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Does anyone know how to open it on chromebook?

if it's a school chromebook you most likley can't, if it's not if you go to the files it should have a zip you can extract there

(1 edit)

You should be able to, but you would have to make a Linux environment! You can join the ClanGen discord and check out the pins in the tech-support-other for more information.

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)

Am I able to download this on a chromebook? It isn't Windows or Mac, I'm not actually sure what it is. Can someone please let me know if this will work on my computer haha. 

if you're trying to play on a school chromebook it most likely won't work, if it isn't a school one you might be able to find the zip file to extract in the places your files are located

Which download

(1 edit)

You would get the one of these -- whichever one is appropriate for your computer.

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)

Thanks Paradigox

i've seen some comments 5-7 days about the web option needing more time to be fixed and/or updated, so im just wondering if thats been fixed and its just my computer or if it hasent been fixed etc yet

Mine doesn't work either- idk 

(1 edit)

I answered PWOOOOOOOOOOOO's question above about the web version!

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)

But how do you get the web option

(3 edits)

Kinks are still being worked out as far as i'm aware.
(Edit: i mean for me it works fine now, but i had to reload a couple times lol, and it's a little bit behind in terms of updates.)
But to answer your question, it's

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, this will take some time. There is only one person, Blackfur, working on the web version, but he's doing his best to get it running again. It definitely isn't your computer!

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)


Question: when will cruel season mode be out? I'm very Excited for It FR 

but like... why do the queens go on patrols??


I'm not sure either, i like keeping track of the queen to the kits and avoid patrols until those kits are apprentices in the meantime.


If possible could an upcoming update have poly relationships?? I have 3 cats that all have romantic love for eachother but poly relationships arent an option :( GREAT GAME THO!

Hi! I was wondering if the issue with the game taking up so much space was fixed? I had to wipe my laptop after downloading this game and playing often


Omg, I just got a loner cat called - ``Missile Launcher``


Some of the loner names are great! I got one named Taco Bell the other day lmao

I got one named Evilface'Fur

(1 edit) (-2)


*cries in can't update and i tried but i'm about to try again and keep you updated*

*cries in i still cant*

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a plan for cats to be able to come back from being lost? Thank you for working so hard for our entertainments :)


yup! it's just not here yet

i'm not sure if this is happening for anyone else, but sometimes when i make a clan, i will save it, go back to the main menu and it will say ''error accured: could not load last clan'' or something like that, and i lose the last clan i was playing on. does anyone know how to fix this

(1 edit)

not a dev or anything but i think sometimes the clan may not save properly, triple save when the clan is made.


When was the most recent update?

Also, is there a way to convert a Clan in a older version to the newer version?


Two questions!
- when cats are lost (taken by twolegs, etc) is there a chance of them ever coming back?

- can cats automatically go to the dark forest upon death, or do you have to manually send them there?

Thanks to the devs for all the hard work, this game is super fun and I've been loving the recent updates!


i hope so

i dont think either can happen...


lost cats cannot currently come back
if you exile your starclan guide to the dark forest then all your cats will go there, but there's no way for the game to decide who was evil and who wasn't


can someone here make a mod with custom pronouns?

Hello! You need translate game on Russian? (however, there will be a small problem there, since in Russian animals are called feminine or masculine, they are not called neuter) 


as pronouns. We call "this cat strong, she  is very strong", not " This cat strong, it is very strong"

I'm not the dev or mod, but! I think the code would need to be changed because Russian language doesn't have any gender-neutral pronouns, so it might be an issue...

both my medicine cats died and now all the other cats are dying, how do i get a new medicine cat?

Hi! You can click on a cat that you would like to be a medicine cat, and then change their roles from the role menu!


(1 edit)

Hi, when I try to download the game it wont let me open it because it says I have to buy WinZip! I do not want to purchase this, but I really want to play it. Is this supposed to happen? Ive tried to download it three times.

(1 edit)

you gotta extract the file

You should be able to extract the game in your Windows explorer. It has a native extraction in the top hotbar, if I'm not mistaken.

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)


Hello i am wondering if there will be a playable version on chrome books because this caught my eye but i have a chrome book which is not going to work with it so yeah

Anyway have a wonderful day/night

Not a dev, but there is a version you can play on browser. 

Thank you do you know how to get to it tho.

Yes, you can play on Chromebooks. One of our tech support helpers, Stormpaw, has written instructions in the pins in the tech-support-other channel in the ClanGen server on how to do so.

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)


I know someone already asked this but…

could you ask someone who is good at coding to add custom pronouns?

I would suggest joining the discord and asking if any modders would be interested in adding that.  There's no plans to add it to the official version of the game.


i dont have discord. and I'm not allowed on it either


Can YOU ask a modder?

You would need discord to get the mod if I did, so it seems like you wouldn't be able to access it even if a mod was made.


For those who are concerned about the game containing a virus!

I put the ZIP file of the game into Virustotal and 2/65 antiviruses flag the file as malicious.
There are two files (surface.cp38-win_amd64.pyd and Clangen.exe) that are marked as malicious by several anti-viruses and that they supposedly contain Wacatac trojan. But as far as I understand only lesser-known antiviruses mark the files as trojan. Kaspersky, McAfee and Microsoft Defender seem to be fine with all of the files.
I'd say that the game is pretty much safe

I just downloaded the game and two of my cats got lost!! Is there a way to find them?

I don't think so. I've also had cats get lost and the game kinda treats it like a death. In my playthroughs, I've never gotten a lost cat to come back.

When the cat dies, can you find them in Starclan?

I had a cat who was lost die recently, and they went to Starclan. So yeah, seems so


is the update safe for macbooks? will i get a virus?

i wanna know too

its totally safe. because its not a big program your mac might say its a virus but its not. :)

does closing and reopening the game reset relations w other clans? ive also noticed that i get a "the war with [clan] has begun" a lot even though there's supposedly already an ongoing war (im sorry for commenting so much, i just play this game obsessively ^^")

(3 edits) (+7)(-2)

hey devs! me and a few other people have noticed some malicious code being used. we have checked and it is not a false positive*, and there are multiple cases of heavily impactful and dangerous trojans being used. i doubt that this was on purpose, but please please be more mindful and scan for stuff in code before implementing it. please do something about this as soon as you can

edit: a randsomeware trojan was found in this game! please do not install until addressed or removed. way too much to risk it

edit: *theres a 90% chance that these are false positives, however, i wish these disclaimers were more clear at what exactly it marks it as and why. people looking up what trojans windows thinks it is and getting scared abt it. please be more clear abt exactly why it would flag it as a false positive

Gonna copy paste my reply to the person below with one minor addition because I think it's a good idea to reply to this too.

A mod just confirmed that it's *definitely* a false positive, since clangen isn't verified officially it apparently is a pretty common thing (they aren't verified because it takes a lot of money and paperwork). They encourage people who are still worried to view the code and see for themselves.


omg! will i get hacked? im gonna uninstall!

(1 edit)

I wanted to find out the same thing before I install the new update is it 100% safe? Has anyone installed it to check? I honestly really like the game and I would like to play it safely.  

nothing has happened with mine; foreign files are often marked as malware even when they're not by computers, its just a safety precaution. the mods have stated, as seen in other comments, that it is a false positive. its not dangerous.


Hello! I'm the mod being referenced in many of the comments.  I can assure you that there is no trojan virus in the code.  This is a problem that has been reported before and ClanGen is also frequently flagged and deleted by most AntiVirus programs.  The FAQ above does mention this.   Keep in mind that the code is completely open source and free to view at any time by anyone, so anyone who is worried can view the code for themselves to check for anything malicious.  Additionally, we have many coders who contribute to the game and review any code that is going to be added, especially when it's code from someone new, so it's unlikely that any viruses would ever end up in the code.

''My device flagged this as a virus!,,

"That's probably a safe move by the computer; this is an executable file that is not, in the scheme of things, very commonly downloaded. But this file is safe. You might have to play around with your antivirus or security settings to allow it to download; usually if you hit something along the lines of 'more information' it will allow you to proceed." - scrolling up


Hello! I'm the mod being referenced in many of the comments.  I can assure you that there is no trojan virus in the code.  This is a problem that has been reported before and ClanGen is also frequently flagged and deleted by most AntiVirus programs.  The FAQ above does mention this.  

Keep in mind that the code is completely open source and free to view at any time by anyone, so anyone who is worried can view the code for themselves to check for anything malicious.  Additionally, we have many coders who contribute to the game and review any code that is going to be added, especially when it's code from someone new, so it's unlikely that any viruses would ever end up in the code.

(2 edits) (+4)

my computer has flagged and removed this game as a trojan when i tried to boot it up today. i wont feel comfortable redownloading the game until this is fixed or explained, a couple other people have brought this up too without any dev response.

edit: while investigating we found these are likely false positives (maybe only in the 64 version) but they are pretty alarming false positives that several people are experiencing.


same thing happened for me too

A mod just confirmed that it's *definitely* a false positive, since clangen isn't verified officially it apparently is a pretty common thing. They encourage people who are still worried to view the code and see for themselves.

there should probably be a clear disclaimer somewhere since a false positive for something so severe is a bit scary to see.

Oh I'm just relaying info, I'm not a mod or anything. A mod just said on the discord server that it wasn't real.

Hello! I'm the mod being referenced in many of the comments.  I can assure you that there is no trojan virus in the code.  This is a problem that has been reported before and ClanGen is also frequently flagged and deleted by most AntiVirus programs.  The FAQ above does mention this.   Keep in mind that the code is completely open source and free to view at any time by anyone, so anyone who is worried can view the code for themselves to check for anything malicious.  Additionally, we have many coders who contribute to the game and review any code that is going to be added, especially when it's code from someone new, so it's unlikely that any viruses would ever end up in the code.

Deleted 1 year ago

Maybe this was already asked but I didn't see anything, is there any plan to add more variety or fur patterns/hue or eye hue? I love the accessories btw. Like half my cats have them and they are so adorbs.

Yup! We're constantly adding to the cat's sprite possibilities.

yay! Thank you for working so hard☺️

(1 edit) (+1)

Any consideration on adding a Main character/protagonist role please? Something that keeps them safe from random timeskip death? I keep trying to write out my fanfics but my protags keep dying really early or halfway through ^^”

I absolutely love the new additions with the medicine cat stuff!!


what i do if a cat that i like dies is save every moon before progressing and then when they die i restart the game; its really tedious though so yeah i agree that this kind of thing would be cool (but idk how difficult it would be to code)

I literally go in the code and edit it to revive my dead cats lol

(1 edit)

idk if anyone has pointed this out/experienced this but i got a medcat den glitch where some of the cats shown to be in the med den are duplicated ? its very minor and honestly kinda funny but yeah ^^"

edit: i think its bcs the cats have more than one condition/injury

I've had that too! Don't know why but I think it is with cats who have two conditions?

Brah, mah cats performed mitosis

If anyone here uses the web version, the reason it wont load because is they are updating it to the newest version.

did anything get updated? there was an update like 13 hours ago


The person updating it said they were struggling and needed more time because something changed, please be patient! :]

what got updated and/or added?

Im on mac and it still can't open properly


Are there any plans to add a manageable fresh-kill pile? It might make the hunting patrols feel more purposeful.

yup! it's in the works

There is something to do with the freshkill pile in the code so it is definitely coming

i've kind of run into a repetitive issue that may just be a small gameplay nitpick but- i use classic mode occasionally to fully spectate a clan, hands off the wheel. however uh. everyone keeps dying. like everyone. and i HAVE to interfere by forcing mate pairs or picking out new deputies/med cats which is. not what i want to do. do i just have bad luck or do i really have to have some part in what's happening?

I've had the same problem on one of mine too? There is a setting so that leaders can choose a new deputy but I get what you mean by having to pick mates instead of them just doing it automatically!  It could be a bug? Or something else?

cats can decide to become mates themselves, if youre playing the latest version, i mostly play the expended version, but they should be able to make mates themselves

Does the web version still work? Beacause it isnt working for me?

(2 edits)

same here

Edit: it’s apparently being updated!!

Its being updated to the newest version.

Ah, alright thanks! :)

Not sure if it's a bug or an oversight, but I noticed an interaction where a cat romantically promised to wait for the other to be a warrior- when that cat, already was one ahah. I believe this was a moon after they graduated, so i don't think it was an overlap error between the interaction and the name update? Very minor quirk, but it was a funny little inconsistency.

sorry to ask two questions in the span of like an hour that have probably little to no use but will the filter/search options be expanded upon later? i have a terrible memory and itd be useful but obvs not necessary hehsdj

There's no immediate plans to expand it further, but it might be smth we do in the far future.  

are there any plans to try and implement pronouns instead of defaulting to they/them (including maybe custom pronouns)? i know it'd probably take an annoying amount of work so i get it if that's not on the agenda lmao

It's not something we plan to add.  They/them works well as a default and it would be a massive amount of work to change it at this point, as well as difficult to determine what pronouns a cat should use.  Keeping it neutral is our preference!

thats cool!! i get it completely, that makes perfect sense ^^ just thought id ask

(1 edit) (-7)

could you maybe ask someone who is really good at github to add pronouns? i think i might wanna do xe/xem, or even do it/its for strange or rebel cats?


what the fuck do you mean by it/its for mentally ill cats


i edited it :)


that doesnt change the fact that you said something disgusting 

(3 edits) (+1)(-11)

Hey, just wondering when you're planning to release chaos mode woooo, and I have a question. Could you at some point in the future make a setting that allows you to turn off LGBTQ + on your cats, I'm as you call strait and I'd like an option to turn off gay interactions and clan members changing their gender.  Just a suggestion, thanks for reading this any way. Also, super exited for CRUEL SEASON Woooooo :]


is that homophobic or smth?


No this is just being godly.

Deleted 1 year ago

being straight doesn't mean you get to be queerphobic honey gay cats exist irl deal with it


i understand turning off trans cats, but i dont understand wanting to turn off gay cats


yeahh id still be iffy w turning off trans cats but like. the cats from this franchise are basically humans put in the body and environment of a stray cat its basically asking to turn off a natural part of life yk lol


im a trans cat irl /j (abt the cat part) and i honestly would like to at least be in control of which cats are trans. i don't like when the story in my head has to be drastically changed :(


You do have that control! You can always un-trans or get real specific with their gender via the Personal Tab in their profile


being trans doesnt mean the story has to be drastically changed! i think its nice when someone just has a character who is casually trans and its not important otherwise


I think you have your biology mixed up, honey.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO bro it takes a quick google search to learn that male cats have been known to mate/attempt to mate with each other, as is the same for female cats. over 450 species of animals worldwide have been documented displaying homosexual activity. have you never read an article on gay penguin couples LMAO

edit addition: 450+ species of animals that have shown homosexual behavior and only one is capable of homophobia


Have you ever heard the term "Don't believe everything on the internet?

Also, that's called sin, which means ITS BAD. I honestly hope you guys see the truth and no longer take the disgusting LGBTQ+ world seriously.


???? ITS *EXTREMELY* WELL-DOCUMENTED LMFAO. its not just some random internet bs its literally something that has been recorded for DECADES by PROFESSIONAL RESEARCHERS. also do you know about the blind bisexual goose? or the genderfluid lioness? no? then dont talk

also i cant control the fact that im queer so guess ill be a sinner! god loves all his children though doesnt he? why would he want them to be tortured for eternity if he loves all of us? hell is never mentioned in the bible btw, and many things in that book are mistranslations. not to mention the misogyny and racism liiike... you really wanna follow that thing word-for-word?

cultural genders have also been recorded to exist as far back as ancient egypt, and in most cultures being queer was fully accepted. its only bcs of white colonization and christian takeover that it started being deemed gross. i have catholic friends who are queer and would HATE you by the way. ive even met a non-binary priest!

being queer is WIRED INTO YOUR BRAIN. it cannot be controlled. i couldnt be a cis girl if i wanted to because im NOT ONE. why do you hate queer people so much? did we kill your family?? like damnnn


Hello! I'm one of the devs.  We won't be adding a setting for LGBTQ cats.  We've already discussed it in depth.  Many of the people on our team are queer and aren't interested in creating a "toggle" to turn off those parts of the game.  If you really want to avoid having it in game, I would suggest looking into modding the game to your specifications.  


Welp, you have  just lost 3 players than,  I hope you see the errors of you ways


And I will look into modding


NOBODY CARES LOL im pretty sure everyone is glad you arent playing. its 2023 get your head out of your ass and accept that queer people AND animals exist and do NOT need your permission to, and that we need to NORMALIZE their existence. "the error of your ways" what? the error that a queer mod team is uncomfortable creating a setting that erases their existence? or are you dancing around queer slurs rn. im a transmasc person who has multiple partners do i scare you are you going to call me the silly little f slur

(sorry to mods ONLY for being so aggressive but the queerphobia is ridiculous LMFAO)


Hehehe, this is so dumb, all I was asking is a way for all people to enjoy this game and now everybody is just trying to roast me! I was being calm and respective, just saying the truth, and you are all out saying AAAH ur so STUPID AND MEEEHG MEH BLA BLA BLA. Also normalizing that crap is the wrong thing  every body needs. HAVE YOU SEEN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW? Also, no, it's not slur, it was a simple question which you took as an insult and a attack.


you can enjoy the game with gay cats just fine my friend. also yeah i see the world rn—i see minorities like us queer people being killed in the streets for existing. i see minorities being framed for crimes they didnt fucking commit. i see minorities being fucking brutalized for no reason. and i see people like you caring more about a centuries old book than the mental health and wellbeing of other people.

also i never said you called me a slur, i said youre dancing around it lmao. i take it as a fucking insult because IM queer and you think my existence interferes with yours, and that you have a right to tell other queer people what to do with the content THEY produce.

when i see queer people accepted and normalized, i see happiness and the world progressing to a better place. when i see them being shunned and attacked, i see them being fucking murdered.

we do NOTHING to harm you by fucking existing. me kissing my boyfriends and calling myself a guy is not going to hurt you or anyone else. im 16 years old and somehow im more mature than your queerphobic ass. i do not owe you kindness, i do not owe you a civil discussion, i do not owe you ANYTHING because you want me dead for accepting myself as i am.

white non-queer abled neurotypical christians are not being killed en masse for their identities or how they look or their societal struggles. stop acting like the scary queers are oppressing you when youve been killing them for years, i just wanna be gay with my partners lol

god would be disappointed in you for condemning his children for who they are. if you’re really religious, you’d follow his word and love everyone. i’m not even religious and i could be a better christian than you.


That's fine with us :) We've got plenty of people who love the game the way it is, including us! And at the end of the day, creating a game we love is more important than pleasing you and your homophobia.


clangen moderator scribblecrumb you are so cool and swag /gen /pos

i hope your pillows are the exact temperature you prefer tonight :)


Here, I'm just writing to thanks you and all the devs for your hard work and because I'm amazed by how well you handled this person. I would have probably gave up, I can't handle homophobic peoples.  - a french girl fan of your game

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Ma'am/sir/my guy, this is a game about fictional cats in a forest. Not Super Jesus Christ RPG. We don't care about whatever tf is sinful to you. Also, this isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


May be a little late now, but you can always get a mediator and slowly lessen cats relationships by sabotaging them with "impact romantic relationships" turned on, keep going until neither has a romantic interest, turn "impact romantic relationships" off again and mediate the relationship back to normal. It works most effectively if you check cat's romantic relationships every few moons.

I currently have 46 alive cats and no dead cats at all (Except for the starclan guide of course) in one of my clans. The clan is only 29 moons old lol

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