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I have got the folder already

the games got the folder/file but I don't know which one to get in to play the game

im tryg to download


if anyone is here, pls help I have been playing the online one and watching YouTube art the dowloaded one anti makes big difference ,please someone help


 are you trying to transfer your progress on the online one to the downloaded one.?


I don't even have the game, but if I do that it would be nice to transfer my progress into the downloaded on

 since its a zip, you need to extract it if thats what you mean

also im not sure if youre able to transfer progress since its online.. sorry


which zip

You can't transfer saves from online to download


how do I download the games already have the folders do I wait fro it to finish downloading everything


I love this game its really fun managing ur own clan when your a wc fanatic


How does this work with the paralyzed cat bec they have very pretty skins and i dont know where or how to get them can someone give me a tip?

you don't need to do anything special to get them if you have the latest version! you just have to get cats that are either born paralyzed or become paralyzed due to a condition, like a broken back.

the patrol where you find a loner by the thunderpath tends to have cats with a broken bone or back.

Deleted 1 year ago

What are you trying to play it on?

I downloaded the source code I dunno if i download the right file but all I see is all the sprites, text, legal file or whatever  in my files but not the actual game help i’m on mobile on apple if that helps 😭

I don't think the game on mobile 

Yea, you can't play it on moblie. though you can do the online version.

the online version is currently broken iirc?

I'm having an issue where the application just simply won't open, nothing pops up, it just doesn't open. I've done everything needed to open it, I've extracted the needed files, but it still doesn't work.


Does anyone know how to fix this?  


ive been having the exact same problem :((

I'm also have the problem

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I dunno what to do. Can some one help?

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try disabling your antivirus so your python dll isnt getting moved or quarantined anywhere else first


I have a suggestion: if clanmates being able to kill/hurt each other gets added, the parent or mentor of the cat who killed/hurt another clanmate will react either disappointed, sad, or angry.

I actually think that happens to an extent, I've had things happen where its like "Weedclaw gets into a fight with clanmate over leadership." and sometimes when you look at the cats description after they've healed it'll say "Weedclaw was left scarred after a fight with a clanmate." I've had bloodthirsty cats scar and kill cats in their own clan it's just rare. the only thing that isn't in the game is others reactions to this

Yeah, I once had a bloodthirsty and fierce leader some months back. Ended up driving like- at least 4 cats to their deaths

I want to play this on a Lenovo Think-pad. Any chance you could add a version for it? If so, Thank you!

Does anyone know how to fix this? Please help I can't play the game

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try disabling your antivirus so your python dll isnt getting moved or quarantined anywhere else first


ty! I'll try it

It worked! ty again!


Does anyone know how to get a cat into bloodclan?

bloodclan isn't in this game, do you mean the dark forest? you can go to the dead cats profile in starclan and click on the dangerous button on the far right, click "exile to dark forest"


If you want, you can make your own Bloodclan by just naming your clan Bloodclan!

Hey does anyone know how to fix this thing on windows where when i try opening clan gen it says "Index error : list index out of range" 

It looks like this:

Unzip the main base game library

how do i get into the game

(1 edit)

I'm new to this and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Someone, please help! What do I do? I have Windows 11 if that helps... I don't know what to download or how to open the game

don't worry, you've downloaded the right file! when you scroll down, there should be a single application to run called ClanGen - that's the game! 

Hey I found a glitch where sometimes if a kit becomes a medicine cat it's given a warrior mentor instead of a medicine cat And sometimes if I try to fix it my game crashes


Can anyone help me out? 

I figured it out! Unzip the base game library and it will fix.

I've also had this problem and tried this and it still shows this error.

I moved it to my desktop, unzipped that file and I made a shortcut on my desktop. Idk if this matters, but that's part of it

I can't seem to be able to open it up, can someone give me a simple way of opening the file I need to use the game?

after you download clangen you extract the files and then scroll down on the extracted clangen and press the option in the files that says clangen twice that should open it and make it work

thank you

hi all, i think there's a bug where it doesn't let me set apprentices to medicine cat apprentices. does anyone know about this or know how to fix it?

I can't play my Clangen anymore. It says "could not fine" I've tried both versions for my laptop but neither will work.

P.s. I was able to play it before but then I updated it and this started happening. Can someone help me please? I'm dying to get back to my cats!

ive been having the same problem :(

Try typing in clangen it will show

after an update there's a zipped file. Unzip it and it should work, at least for me

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try disabling your antivirus so your game isnt getting moved or quarantined anywhere else first

Hey! I recently started playing ClanGen on GitHub but after about a week or so of playing the loading screen won’t show the opening page, it’s just black. Anyone know what to do, or will I not be able to get back into the game?

The same thing happened to me, but now it’s working again, I just don’t have my clans. I have no idea how to fix it

try clearing site data. Maybe that happened to Hazelshade. you'l lose your clans but the site should work. its a bit finicky since Blackie is the only one working on it to get it updated, so if it doesnt work give them some slack!

I've tried both windows 32 and 64 and I cannot get this to work. I've tried deleting everything i've downloaded and trying again. Keeps saying the python file cant be located?  :(

did you extract the files and open the file that says clangen?

Yes, multiple times i've tried

then idk im having a similier problem

Does anyone know how to cure cats who are in shock? In conditions it says “has been hurt for one moon” but it’s been multiple moons

(1 edit)

That shows how long they have been hurt for so far not how long till its over. It takes multiple moons till they heal from shock. 

So if it’s been a lot of moons and it still says “hurt for one moon” it’s probably a glitch? none of the cats who are in shock have recovered.

yeah then thats prob a glitch

idk where to put issues with the game but i will start here i guess. for pc context i play on a late 2013 imac desktop and i got his error message when trying to open the game after placing it in my applications after doing some of the game installation. hopefully this gets fixed i really wanna play this game!

right click opening should fix that

click the question mark on the malware pop-up, and from there it should direct you to a page that gives some info on how to fix it. i did that and from there i clicked this little link that directed me to a page that allowed me to open clangen w/o any issue.


Go to settings > Security & privacy > then allow clangen

how do i even play it, i have no idea how to download it or anything

I installed the correct one (linux), but i see neither Clangen.exe or I even tried installing the second one but it was the same. i just wanna play cat game :(

did you extracted the files after downloading clangen?

yeah, still nothing. There is something called Clangen that i tried to open a few times, but it just wont? nothing pops up at all.

then idk

Hi! Open files, and find the folder named Clangen. Scroll down in the files until you see one named Clangen. Click on that, and allow it to extract the files. Then scroll down and click on file titled Clangen, with the warrior cats symbol next to it.

Hope this helps! <3

hey! please join for this issue, theres a pinned guide for linux in the #tech-support-other channel. -s

are you trying to get the source code version? that might be an issue and you have to make sure you have the right linux. Chromebooks use 2.31, and other devices use 2.35.

I have found two bugs that I believe have been caused by the new update, first off is that no cat in my clan (that I made today after updating) is a female, the next is cats talking about missing a leg even when they have all of theirs.

permanent condition specific thoughts are somewhat broken right now

None of your cats being female is probably just rng. 

It's pretty funny rng tbh


Hello, I'm having problems with the dev version of clangen. I did everything the same as before, but now the game doesn't start, freezes, and thonny writes about the error. Does anyone maybe know what the problem is?

It's just cause of the update.... I think ;-;

Are you looking foward to adding a peaceful Gamemode for those who are looking out for a cozy game? Or an setting where you disable letal events.

That is Classic Mode

Ik, I just wished we had the same options, it's hard finding new cats to join the Clan through Classic mode :(

there is one for the latter, go into Settings from the menu and diable 'allow mass extinction events.'

I have also been having that pop up. but my clan gen still opens

(3 edits)

Weird, mine doesn't open or load after the pop up appeared and all I did was download the windows64 version, extract it, and open it

Does anyone know a way to fix it?

Edit: ive also tried using the windows32 version and that is having the same problem. this started after i tried to switch clans after getting the new version so maybe its something to do with that?

I'm having the exact same issue


hey so the web version isn't working?? like it's not loading at all, the downloaded version is fine but the web just won't start. is there a reason why?

Its to be excpected, Blackfur is the only dev working on it for the new updates now so until they finish converting (web uses python 2 and clangen uses python 3) its prone to glitches.

Heya! I just started playing and multiple cats from the beginning of my play of it saying they have the shock condition and won't be able to work, and it'd last one moon. But it hasn't been clearing up for any of the cats? I'm unsure on how to resolve that ^^"

I find it takes 2-6 moons for a cat to recover from shock.

(2 edits)

hi! The extract all button is all gray so it won’t let me extract it

So I’m wondering if this is a problem with clangen or just a problem with my computer

Problem resolved

Did you download the version for your type of computer? That could be the problem, otherwise idk lo

I did but I’m assuming it has to do with my computer

(1 edit)

when i first downloaded it, it was doing rlly well! but then I screwed everything up somehow by pinning the application to my taskbar. and now when i tried to open the application the next day, it gave me some error and basically told me it wont open. i decided to delete everything and download it again, and when that happened the application didn't even show up with the extracted files. i don't understand why but i don't know what to do. :'D

edit: I found the problem yayyy

Deleted 1 year ago

is this available on chrome?

yep! Linux download 2.31, extract file by running tar .xz, then ./Clangen in the new folder

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