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Um, is it intentionally or a mistake that I can make dead cats mates??? I just realized I could do this...Yeah, my StarClan cat and DF cat are mates now??? Can they have kits????

(1 edit) (+1)

you can, i consider it a roleplaying option and no they cannot have kits once they are dead. (as far as i am aware) for example if you want to roleplay it as 'these two cats were mates in life and were separated in death by their actions in life, they still meet up and the starclan border and consider eachother mates even now' 

but that is up to you

thanks! I was so confused :(((

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi! I've been playing for a couple days now and the cats recently encountered events that put them into shock. It says they've been hurt for "1 moon" but it's been several moons now and they're still in a state of shock and can't be used for patrols. Is there something I'm needing to do, is it oddly timed out, or did a bug happen? It's been 13 moons for three cats and 11 for the other. 

Even when sending out patrols to gather herbs and they bring back the one that specifically says it helps cats with shock, they never get better. Could it be because I'm playing Classic Mode?

yup- classic mode cats aren't meant to have conditions. There was a bug that would give them the shock condition, and because classic mode isn't supposed to have conditions, they can't recover. I'd suggest joining the discord to ask for help removing the conditions. 

Ah okay! Thank you!

this happened to me too, xD i just retired them since they were fairly old


Is there a way to make clanmates kill each other?

Click the cat you want to kill, go to the tab marked "Dangerous" and click "Kill cat".

make sure your killer is bloodthirsty, make them hate each other via a mediator, and then hope for the best. Murder is a lot of rng

how do I make them hate each other using a meditator? I’m really confused. I have a meditator, but I can’t change any relationship with different cats 


there's a little symbol above the mediator if you look on the Cat List. If you click it, it'll let you sabotage or mediate 2 cats' relationship.

Thank you!


Could someone help me find the game in my files pls? I found the executable file on my pc, it is called 'clangen' with a paper plane icon, it asked me if I wanted to execute the file, I clicked the execute button but it wouldn't do anything. (I'm on a raspberry pi 4 with linux 32-bit OS) Someone pls help me I've tried looking it up everywhere but nobody on the internet has posted anything about it for Linux

Please join the Discord server for tech help.

Deleted 275 days ago

Ask on the discord and people should be able to help you download the game.


How do download this on a chromebook?

If you go to the discord you should be able to find some help on how to download the game.


Is it possible to play on a chromebook? I've tried to download it but when I try to play it says that it is not compatible with chrome OS, I really enjoyed playing on my old pc and would like to on this one. Please help if possible.


Chrome-OS is made for prisons (uhhh schools I mean) aka it only runs webpages. Try a homebrewed console or windows/mac/linux pc


this is false - chromebooks absolutely can run clangen, and by extension any other game that has linux compatibility (from my understanding)


it is fully possible! we have instructions in our discord server and tech support on standby to help walk people through the process. i highly recommend popping in!

(1 edit) (+1)

Won't let me download this game on mac because my laptop says, "Apple cannot download this app because it cannot scan it for malicious software" is there any way to download it? or can I just not play it?

try this;

you don't necessarily need to do what the other commenter recommended - right-click the file and try to open it from the context menu that pops up

Thank you!

For some reason my computer says the download is a virus, and doesn't let me even open it. Know anything the can have? btw I have a elitebook 8470p compute


i can't update it to v0.8.7 for some reason? It just kinda stays at 0% for hours on end, I've never had any problems with updating the game before


is the online version going to get updated soon? i cant play the downloaded version cause of issues with my macbook, so i'm just wondering!

what issues are you having? is it popping up an error or something?


hey, I'm having trouble downloading the game as when I download the games it just takes me to the file used to code the game, and this really upsets me because I wish to play the not online version, but the file downloads are just not working, please help.


are you opening the clangen application? you have to scroll down a bit

(1 edit)

i fixed it thank you 


Hey! I just noticed the kit I have in my clan is paralyzed, and it just reached 6 moons, but won’t at all become anything other than elder. No matter how many times I refresh the game by leaving without saving and trying to reroll a response again, it’s always that they’d rather retire. I think this is a bit unfair and ableist, and that even if they can’t contribute as a warrior, they should still have the ability to atleast become a meditator, or become a apprentice without the ability to go on patrols, such as just helping around camp. It’s just kind of upsetting to see disabled cats being treated with the same ableism as in the books, it’s not fair to force them into retirement the second they are apprenticed. This isn’t a attack btw, I totally understand it’s just some pixels and that it’s not a big deal, i just felt I should share my feedback on this cause I find it sad that the stereotype of disabled people not being helpful is being implemented in a lot of my favorite stuff. :’) love this game though! This won’t stop me from playing, I really like clangen and I’ve been playing for like months, it’s a really fun game and I look forward to any future updates! 


there's actually a setting that prevents cats from retiring because of permanent conditions, and another one that allows retired cats to become mediators. i believe that retired cats with no "titles" still help around the camp as well. one of the kits in my save was born with lower body paralysis and retired as soon as he aged up, but had the description "camp keeper". also, some disabled cats don't retire. iirc i've had cats develop vision impairments or lose a tail/limb and still be able to go on patrols and such. ^w^


Can confirm, I have a cat who was born paralyzed and when he aged up he retired but his description was "Excellent kitsitter" and he ended up becoming mediator. I've also had blind cats, deaf cats, cats with missing limbs/tails, cats with seizures, etc. all be able to go on patrols. I had a deaf leader once too!


THANK YOU!!!! I’m so glad there’s a option to stop this cause it made me so upset that my cat had to retire the second she turned into a apprentice, it’s like her childhood was being taken away which not fit with my storyline that I made at all. 


when I download it, all it shows me is the files for the game, but not the actual game itself. Is there a way to fix this??

Some anti-viruses delete stuff that they believe is a virus, so turn off you anti-virus before you download the game and then download it. Also try searching ".exe" in the file so that you don't have to sift through the files. Hope this helps :]


Hello! I'm on windows 11 and whenever I try downloading this game all it does it take me to my files to look at other files- This is quite confusing. Is there a way to handle it?

Turn off your anti-virus before downloading the game since some anti-viruses delete the program thinking it's a virus, even though it's not. Then once you've downloaded the game, search ".exe" and look for the Clangen.exe program and run it, then you should be all good! Hope this helps :]


I would like to know how to play it because I downloaded it but cant play it

wdym you can't play it? what issues are you running into?

Its only available on Windows, Mac, and Linux, NOT in mobile just so u know


Turn off your anti-virus since some anti-viruses delete stuff they think are viruses, even though they aren't. Then search ".exe" in the file and run the Clangen.exe program. If you are having another problem then please say so :]

is there a way to download the game on a Chromebook because ive tried to look up tutorials but nothing really worked and if possible id like to play the non web version?

yes, you can play the game on Chromebook! There are detailed instructions and tech help on the discord :)

ohh okay tysm! i joined the discord at some point i didn't think of that:)

also just by the way is it in the dev ver tech help section? or am i just missing it

no, it should be in the pins for one of the tech support channels. They got a revamp recently so it might be in pins for an archived channel. 


Hi could the online game be fixed plz cause it isn’t working and I love playing it also could you make it not lose the cats you have made a clan with on it too?

The web version is quite glitchy since it isn't maintained as much as the downloadable game. I suggest you just download the game instead.

oh I can’t cause I play on ipad

Yeah, the web version isn't exactly programed to support mobile devices. I've heard that they are currently fixing the web version quite a bit but I'm still not sure if it will support mobile devices, sorry :'(

Hello I have been playing the online version of clan gen on my phone since I don’t have a computer. It hasn’t been working since I got the latest Apple iOS update a few months ago. It just shows a blue screen and won’t load. I’m wondering if this error is just on my end or if multiple people are having this problem. I love this game and would like to get back to playing it, so any help would be great.

The web version is currently broken, but the developer for it is working on it!

Okay thank you for the info.

(1 edit) (-1)

how do you update it online for apple iPad? Please answer soon, I love this game so much!

This game doesn't really work on mobile devices, plus the web version is kinda glitchy atm, sorry :[

Deleted 1 year ago

There is! If you join the discord you can ask in the tech-support-other and you'll get help with downloading it! :)


hi, I am an avid fan of the game and I downloaded the most recent update today, but I haven’t been able to play it for longer than 10 minutes! I exited the game to check on something, and suddenly I couldn’t open it again. An error message keeps coming up, saying that it’s open when I know it’s not, cause I shut the computer down and restarted it. I went to my brother who is much better with computers than me, and he tried a bunch of things and said that it probably is something wrong with the code. I don’t mean to point hands or be rude, but could you please check things over with the game? I really want to be able to play again, and I would be sad if I couldn’t.


this is probably on your end and not ours. I know a glitch was happening a while ago where the game would get stuck half-open and cause issues. Sounds like this might be a reoccurrence of that.
I'd suggest joining the discord to get tech help :)

(1 edit) (-1)

can you make one for a CB315-3H acer please and thx you

looks like thats a chromebook from a cursory google search, which we do support! i suggest heading onto our discord server for installation instructions, we have tech support there to help walk you through it too if you need!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

So, um I am having trouble with the game loading. I have deleted and redownloaded all the files. I've tried all of them. I have even tried all of them at once. Can you please help me?

There is a tech support channel in the discord server and there should be a lot of people able to help with problems like yours, so I suggest going there :]


I dont understand how too open the game help

download the file, then a .zip file should appear. right-click it and then click "extract all". a new file for clangen should appear, then open that and scroll down to the file that says "clangen" and has a starry clan symbol on it. click that and itll open


uhm i'm having a slight problem.

no matter how many times i delete and download the game again and again, i keep getting the file which means I keep getting the source code..

idk what I'm doing wrong, even with a video tutorial from other people on youtube I keep getting the source code somehow instead of the release.

do you get the clangen file as well?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

I wish that in the allegiances tab you could see surrounding clans and well as your current relationship with them. And Although it would take alot of work, I also think it would be cool if you could see cats you've met from other clans, like you can see loners and kittypets you've met


Yeah, right now I just write down the other clan names in the leader's history tab. Also it would be good to see what the outsider relationships as well. Plus, and this probably won't be added, but what if certain cats can have relation ships with cats from other clans/outsiders, maybe one cat really hates a cat from another clan because they killed their brother, or a cat likes a cat from another clan, stuff like that.


you can! theres a cat outside the clan button on your clan roster page

(2 edits) (-5)

This is without a doubt a great game for Warriors fans. Those books are straight nostalgia for me. Though I do recommend always playing in extended mode because it just has better gameplay in my opinion. SableSteel, if you are interested I have some suggestions. I would love for you to add these features ,but I understand if you can't.

To start off, make the game more cannon please. Especially with medicine cats. Medicine cats cannot accept mates or kits. And it annoys me so much when I click the choose mates button and I see medicine cats as options. that is just a preference, so if other people don't like that please just make it a setting.

Another suggestion is a better mating tab. I would like their to be filters where I could filter out pair that could not have kits or elders as an example. I feel like it could make it more organized. Overall the mate tab is a bit chaotic. The only tell if they would like each other is the heart. Which could be confusing for beginners, therefore I wish you could see the cats relationships with each other. 

I already now there is an extended game mode, but the extended is not extended enough. There should be a way to tell if their is enough kill in the kill pile to sustain your clans. There should be a more in depth way to maintain your clans relationship with the surrounding clans. Also I would like if their was better chemistry system. Also any cats should be able to collect herbs.

I think that concludes my suggestions, that you for reading! Thank you for reviving ClanGen! 

Edit; Chill, I was not hating on t he game. Just suggestions!


1 - letting med. cats have mates is more canon, as forbidden romances are surprisingly common

2 - there is a way to see if they like eachother beside the hearts, which is the relationships tab that includes the "romantic like" sat.

3 - maybe in cruel season? :o


There actually used to be a hunger system in the dev version i believe, but its been temporarily removed for now. I think they've also hinted at adding a system to see certain cats from other clans too, but i'm not 100%

(1 edit) (+1)

By messing a bit with files you can have it on (tbh I tried and it worked fairly easily ! )


the prey system is being worked on right now, you can turn it on but its not competely fuctional right now and we dont recommend it ! <3 


In the recent updates the devs have updated the mating tab pretty close to what you are describing :) Also the devs apparently have a lot of ideas in the works rn so they aren't taking any suggestions, which is understandable.


how to play this I tried every thing !!!!🤔🫤

Download file that matches computer type, unzip/extract file, search something like "Clangen", double click "Clangen.exe", should run.

If something comes up saying the program might be a virus, just ignore it or continue on, this isn't a virus. Can go into more detail if u want, hope this helps :)

you should allow any patrols to do med patrols even if med is not there just incase med gets sick and they need herbs cus my med DIED and there were no other cats to relplace them :|


What do u mean by "There were no other cats to replace them"? Can't you just convert one of your cats to a med cat in the roles menu?

I play all my games in extended mode. I believe it would be amazing if you were able to keep track of fresh kill the same you keep track of herbs in the med den. This would also give a purpose to sending your cats out on hunting patrol, since at the moment it's one of the patrols with the least amount of effects on the clan

Someone said this was an option in the dev mode, but for now it has been taken out. Maybe we'll see this in the future or in Cruel season :o

this is possible to toggle in the dev mode but currently does not work exactly as intended. we're still working on it ^^


Is there a way to change the text size on the web version? It's very small and difficult for me to read

Idk if there is, I don't play the web version. But you should probably just download the game instead since the web version has been known to be kinda buggy

The game has not really worked for me whenever I have tried downloading it so that is not really possible for me, but thank you anyway.

How do you add mods and download them. Or how do you edit the cats?? :)

Idk about mods, but I think you could find the answer to that on discord

As for editing cats, open the game, go into settings and click the Open Data Directory button in the bottom left corner, then open the folder with the clan that you want to edit and look for the clan_cats.json file. There will be a loooooooooong list of all the cats you have and you'll be able to edit everything. Hope this helps :) (Btw, never done this before, so this might not work, but I'm assuming this is how you do it)

when i try to download it, after the download is complete, it says that the file is not found, i tried few  but each time the same

When you download the game, make sure to turn off your virus detector, certain ones will think the game is a virus when it isn't and will delete the game. Hope this helps :]

hello. When i try to download this game- my computer says it's unsafe and wont let me open it. Im on mac. Do you know how to get around this? How can i safely download it? I don't know how ;(

Go to settings then security and privacy, see if it can allow

hello :) im pretty new to and stuff but i downloaded the game before the update and it hasn't updated? i rlly dont want to lose all my progress as ive gotten attached to all my clans. is there a way to update or do i have to start all over?

Unfortunately, you will have to download a new version of the game in order to get the automatic downloader. But downloading a new version will not remove the older version from your computer. So, if you still want to play with the clans that you are attached to. You can. <3

ty <3


You can move your saved clan to the new game, you'll have to go through the settings to the data directory (Button in the bottom left corner), go into the saves folder, and copy + paste your clan folders into the new game. That should work, hope it helps :)


could this game eventually become a app? I can’t afford a computer qwq

I'm not sure if the devs are working on making this game an app atm since that would require quite a bit of work, but I think they are fixing the web version a bit. The web version doesn't exactly support mobile devices but I think that is the closest you can get rn. Hope you can get a computer soon :]

we arent working on app version :)



- the game will not have an app version as far as im aware. this is to do with copyright and the python which mobile uses being quite different to the one used for our game!

- the web version is an alternative, but it only has a team of around 4 coders and the main coder is in university right now. its essentially like rebuilding the game from scratch and everyone has their own projects they want to do, so web has no schedule, more if the coders want to work on it.

tdlr; no

It won't let me open, when i try to open the application out of finder it says '

'“Clangen” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.'

Although I don't have Apple (I have Windows) so I'm not sure if it works on Apple, but when I get a message like that I click 'learn more' and I find a button that says 'continue anyway' or something like that.

I'm not sure if this works on Apple, but I hope it helps!

right click open! :)

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