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(1 edit)

i was able to run this for a while, then when i opened it, i gave me a message that it wasnt working, then closed. im wondering why?

edit: i just needed to update it, lol

I love this game! I just really want a option where you can name your own cats. Or I really want you to add where you click on a leader and you can see how many lives they have left. Not where they can just die out of nowhere because of old age. So I really hope these things get added.

(1 edit)

 I've watched YouTubers play your game and it's really good. I can't wait to see what you'll add next!^v^


Some ideas I've been thinking about:
- more options for different patrol encounters. for example, instead of just ignoring or inviting a loner/kittypet into the clan, an option to fight them off would be neat!
- speaking of the loner encounters, it would be nice to know if they have kits with them before we bring them into the clan. like, in my mind, my clan wouldn't bring in some random loner during leafbare, but if they had kits, i think the clan would feel sympathetic and bring them in since the warrior code says to care for kits regardless of clan allegiance.
- an option to exile cats or a random chance to have cats choose to leave the clan if they're unhappy with it
- a toggle to disallow nursing queens from being in the patrol pool
- an option to force incoming loners/kittypets to take a clan name (like when they join just have a "rename cat? yes/no" screen or smth)


Love those ideas

yes I love the

In one of my clans, I had a leader named Birchstar, thinking she had 9 lives I had sent her after a large dog. However despite being her first death, she ended up in starclan. Is a full nine lives system ever coming?

It is! It's currently in the developmental version of game.

For some reason when I click on one of my cats (Frostnut) it says they're mentoring a cat named 'Badgerpaw' but I don't have a cat named 'Badgerpaw' in my clan! I only have a kit named 'Badgerkit' who s only 0 moons old so I am very confused! Does anybody know whats goin on



I love this game, but i have Chromebook. I found old version Chrome link, but I really like to play the newest version! If someone could make it work on Chrome, can you pls add it here? :D


Hey can you send the link for the chromebook version I would love to play

sure! Wait a sec..


I'm sorry bro, i couldn't find it

(1 edit)

here is one with the new update i think!!! edit: you hav eto click the screen then wiat for a bit, its buggy and frezes alot so you gotta save!!!

I already love the game! 

I think it would be cool to have a drop down menu so that we could sort our cats in our list based on certain categories like age, experience, and rank rather than just their arrival order. 

I also just wanted to ask: What is the probability of running into a loner or kitty pet who wants to join, specifically ones with kits? Just going to put it out there that in future updates maybe the percentage could be reduced to avoid having a full page of kits that you picked up just wanting to collect one more cat (lol).

I'm not sure it's possible to get a kittypet with kits along- for me loners seem to be around 50/50 but I could be wrong

(1 edit)

im pretty sure kittypets dont bring kits because well, not many humans have cats with kittens and who would let them outside??? i think its  alittle less than 50/50, since ive gotten rogues/loners with kits only like 3 times

edit: got one more loner with kits lol


hey so no matter what I try, whenever I open the app on my Mac it closes immediately. I have fixed the security issues, put it in my application folder, put it on my desktop, redownloaded it a couple times, and restarted my computer a couple times. do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? I really want to play this game! plzzz :')

(1 edit) (+1)

I downloaded this on my Mac but when i try to get in the game it immediately closes it :c

Did you place the main file onto your desktop. If you did just put the main file back in the folder, I hoped it helped.

I did but it still does the same thing

I have the same problem too! ;;

its now letting me use it, its just a file

have you extracted/unzipped it? there should be a file inside the folder that you can double tap to open

I try to open the game but then it says are you sure you want to open it, when i click open, it sends me a ad to a zipwip virus protection, when i close that it does nothing, so i cant get into the game! (im also on a windows 10) Can anyone help?

Hey, you may have a virus already on your computer. I recommend downloading a good free antivirus (or paid if your happy too, but maybe pay for it on another device just in case the virus steals your data) such as malwarebytes. Best of luck!

(1 edit)

i'm having a problem where whenever i try to open the game it say "Failed to obtain/convert traceback" and then it would close the game. is anyone else having this problem and does anyone know how to fix it?

loving this game!! i think it would be cool if there was a mod or something where you can name your own cats and decide what they look like!! love to put my own clans into the gen and see what happens!

Technically, you can do that without a mod.   You just have to edit the spreadsheet file for your clan to change or add cats. if you join the discord, there’s an older guide in the pins that tells you which columns do what. It isn’t up-to-date but it’s current enough to help get you started. 

i'll try that, thank you!!

No problem. :)  One other thing I just thought about, if you decide to completely delete a cat from your save you need to remove its ID number from the clan's notepad file too so it doesn't mess anything up.


I am trying to get in which I can't I'm using a Macbook can anyone help I have tried everything but it won't download I will keep trying but if anyone can help pls do!!


im having the same issue

hello, my friend is unable to load the game at all, theyve tried many of the ways to fix it. so baiscally two cats they liked died, so they reloaded the page to go to the last svae where tehy where alive, but when they reloaded, it was a black screen, they did the click thing but it never loaded, theyve been trying to get it to load for some days now, can anyone help? they are using the web version.

(soryy for bad spelling)

How do you edit the save files? For more immersive roleplay, I want to be able to say that a cat changed clans, or had a litter of kittens, or change experience.

this is late and I can't give you much help on it-  the discord is a very good place to ask. if you don't have discord I can try to help you here

I don't have discord. Could you please help me here? Sorry if this is an inconveniance

not at all! I'll ask there and relay back- are you on Mac or Windows?

I'm on windows.

if you find the folder where you open the game from, there should be a folder called "saves". In there, there'll be an excel sheet titled [clan prefix]cats (ex. if your clan is SplashClan, the file will be called splashcats. If you import that into Google Sheets or Excel, you can edit it, and you should be able to play around with your save files :D

(2 edits)

I tried to download it, found my files, but the file did not open. I think I know why. I think I need to be on computer, which is not an inconvenience. Just wondering if I’m right.

working on that right now, it says it’s unable to find a software to open the file.

still unable to open :/

You can download it on a chromebook but doesn't open. Sadly, I don't think it works on chromebooks.

but there is a web version!!  chromebooks can us e it :) however it is buggy

tunasnek could you tell me how to do it? i only have cromebooks ;~;

here is the link!! you gotta tap some times and wait, and after some bit it loads!!! 

Yeah this happen to me 2


This game is amazing. Do you think you could add bios like we could write a bio for them? So if we have lots of cats we can still go look at their story. Or remember their story when they are in starclan. Also, we can edit the bio whenever.

Hi i really love this game its just amazing but when u have quite a few cats they kind of sit on top of eachother and its a little annoying so i think the camp needs more space. sorry to bother im not sure if ur working on it but do please take this into consideration thank you. sorry

Having this nasty glitch where I;
1. cannot make a new clan, it refuses to save.
2. my current clan refuses to save and goes back to square one the second I close it.
3. All of my previous clans were completely wiped, besides the current one.

Anyone else?

can someone tell me who thought it was a good idea to put 'Dead' as a prefix? i had a loner join and he brought 2 kits,one is BounceKit but the other is DeadKit,should i be concerned?

You shouldn't. I think it had to with Deadfoot, and it is just random. I once had kits named Deadkit and Scarkit. They became good warriors, and one of them even became leader.

Deadfoot was also windclan warriors so the name 'Dead' must be a lucky name!

(1 edit)

EDIT: This is a bug on the online version. Here's the link:

I'm currently building a story with my Clan, so I wanted to make it part of the story that a stillborn kit was born, so I had to kill off a kit while it was at 0 moons. The game won't let me leave the page of the kit after I pressed it, and I'm softlocked and haven't saved in a few minutes [a lot of things have happened]. I got a dead cat back from opening another tab, that's a plus ig...

i have two problems i dowloaded the game on my brand new windows laptop and if i move it up a moon too fast the whole game closes itself out and a error pops up the second when i try to save my clans it takes forever to save and the whole game freezes.


Hey i have a rpoblem, i made two clans and tried to get back to the old one.. but it wont load, ive relaoded the page, made a new tab, closed and opened again, but it wont work?? does anyone know? I am using web version i know it has bugs so if its just a web thing its ok (the clan is extinct anyways)

web ver: 

/sorry if i have bad spelling/

same thing happened to me so I think that is included in the bug I reccomend not creating a new clan unless your ready to lose the one you have 

yeah i guess its that, i luckily screenshotted all the cats to save them before i made a new clan, i sadly cant see their stats or families but i got their looks saved

thats good I don’t know if the bug is being fixed as I’m not on the discord 

i dont have the discord either, so we just might have to wait

Sadly there's no current way to change clans on web edition- you can only have one working clan at a time :(

how c an i download this


wdym? there's download buttons right on the page

they probabky mean when they download it wont work, that happens with chromebooks atleast

Yes, Im having that problem too. It doesn't work on chromebooks from what I got. When you click main.exe it wants to use an app to open it. That only opens the app you choose. I really wish they made this game accessible for people with chromebooks.

there is the web ver tho!! i dont know how many ppl know it i also sent the link under one of urs comments


i wanna say, i love this game so much! its incredibly fun and ive been sending it to all my friends so they play too. but i would love if there was a family tree type option for each clan. i like to see my cats families but when they get big its hard to keep track of them. so maybe something detailing the relations would be pretty cool, no pressure of course :)

im trying to download it from here and it wont pop up the game

Are you using a chromebook?

I love this game so much. But a small complaint/suggestion; maybe bring back the player ability to type in their own Clan names? The Random names are really fun to play around with, but if you've maybe got a Clan naming theme it'd be nice to be able to make your own.  

There's no cursor blinking but you can type in your own name in the text box on the new game screen. Took me a minute to realize that!

I just did a moonskip on my clan and it said on of my cats had a litter of 4 kits but I went onto 'list cats' and there was 5 newborns when no other cat had had kits so I'm very confused!


Someone probably adopted a kit and the game didnt tell you. Check the parents. Its very common for the game not to tell e anything at all sometimes. Doesnt even tell me if nothing happened so I have to check myself. Its not a big issue

So i got the new macbook version but when i downloaded it it said 

can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.


This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.

Same thing happened to me, the only reason I can think of is some kind of hidden setting in the computer that I'm missing, but I can't find anything about it.

Same! I don't know why this happened but I hope it gets fixed soon

Hi! that's your computer antivirus kicking in, which is a good thing, since it means your antivirus is working. Control-click on the icon and hit Open, then keep persisting trying to open it till it lets you. 

You need a Microsoft x64 system to run the application, and sadly doesn't work on x86


This is a super neat idea!! One thought I had was more ways to balance clan size, since it's very easy for them to get very huge. Maybe have no hard limit, but make it so at a certain point it's increasingly easier for sickness to spread, maybe prey becomes sparse, etc. Maybe also making it so the chance of an event happening is chances per cat, rather than a chance of a certain event happening per moon regardless of clan size, if that makes any sense

(1 edit) (+1)

hello uh- is this game actually okay for chromebooks? ive two other ppl in the comments mention it, one worked, and the other is asking the same as me. I tried to download every single but i dont think i even know chromebook, does anyone know how? // edit: ok i know how to get it!! its a web ver instead of download, prob could post link in reply i think??

(1 edit)

Lost my favorite clan because the game stopped working. If anyone could walk me through how to save my cats and put them in another clan or add save data to a working game it would be greatly appreciated. Whenever I try to open the game when this happens it doesnt work

if you can use a program called Notepad++ (Not to be confused with just regular notepad), you can open up a file that contains all of your cats for that clan and their information such as names as well as various other data I haven't yet figured out the purpose of (most of them are numbers I can't decipher so far). Assuming it isn't corrupted, I haven't tried this out, but in theory you should be able to start a new clan, save it, open the new clan's cat file in N++, and copy+paste cats over from the old cat file. Save the changes you have made, and open that clan in the game; if it works, I imagine there will now be your favorite imported cats from the previous save file. 

I would make a backup of the newer clan just in case, though, as this could potentially corrupt or kill that save. I can't guarantee this will work, but I'm just thinking based on what little I do know.


Oh thanks! I dont have that application, so Ill have to see if I can get it. But for now Im waiting for an update to see if poor Tornclan will work then

Hi I'm not sure if anybody else has had this problem but when I try to load my first clan (As I made a second one) it's just a black screen so if there is anyway you can fix this or tell me a way to get it working again I would appreciate it very much! Ty oh btw I'm playing this on a Chromebook.

it tells you to close it and open the game again,but when i try its the same clan.So try closing it and opening it again,if that doesnt work you're having the same issue as me. (also playng on chromebook)

Yeah I've tried that a few times, and reloading but it just doesn't work but I think we are both having the same problem. I think other people are having the same issue!

how do you even play on a chromebook? i wanna play it on mine but none of them work

theres a link you can find in the comments- its been a while tho so you may have to search


I have some ideas and things that bug me out (I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much I just really think this would boost the experience)

big ideas:

  • if you turn background on and dark mode on it will be night in the clan 
  • different backgrounds so all clans isn't the same
  • a map were you can see the different clans and your territory
  • full moon meetings 
  • a war system were you can attack other clans or other clans can attack you
  • an alliance system so clans won't attack you
  • and hunger your clan can starve if you don't have enough territory
  • what if you mate cats a screen like the one when you start your clan where you can choose kittens

small things:

  • you should be able to kill cat in other ways than just "kill cat" like get an other cat to kill it or give it green chough
  • all screens should have an pixel art background I'm sure you already  working on this
  • when a cat loses its tail you can still see it if you have background one

again sorry if im asking for too much i know how hard it is to code but please just use this like a list for ideas

(3 edits) (+4)

just an idea but could you make vengful cats effect the game? like they attempt or they hurt a clan member for whatever reason or even over throw the current leader also having a gathering would also be another cool add on


Can a toggleable "Clan History" option be added? I'd love to keep everything recorded without OBS

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