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How do i acess the game

My game is not loading, is there any reason to that you know? sorry.

I once lost my lease and deputy, but forgot to save and they same back, lol, also, does this happen? It sometimes freezes in around New-leaf? Not the other seasons, so like as soon as it finishes the current season before New-leaf it just freezes and I have to restart and it sometimes doesn’t save? Otherwise the game is great

Hi, sometimes this can happen because you have to many cats in the save (so I suggest deleting some from files or starting a new clan) but if its playable after it freezes you should be fine.


whats it called in files?

This is such an amazing game. I think I lost a whole clan though it says "Failed to obtain/convert traceback!" And when i look at the excel sheet it has no cats listed. Is there anyway to fix or I give up on this clan?

Hey, can I downlaod the latest update without the git hub???

No, you need to use the github, though you don't need an account or anything to access it.

just curious, my leaders are randomly dyeing, and it gave no notices, they aren't even in starclan. Is that a bug? or does that just happen

It might be a bug then. I've never had it happen though, so it probably is. Try starting a new clan or downloading the game again. Hoepfully thats helped you.

I believe this is a bug in the release but is fixed in the testing version 



I've heard of people changing their cat's pelt color, gender, name and clan, how do you do that? this should help ^ ^


Just a suggestion (Sorry if suggestions aren't open), instead of a cat dying in an accident maybe they could die at war. Or there could be an option to go at war with a neighbouring clan if the leader thinks it's right. I just think the "Dying in an accident" could go into a bit more detail. Already a great game though so keep up the great work!

Thats currently in the unreleased version  and will come out with the next release though I can give you no date for that as of yet.

Hi, what is the latest version of this game?

Uh sorry for the annoying messages but can u play on a phone with this game????


its not m,eant for mobile, but some ppl have manage dtio use the web, BUT ITS BUGGY!! so be careful

for me the web version is not buggy at all. maybe it's because i'm on pc not mobile idk!


Hey, wouldn't it be cool if in the game when a cat gets murdered it would have a chance to say 'Featherrush was murdered, but left a scar on cat' that was a example, and then u could make a story based off of if a cat has a new scar.

that would be cool, but maybe like its more known who murdered them? since trying to find a new scar can be hard


I'm sure it's been suggested before, but we could really benefit from being able to search/see all of our cats when doing patrols, so when you have high numbers, you're more easily able to make a patrol between a mentor & apprentice, or two mates, without having to try and try again to get lucky with both cats appearing


Yes! This would make it so much easier

(1 edit) (+1)

WAIT (edit: its a good diea)


i know you i think.....

You think? Lol C:

Hi this is currently in the testing version and will come out with the next release :) (though we don't have a date for this yet)


HI! I just wanted to say that it'd be REALLY cool if you consider this idea for the game!

So, what would be cool is if our cats can claim territories whilst on patrol, or when they cross the Thunderpath, they can claim new territory. Also, that you can have a map, and can see your little sprite characters moving around the forest. When you claim new land, your map gets bigger. OKAY, ONE MORE IDEA: That you can pick what kind of biome your clan lives in! (Like dessert, mountains, or pine forest.)


that would be cool!! but would take some long time to deisgn code and develop, but maybe in the future!!

Ok, so In the unreleased version , their are biome specific camps, patrols and events. The map however we are attempting to include but its a bit more of a complicated process. 

How to Play on IPad? Apple iPad


this game isnt meant for mobile devices, but you can try web!! however its very buggy

I don't think u can play on Ipad, only Mac And Windows

Lucky ,lol

I accidentally killed a cat but I did not save and they came back! With there tail! ( They lost it previously.) 


ive gotten lost taisl to reappear without killing them, idk why lol

Will there be a release to play on crome??


yes, crome

Do you know when you will release it?

i think they where like talking abt the misspelling of 'Chrome' so it may not release


Yes but its laggy

Like others, I can't open the game. I've reinstalled it but, that doesn't work either. I really like this game though, wish it would let me play it. (I can play it but, only the old version. Not the updated one.) Kinda sad.

what device are you on? it may be a reason

(1 edit)

ive tried to open the game multiple times and it keeps saying that it can't be checked for "malicious software" and that i need to wait for the software to get an update. I tried reinstalling it and it still won't open. does anyone know a way around this?

I've tried to play this multiple times and in every playthrough it'll just randomly delete my save data for all my cats, which makes the game crash and become unplayable. Very dissappointed.


Hey, i just randomlly got a idea and want to share it. I think that good thing to update is family tree. I know we have it when we click "see family" but maybe it could be better with with more cats like grandparents, uncles, aunts, half or stepsiblings or grandkids. And maybe to make it look better or something. It's just idea yk.

I agree, Ssunny 

(2 edits) (-1)


i was wondering if you could do an update? <3 

my idea was that , if all your cats die it gives you a free cat too start again? , then maybe a kit or 2 with them? , that would be so cool if you could do that !! ^^

Take ur time and if you guys like my idea please reply :D , it would be helpful if you did just so i know if my idea was okay [not forcing ^^]

Thank you so much! <3

Hi, the next update is currently in the works but there is no planned release as of yet.

ik like everyones has this problem but when i want to open clangen on mac it just closes after a sec someone please send help

try downloading it again? I think that might work...

i tried that but it did not work  sadly :'D

Ok I downloaded the newest version, so here's how to do it! :D

This is how to download it and hopefully how to get it working.

1. Click 'Download'  and open the file.

2. Open the file, and click Main ( or Main.exe )

3. Click extract all.

4. Then click the file again and enjoy!

Hope this works!



what device are u on?? since if youære not on one of the devices mentione don the downloads, then u need web ver


What are you on?


(1 edit) (+2)

Ok I downloaded the newest version, so here's how to do it! :D

This is how to download it and hopefully how to get it working.

1. Click 'Download'  and open the file.

2. Open the file, and click Main ( or Main.exe )

3. Click extract all.

4. Then click the file again and enjoy!

Hope this works!

(4 edits)

hm, theres a way newer version now, im on a laptop, so PC? is that possible to download cuz ive tried many times but it wont work.
(There's nothing like main.exe, its just all random files)
And which one do i download? theres so many x-x

Oh my, after some struggle i figured it out, no worries!

mine just isn't downloading.

Try a different version

This game is awesome! Has any of your cats lost their tails? Like it’s been chopped off? It’s rly annoying for me,


yeah, i dont think its annoying as its kinda good for stories and makes ur cats more unique, however i get a glitch where teh tail reappears after some moons.

So do I! But I don't have the tail glitch, I think it just grows back. But the tail glitch happens in StarClan I think.

Imma try to do this on my computer cause It doesn’t work on mobile

It didn't work

what computer do u have??


Here it is! It may have a few glitches or bugs but it works! ( for me though ) 


Can I suggest that cats dying in timeskips be an optional feature? I'd really like to have more control when it comes to who does or doesn't die and when because it's always my favorite ones getting taken out in accidents or through greencough lol.

yeah that sounds good!! it would be good for ppl who are s cared of losing their cats


I don’t think so, I’ve wanted to play on mobile, there is a website but I do know what or where it is….

Here it is! It may have a few glitches or bugs but it works! ( for me though )  

Dose this work on mobile?

it doesnt sadly i think



did you restart your device? That sometimes works 


when i try to go switch into my other clans its just a black screen, ive tried waiting and it wont work.

ive also tried leaving the site and reloading!!

this happened to my friend too, they cant acess theircats on web ver

me too, except now clangen just doesn’t work. I’ve tried everything and it just gives me an error. Hope it gets fixed in the next update :(


Every time I try to play it says 'failed to execute script 'main' due to unhandled exception: list index out of range' I've solved this issue before by redownloading the game but I've tried and it still hasn't worked.

me too


I had this problem too, just accidentally fixed it. The error is correct, the cat list of your clan is out of range. Go into your clan cat excel list and scroll all the way to the right of the info, then slowly scroll down. There should be atleast one cat whose information is in the wrong box, just one box over from where it should be. It will say "none" or have a set of numbers where, for every other cat, its blank. That will tell you which cats are "out of range".

Then, simply scroll on that cats info list all the way back to their name, and move all their information to the left by one box.

For me, my cat's name was broken, and the first part of their name was under the gender column, then gender under the warrior column, etc. So i had to take the first part of the name and put it behind the second part, and then the rest was just simple moving of info over one box

How do I find my clan cat excel list?

I'm having the same issue and I really wanna fix it, but I can't find the list.

Does this work on a MacBook?

yes, it should- it works on my MacBook

its meant to work sinc ethey have mac download


Hey !!

i was wondering if you could make an update with darkforest , if one of your cats die and you dont see them in starclan they might be in dark forest , i write stories and stuff like that so that would be  amazing if you could :O 

thanks! <3 ^^


Can this run on Chromebook? and If not, do you believe the python thing will work? Thanks!

Here ya go! You can't download it, but it's still playable! Beware when trying to start a new Clan though, as the github version doesn't let you switch back to old ones.

Does anyone know a webver that can play on mobile?

how do i play? i made a account for this but idk how to play.

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