent update I think.

How do you get the new update? I've been unable to figure out how to update it. Thanks!

If you have one of the more recent versions of the game, it should auto update

I dont have one of the newer versions, how do I get it? is there a tut on youtube?


For the online game can u guys update it so we cat rename them and create there history and backstory? Please and thank you! 

I was just wondering today about if they're going to update the online version to be on par with the download version. Hope so.

the web version is run and made by a single person so be patient! it'll be updated eventually


btw, some suggestions!

the ability to influence litters. just as we have options to pick social aspects and such, it'd be nice if we could have an option to get a cat pregnant, whether with their mate, through an affair, or some unknown cat. 

adoption. i know cats can find abandoned kits or kits just be dropped off by non-clan members, but i hate that these kits may sometimes not have a caretaker! i also tend to add kits and apprentices first when creating a new clan, but the kits are left to fend for themselves and don't have a mother! it'd be nice if parentless kits, whether already part of the clan [say, starting the game with kits or their parents just died] or left by their birth parent, could be adopted by an adult cat.

non-medicine cats being able to go on herb patrols, without a medicine cat. i understand medicine cats are the ones who identify most of the plants needed, but what do i do when my medicine cat is injured and needs something more common, like cobwebs or poppy seeds? plus, a medicine cat could tell a warrior what exactly they need to look for, or even warriors with a medical interest who like to help in the medicine cat den!

we're able to click on the medicine den and see what our medicine cats are up to medically-wise. I was thinking about something similar for the leader's den. One of the key parts of the series was the warrior code. But in-game, there really isn't much around that. Maybe we could have options in the leader den, similar to how the settings menu is, that allows us to check what rules we would want the clan to follow. For example, forbidding leaders from having kits of their own or something. If a cat breaks their clan rules, they could potentially be punished. This could be anywhere between social outcast and death, depending on the relationship between the rule breaker and other cats, particularly the leader. Along with that, personality. A bloodthirsty cat might be more likely to kill the offender than say, a loyal one. Caring cats would be a bit more forgiving, and may decide that they deserve no punishment at all.

That's the end of my suggestions! Thanks for taking the time to read this and I'm excited for the next update! [no matter what it may bring!]


Wow! I would like to see those implemented as well.


hallo, just to let you know clangen's team isnt taking suggestions at the moment! but i do like your ideas ^^


I sometimes see my cats think about prophecies or a cat will talk about some propechy to a medicine cat.

is there a prophecy system or something planned for future updates, or are prophecies just a non-functional part of the game?

That would be cool! I hope they'll add that some day!

Deleted post

When’s the web-version going to get updated? 

whenever blackfur (the main coder) can update it! tho blackfurs in uni right now im fairly sure


the web-version is always behind. hopefully it will be updated during the next monthly update.


This isn't that big of a deal but I've noticed with the new update cats have thoughts like, "Tells the kits tall tales about how they became half-blind" and talking about how they lost their legs, when the cats aren't half-blind and haven't lost their legs.

This is my first time playing with this update and I've only been playing 20 minutes with a new clan and this has happened 3 times. I love the update - there's a bunch of really cool stuff! - just wanted to let you know.



known bug! should be fixed in next update

When I try to download I get a "failed: forbidden" message and the download stops. I made sure to download the correct one for my Windows but it still won't work

this could be either an issue with your computer admin settings or your antivirus throwing a fit.

I cant get clangen somehow, dunno why, i tried downloading multiple times

Did you download the one for your computer? If there isn't one for your computer (there's only Windows, Apple, Mac, and Linux) then you can try the online version! It also does not work on mobile.

Anyone know how to get the discord link? it says its expired here, also how do i make my game work? It keeps going back to the oldest version.

It is probably outdated, consitering it was posted last year.

Links usually only last 7 days for discord join links!

hiya cuppo! the discord link is , it should take you to the server. please join for further tech support with your issue :) -s


does someone know Hot to get a paralzed cat? Because i find them pretty

with a broken back or by being born this way ^^

I have the mass extinction option enabled (which states that up to 1/3 or 33% of my clan can die in a single moon), but I just had 18/39 (46%) of my clan die in a single moon from one "event" (they just disappeared overnight).

I'm on an old mac, I play the online version, only a few hours after starting to play it the screen would go black when it loads the "clan generator" on the name of the tag. I have no idea what to do.

May I please ask, how can you open the json files and edit them?! Microsoft doesn't have good or reliable json formatter apps for these files!

vscode is a preferred software, perhaps if you don't have or can't get that you could open it with notepad

i have a new issue got the game working for all of five minutes now if i try to save after changing a cats name it eather kills them or crashes the whole game without saving.

how did you get the game working?

I downloaded it from the windows 10+ file on my windows 8 and it worked but I still have this glitch

please join for tech support!

Re-downlaoding this as soon as I get to my grandma's :,)

I got a cat named nintendo hahaha

i've seen many other people deal with this too if anyone knows if its a bug or if its fixable please do

I was able to get it to start working again but I had to delete all my clans

Question: Define "delete all clans". I tried re-downloading the game all together and I still getting this error. Im guessing my old clans is saved somewhere in my computer and I don't know how to locate it.

I have been trying a while to fix it but it keeps giving me the old ver of the game ;-;


the online version is kinda glitchy, it won’t let me manually write anything 


Been like that for a good while now. It's not great relying on the random button for getting a Clan name close to the one you came up with but moreso annoying when there's cats that have the same first/second half name.

we prefer you download this version, as web version only has one coder who is currently in uni! so is always preferred over web :) -s


I downloaded clan gen yesterday and it did work for a while then, but this morning it just wouldn't work and whenever I tried opening it it just showed a black screen then made this thing pop up saying that two things were not existing, I reinstalled it multiple times and tried different versions but it still wasn't working, I can't provide screenshots because I didn't want to keep opening it just in case a virus was feeding off of it (I am aware that it shouldn't have viruses) and I deleted all documents that I downloaded (if necessary to mention though, I use windows 11, I used the 32x version most of the time and the 64x version twice)


how do u download it,im on Mac


apple Mac

above the development log it will show an apple symbol next to a downloading link, press the download button next to it, one it is downloaded, press 'open file' then scroll until you find a file just named 'ClanGen' extract the files into it then run, if it says dont run only if thats there and says a warning press 'learn more', 'more info' or whatever similar, and it will let u play, if you notice that the files logo still looks the same as it did before, head out of that document and find a document that looks similar and go on that one

have you joined the discord and asked for tech support help?

Deleted 1 year ago

Unzip the files by exporting them to a different folder, look in the folder for the application (it should be a white cat head with 4 stars in it), and click it. Your computer may think it is a virus, so simply press "Run anyways." There's also tutorials on Youtube! :)

Are cats with point markings still a thing? Since the update I didn't get any through breeding (even breeding two point cats) and through making a new clan.
I really looked for them a long time but can't find any more Q_Q


what are point markings

yes, clangen has multiple point markings -s



- maybe add an interactive clan meeting with the other generated clans?

- add what age kits can be apprenticed?

- have the art for patrols change based on which action you did (proceed, do not proceed, antagonize)?




I can't ply clan gen when I click on it say two manuscripts are missing.

same :(

join for tech support -s

I have got it but what do id od to get the game

you downloaded the windows version and you are on mac


please download the mac version!

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