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can you release a web ver. ? Here it is :) Careful when starting a new Clan though, because it doesn't let you switch back to old ones.

Anyone have any advice for cats disappearing after a patrol? They are still in my 'list of cats' but will not show up in camp after a patrol until I timeskip. I think this is also disallowing me from gathering experience from the patrols

They do disappear after patrol, pretty sure that's normal - they still gather experience, at least they do for me!

Haha yeah, I figured it out after a while of playing. Thanks for such an earnest reply to my silly little question x'D

yes its normal i just say the warriors and apps are tired and sleeping.


Do u know a website that we can play on mobile? I’ve heard it does work….

Yep! The regular web version should work, though the buttons are very hard to click ^^'


hey! I'd like to ask a question if that's ok. I've heard a lot of people have downloaded other's sprite colors and patterns. if anyone knows, how do you go about downloading those?

Did you restart and close all tabs? It’s worked for me

(1 edit)

I'm on mac, i unzipped and its not loading idk how to make it load help me


are you still having issues?


Ive seen videos were clan gen looks different

so if I can update clan gen, How?

Have you tried going into settings? There's an option to turn on the background art in the camp and dark mode.

Oh ok thakns!

oh it didn't work

BTW I'm on windows


can you update?


you've gotta be patient, working on games is hard and ppl who make games have lives too, maybe if were lucky it will be soon!! but we must also be patient


  I heard there was a website that might work?…..



Oh well, thanks anyway.

Is it an app? Or is it because I’m using an IPad? I’ve herd about this Clangen and so want to play it! 


It's only available for Mac or Windows laptops or desktops. No mobile devices.

What’s the game called? I’m having trouble finding it! 


Lol so I'm playing this and I've lost my leader, deputy, and medicine cat. In the future, I'd like to see a possibility of cats randomly filling up these roles (a vision from starclan), if this isn't already implemented yet.

I just created a new clan but when it went to events it came up with honey clans events?? Can you fix that?

Usually when you don't close the game before making a new clan it does that

I love this game! it took a while to download but it was worth it! Sadly I lost Mossstar of honeyclan and mottle mouse to a dog :(.

I was playing with my clan (SpiderClan) and some pretty weird things are happening. 

1) Cats are randomly changing names/skins

2) Cats that previously died come back randomly

3) Cats just disappear without a trace not even to StarClan

4) Some how my youngest cat made it to the front of the pages list due to an elder dying and a kit being born at the same time 

(These all happened without ever exiting the game)

im kinda having that problem, but its only with cut off tails, they reappear on a cat after some moons for some reason

They probably GROW back

that isnt how real cat tails work, only ambphibians and some types of reptiles can regrow their tail after losing it, however cats cant do that, if eveyrthing was rippe doff t would stay tailess

Hey so I was playing the game with my clan named "RainClan" (very original i know) and logged off for a bit to clean, i got back on my computer and i opened the file and it wasn't there i then had to restart the game any suggestions on how i could get my original 706 moon old progress back?


I played this game recently and managed to get to 19 moons before it crashed. Here's what happened:

I had just taken my four warriors out on patrol as usual, nothing out of the blue happened at that time, but it was after. I returned to the clan and went to proceed to the next moon, but it came up with an error message (one that i cannot remember). I closed the error message and the game closed. I'm not quite sure what happened, but i was playing in the latest August 10th Windows release. It didn't seem to let me get to 20 moons. I did luckily save right before it happened though, so please fix this bug.

Thank you.

I don't know why but here are ideas I have for future updates because I can.

1. More poses! I don't know if it's just me but sometimes the poses get kinda boring and plain because they're like all the same. lol

2. I know the prefixes and suffixes are randomly generated but it gets weird like a white and silver cat will be named like Darkslip or Nightboarge or something weird. Honestly this doesn't really bother me just  suggestion.

3. While on patrol show the apps mentors because I'll be trying to assign apps with their mentors and I'm just going back and forth and it's very annoying trying to be like, Beepaw with *Switches screen* Yellowslip and it just continues. 

4. Instead of the cat's randomly having kits it would be cool to be like *insert name here* had kits with a cat she/he will not reveal or *Insert name here* had a secret affair with a loner/kittypet. I think it would add more personality.

5. Last but not least... I think in StarClan it should say how they died like... Yellowslip: Died of sickness, murdered, old age, etc. I just like keeping tract so yea.

Soooooo hope you like my ideas lol. I don't know why but I wanted to say this but um yeas BYEYEYEYYYEYEYEY.

the dev version has a way to edit the names without going into the save files, so 2 will be solved soon. As for 4, again, those features are in the dev version and will be released officially once it’s tested enough. 

These are really good suggestions!

Love those but i know something to help with the apps and mentors use  app:Sticky Notes lik this ex:Lakepaw-Thunderstrike it helps!!


I totaly agree with number 5. some of my kits+ apps keep going to starclan without me knowing. Id like to know how they died

how do you get the web version?

look in the chat for links (not playable on mobile though)

It is. I PLAYED on mobile in the web version!

Cool maybe it does work lol


it’s not by the same creators and hasn’t been proven to be safe however

here is is!! but its pretty buggy and stuff so be careful!!

i apologize if anyone else is bringing this up or if i'm just on an older version, but it seems cats can develop crushes on their own family members, because i just got two cats in the same moon having a crush on their kit or on their sibling. 

hoping that this is fixable because yikes man


iirc they're fixing this in the next update!


The web version just isn't working for me. I'm on a laptop (Not mobile) and it won't load! It goes to a screen that's half black and half blueish downloading screen. I'm desperately trying to get on and play so some help would be appreciated. Just wondering if it has somthing to do with the laptop im on (Acer)  


web version is not reliable and is not proven to be safe as it’s from a different creator

when i use web ver, i repeatedly press some times (like 3) and wait, and if im patioent it loads,and yeah the web version is pretty buggy and stuff so ye

(1 edit)

If you're having problems or cannot get it, here is the link to the online version:

(I only know that this works on mac)

is it possible to get this game on chromebook if so how

yes- you have to use the web version though. I don't have a link but I can try to find one if you need it :)

sure that would be nice if u could do that for me

Whare do pres to play?

press 'new clan'

idk how to play

I've been having a bit of trouble with the game when i start to play, when i open up the screen of the game is way too big for my laptop and when i get to the stage of recruiting my clan-mates, the "done" button is too low for me to press, and i cant shrink or move the program so i can reach it! Any help?

I'm trying to download the clan gen on my mac, but it says "cannot move file" can somebody help me?

Have you unzipped the files yet?

what do you mean unzip

It is unzipped, but not finding how to get it to run and load.

do you have to get the app and if so how

what exactly do you mean by get the app? like, downloading it?

yeh i mean downloading it just hoping ill get to play on it soon

depends on ur device, if mobile you cant, if chromebook theres the web ver, if mac  or windows use one of teh downloads (the one ur using) idk how exaclt u do the downloads (im chromebook) so yeah

Been having an issue since last night on Mac. The game crashed on me, and now every time I try to open it continues to crash. Is this a common issue, and is there a solution?

Did it crash when you tried getting to a new moon? Mine crashed at 19 moons when trying to get to 20. Not sure what happened.

This did not work for me on a mac. =( 

Do you have any tips? - It looks amazing!


Hi! Once you download on Mac, make sure to drag the app to your applications folder, it should work after that!


And if it says it can't open due to malware, click on the app in your applications folder with two fingers and click "open", it will open manually and you can bypass the pop up.

Thanks! =)

This was so helpful thank you so much! My friend got into Clangen when we did it! Thank you so much

hey! i cant find the game on my windows but I downloaded it last month. I've already been playing it but now it wont show? i want to get it back on but I don't want to lose my progress lol could someone help????

(1 edit) (-5)

I have a question, could you possibly make 2 options for download? What I mean is make one file not a zip.


they??? can't do that??????


i have no idea about tech but i dont think thats how a file works????????


..thats not possible. Just learn how to open it. It's easy, if you know how.


suggestion, make the cats deciding their own mates in the events more common, it feels extremely rare to get that event happen and would be nicer to see which cats naturally end up together instead of manually deciding it for them:D also the breaking up event to see some drama>:)



How can I update my game without redownloading the file and loosing all of my clans? Is there any possible way?

For saving your clans, all you would need to do is this:

1. Take your save file out of your current games folder

2. Delete the current game and folder you have, but make sure the saves is not with them

3. When you redownload the game, open the new saves folder and insert every clan you made from the older saves into the new save folder. I reccomend doing it one by one. I also reccomend making a new clan to help you figure out where things go.

4. In every saves folder, there is a file called "clanlist". Open this file and it should have a name of your newer clans already in there. Insert the prefix of your clan names from the older saves

That should make it where you'll be able to switch to your other clans! Hope this helps


Hey, Just some suggestions! 

1. I know you're already working on this, but 9 lives for leaders would be great!

2. An option to exile cats

3. Starvation/dehydration

4. Prey!



yasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss i love those suggestion




Most of these actually exist in the dev version of the game! If you'd like to know how to access it, let me know! :D


I would like to know how to access it '-'


1: yes they are working on it
2: you can kill cats on command
3: it may make people frustrated
4: prey is basically already a thing in patrols, you just gotta get lucky for them to scent one.

Think first.

One of my cats, that I loved, died so I have been messing around with the "saves" file and made a new excel that brought my cat back to life. Now I just don't know how to get the game to read that as the new clan cats. Any suggestions? I know its weird that I figured out all this stuff.

i would recommend joining the discord and asking in tech support

After a while of playing, it says,

Any way to fix this? I love this game. :(

The same thing happened to me when trying to proceed to 20 moons.

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