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Dear fellow human beings,

In case you might need to know, to transfer save data from version to version you must follow the steps listed below.

1. Search for "clangen" in the search bar right next to the windows logo and open file location

2. Right click on clangen and open file location again

3. Scroll all the way down and open the folder titled "Saves."

4. Copy all of the things in the folder to your clipboard (This includes the clanlist, clan text documents, and clan folders)

5. Download the new version you would like to transfer your data to (Make sure not to delete the old version with your data!)

6. Extract the clangen files, do what you usually do, blah blah blah.

7. Open the new version of clangen

8. Close clangen and go into its files the same way you did in step 1 and 2.

9. Go into the saves folder and delete the things there and replace them with the documents and folders currently copied to your clipboard.

10. Open the new version of clangen, you should see that all of your clans from the previous version are now there.

Hope this helps!

i have a macbook. is it different?

Hmm, I don't think so but im not sure

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I play the game? I did it on my old pc account but it wont work this time. (Windows 11) - I downloaded
I'll try the other downloads and edit this if I have any luck


fr. you guys are so amazing and nice- you all did great on this update ^^!


what got updated?


Does anyone know when the online version will be updated? I can't download the game because my computer isn't compatible. Since I know the online version is usually behind updates, I would just like to know if the online version will be updated to the current update anytime soon or if I'll just have to wait?  


The web version is going to remain as it is for a bit because of an incompatibility with some stuff we used to set up the new GUI. I believe this incompatibility is being worked on by the devs of that package, so hopefully it can be fully updated soon <3 keep in mind that there's also only one person keeping the web version updated so it may happen much less frequently just due to that

(1 edit) (-1)

I've asked about the same problem I've had multiple times. For some reason I can't unzip any new or old saves and only one or two work! I really want some help so I can get the new updates, etc. If anyone knows what to do I would really appreciate any guidance

Edit: I've joined the discord and got it working thanks!


Your best bet is to join the discord server and make your way to a tech support channel. We have helpers there that may be able to assist!


It's probably because no one has an answer. The only thing I can think of is extracting the files if you have not already done that.


I'm on mac and the game cant even open


For some reason when i play the words are really small and i can't read them. Do you know why this is happening??

Ive been playing for a bit now, and so far really enjoying it! However i came across an issue, i went to get on and load my clan up and it was having an error of loading clan.json. Is there a way to fix this so I dont lose my clan?


Join the discord server and ask there, there are some people that are very helpful with resolving file and technical issues like that

I am playing on i pad and how do i do it there? I don't have discort


I've been playing this game on and off for awhile and I love it for storybuilding! In that regard I'd like to suggest a potential feature - unless it's in the game and I haven't found it myself yet, would it be possible to set a "main character" flag to a specific cat at the user's want to prevent a timeskip / patrol / illness-related death? It would be especially useful for those of us that have found a writing tool in ClanGen! I personally have gotten attached to too many "main characters" that suddenly died on rollover, it can be a little frustrating. 
The ability to save/store certain characters from various clans or saves to be reused or recycled would be neat too, but I'm not an advanced programmer and I'm not sure how viable that would be. :'D In any case thanks for publishing this! For the most part I've greatly enjoyed it!


I play on the github version for chromebook but lately its just been not letting me play, it will show the "loading" but then its just a black bos and it stays like that. is this a problem on my end? if so how do i fix this :(


Is the web version permanently down?

My computer cannot handle Linux files, and the Web version has been down for a while.

i need  a chromebook version

you can play on a chromebook by using the linux version!

I've tried every way I can to get the linux version, I've downloaded the files, I've looked through everything, I read the directions when it told me my chromebook couldn't work with the files and even added a linux browser. It still doesn't work :( Originally I was able to play with the web version, but now that doesn't work for me either so I don't know what to do. I absolutely love this game though!


I am on mobile and my PC doesn’t work💀

i have no idea how i even got on the game so im having trouble with that it keeps telling me too download it again but i cant...

I'm having a lot of trouble opening all my save files? One works and the rest (Even new ones) just won't work/extract! I really hope this can be fixed if it's a bug or if anyone has any advice it would be massively appreciated!

this is a good game:)

(1 edit) (+5)

Please add a Pokemon-styled combat system on patrols! Battle pixel sprites fighting AI generated animals (ex. badgers, foxes, cougars) or other exiled cats or cats from other clans? Maybe add stats to cats that the more they patrol the more they gain HP, DMG, CRIT? You can choose to leave the battle or have a toggle on the patrol menu (encounter less battles as frequently)..? I know this is a lot, but just maybe?

(1 edit) (+2)

I absolutely love this game but I would really love it if there was a way for pregnant cats to lose their kits for example a miscarriage on the second moon or the kits being born dead. And I would also love it if you could choose to terminate the pregnancy if your clan cannot handle anymore kits!

Edit: I just realised I accidentally wrote the same thing twice-


The option to allow or not pregnancy in cats already exists, so the option to terminate the pregnancy would be a bit useless(? And the rest I think it would be nice to add in the "cruel season" mode, would be awesome as a feature


My forgetful self can never remember to turn on the allow/disallow feature lol


We won't be adding a way to terminate a pregnancy. You can do this yourself by deleting the pregnancy info in the files (discord can help you with this). Miscarriage will likely not be added

For some reason whenever I try load up the Clan gen it just shows a black screen like this: I'm not sure whats going on and hoped somebody could help, I've refreshed it, opened it up again and all that but it isn't working. It used to just be like this when I tried loading up an old Clan but now whenever I open up the actual Clan gen itself it just shows that.

Would apriciate any help, thanks!

(I'm on Chromebook if that helps)

the only way i've found to fix that is to clear site data, unfortunately :/ whenever i have too many cats in a clan (i've never made it to moon 200 on the web version) that would happen

ah alright, hope they work on it so I can play without doing that. Thanks anyways!

Same over here! Its so annoying and i can do basicly nothing!

Please work on that!

same for me :(

i have that problem too. is there anything going on with the site/online version? i am on an acer chromebook. :(

when will the next update come out and what will it be?


I've been trying to play for a few days now, and for some reason whenever I download it/open it, it crashes within a minute or two. I haven't even been able to get through clan creation. Is there something wrong with my files or is this something else? (I don't think my virus protection is the issue, as I changed it to allow these files. But hey, what do I know?)

I have the same issue!!!!!


Does anyone have an idea of when the Cruel season will be out? im so excited 

Hey! i just wanted to say that it wont let me play the game, as a unhandled exception in script error comes up whenever i try to play it. I tried extracting the files but it didnt work, and fyi I use the windows 64 zip file. This has been happening for 2 days.

(1 edit)

the thing that helped me is using a different version, like 32 or something (if you can!)

(messed up the comment :skull:)

The same thing keeps on happening to me? Although I've been able to access one of my versions so it's mostly any new ones I've tried downloading?

(1 edit)

I'm playing the web version and when i try to save or make a new clan it freezes, so i have to reload the page to unfreeze it but that gets rid of my progress. This didn't happen before and it was normal but it started doing this. I forgot about it for a few months and came back and its still like this

tldr: web version freezes when i try to save

That  happened to me, i had to go to the site settings and clear my data.

(1 edit)

Hey There! Just an Update Idea, Maybe You Could Add An  option to Change Your Cats Names? Just Think It Would Be a Nice Option As An Example I Had a Cat Named NewLeaf.  Anyway Thanks! ( Eek! i see you added that! My game Needed an update! )

(1 edit) (+2)

Can lost cats be recovered on their own/will this be a possible feature? Just curious because it's so sad when I lose one :(
Edit: I lost a cat and they came back the next moon, so it's possible, but is it likely or uncommon?


I think it might be uncommon since every lost cat i get hardly ever comes back, only had like 1 of 10 come back, though it could be because sometimes im unlucky.


is there/will there be a version for chromebook?

I keep getting the issue where the game crashes every two minutes how do i fix this please thankyou

Having the same problem.


ive tried downloading the linux version 3 or 4 times. I think the file is missing completely. /info

(1 edit)

Can someone explain in unnecessary detail how to download and run this for Linux? because I'm terrible at following directions and I cannot make it work for the life of me

I would suggest joining the discord and asking for help there!

alright, thanks!

what one has the nutrition status? i tried doing but it doesnt have that one, does anyone know where to get it?

Because that's part of the dev version only.  The FAQ in the discord has some advice on how to get the dev version.

(1 edit)

I have 50 cats in my clan, and I also have mass extinction events on and no one has died yet except for rouge attacks and the cats getting swept away in the ocean help lol.

keep pressing proceed on every single patrol. doesn't matter what for.

May I ask how to open the game on an Apple device? Already got it downloaded.


click it
if that doesn't work then right click it

So im on windows and i downloaded it, but i dont know what to do to play it, anybody know how? :>

You'll need to "unzip" the file you've downloaded! If your computer doesn't have a program that can do that already, you can try downloading WinRAR or 7ZIP, as a couple of examples that work for Windows. One you have one of those, just open the clangen file with that- it should ask you if you want to "extract" the files; say yes and have them placed anywhere you like. I recommend giving it its own folder to avoid misplacing anything! Once you have that done, just find something called "Clangen.exe" and run that :)

I have a Mac, and for some reason, it doesn't work... This is all that I see... What do I do from here?

It shows me the screen, then the logo with an arrow pointing to a folder called "Applications". It says it needs an "Administrator's name and password". What is that and how do I fix it?

Open finder (that app with the half white and half blue face)  and click on applications, drag the logo  (The white starclan sign that you get on that popup window ur talking about) into the applications tab and it'll download. 

If you need a password from an administrator, just enter your logon password for your computer. If you yourself do not own the computer and share it with someone who does, you will need them to enter their logon password for this. 

(1 edit)

When is it coming to HP?? 

None of the downloads work for me btw

None of the downloads work? I'm not exactly an expert or a mod, but I also have an HP, and the Windows release seems to work just fine for me.


HP isn't an operating system, it's a brand of computer.  You likely have a Windows OS on your computer, and so the Windows release should work for you.

Hello! Love love this game! I was wondering when Cruel Season was comming? tysm!

(1 edit)

This probably won't happen for a while yet! The devs are currently working on expanded mode, and then they'll concentrate on Cruel Season :D

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)

(2 edits)

Yo i have former loner that skypaw (now skyleaf) of my newest clan invited in and it says senior adult and 19 moons, also my leader stepped dowqn cause they got their leg run over and i couldn't make a new leader, imma reload and update this comment

UPDATE: i reloaded the game russet became leader again and it still says BounceBerry (the former loner) is senior adult AND 19 moons

Can you use this on an iPad?

(1 edit)

As far as I'm aware, no, unfortunately :( there is a way to download the game on Mac, but I'm not certain it works on an iPad

- Paradigox (ClanGen server mod)

(2 edits) (-3)

i caNt upDaTe 

gjihjwthgeutirfjfsp0if gvhjnsirgoufrv myhj54ij hnjuh ghdsznjrf vytgaw87rf vr6 ywe8rc95etr y4uygj34 8905t342n 8709ytrwt y78grw gy7tu4wt uytr u54tNWASqy ig haw JASKFODJCjig auyHFhggaUGAUYHAYUYagu

Edit: tryna download usin dissy :)

edit2: didn't work :(

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