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I’m so sad you can’t download it on iPad 😭

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You can play a version of it on a phone, you just search clangen web, and i just checked it, so if it doesnt work then idk- Not sure about a tablet

I was just wondering, is there any way to look back on past moons? i accidentally clicked to fast forward one moon without reading what happened and i don't know what happening now.

i dont believe so, but you may be able to view it in your clan file in the open data directory.

thankyou! ill be sure to check now :

(1 edit)

I have a Lenovo laptop, do you think you could try and make a way to allow these laptops to play/download the game?? Or a mobile version. I played the GitHub version, but it no longer works, I hope you can help.  

you can download the game on a Lenovo I believe! I'd suggest joining the discord for help with it as it can be sometimes finicky (assuming they're similar to Chromebooks). 


This is the absolute most interesting/fun game ever! It's super simple and easy, and it's such an enjoyable experience.

I love playing this on my Windows and Chromebook.

Please, please, please add it to mobile devices!! 🥺 🙏

Thank you so much! 

unfortunately there's a multitude of issues with making this a mobile game! the biggest one being that it's coded in python 3, while to port it into mobile it would need to be in python 2. So short of recoding the entire game, it's not really possible to easily add it on mobile. 

In the meantime you can still play the web version on mobile- that should work fine. 

Ohhh!! Okay. Thank you! Also, quick question, when do you think Cruel Season will come out? 2024?

we don't know! currently it's planned to be worked on once all the features of Expanded Mode are finished, especially the freshkill pile function

Fun!! I can't wait! Great job to those creators helping with the game!


I'll ask, WHEN WILL CRUEL SEASON COME OUT? I'm dieing to learn about it.




currently the development team is taken up in the other pressing updates and have said that cruel seasons will not be out any time soon.

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When is the update for Mac coming out? it's not letting me download it because of undetermined malicious software

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this is not actually a problem with it needing to be updated- it's an issue with Mac's antivirus wrongly flagging the game. You can usually bypass this by right click opening the game, or control click if you can't right click


hello when is the new update scheduled to come out? :) thank you!


All updates are announced in the ClanGen discord! Our most recent stable update was the June release. There is no specific schedule, as the game is simply updated once there has been thorough beta-testing of new features.

Helloooo, when I download the file and extract it, and then click on it, I only have one file, named Clangen. BUT, when I click on it, I only have one named pygame. If I click on it, I either have data, or nothing. I've tried everything, does somebody know how to get the correct file ? :(

Try and see which file your using! If your pc is windows and you have another file type,  then it might not work.

you have to open the "clangen.exe" file!


can i get clangen on a lenovo?

(1 edit)

I think so! I'd suggest asking on the discord about it since it can be rather finicky to get on a Chromebook :)

Yeah, you can. I have it on one.

Where do I get the version on Thonny? Or is that a thing of the past lol, also how do I download it on github?

Thonny is basically a program for running source code, and plenty of people still use it. You can get the source version from Github via clicking the green "Code" button and then "Download ZIP"

the usual game (not the source version) can be found on the game's page here or at

small note- you cannot get official tech support for the source version on the discord. It's pretty much run at your own risk. 

I have the Clangen game on the bottom of my screen from playing it a while ago but now when I click on it the game is not loading up same as when I go to downloads and try to open the game.

what OS are you using? Windows, Mac, or something else?

im on Mac and can't download. it says it has to be updated to check if it has viruses or something. what do I do?

thats the same with me, ive tried everything i can but nothing works i think they just need to update it

I got it but idk it’s kind of complicated to type it out

please say it 

basically you gotta do what it says at first which is drag the app to your app thing and stuff, then you gotta go to settings, privacy thing or something, then click the lock, then you gotta enter ur password of ur pc and then u can change it so the app is allowed to work. I hope it’s simple enough, cuz I dunno how else to describe that.

tysm ill try it now

there is no lock...and it doesnt rlly work still says malicous softwear

it says that for me too

it i saying the software needs to be updated so i cant download it? is there anyway you can fix it

sorry I'm quite late with this- are you on Windows or Mac? I know Mac will flag it as "needs to be updated" when trying to open the game sometimes but idk much about Windows

When I try to run it it says, The procedure entry point GetActiveProcessorCount could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.


when are you going to release cruel season I want to try it


it'll be ready when it's ready, which is not yet. the devs are finishing up expanded mode before they get to cruel season. 


is there a release date for cruel season? im so exited for it


nope! it'll be ready when it's ready, which is not yet. the devs are finishing up expanded mode before they get to cruel season

Can you download it on an iPad?

I don't think you ca



Very cute and fun game, I loved all my cats dearly even if Bristlemoon kept causing havoc. 🥰

I'm currently on Mac (I think 13??) and I can't open it due to Apple not being able to check it for Malicious Software. I'm kinda new to Mac, moved from Window's pretty recently. I just wanna know if there's a way to fix it or if I have to wait for an update.

Hi! This has happened to me before! If you just go into settings, and then click the security and privacy button, then you should see a something that has a button that says "Allow App" or something like that. Hope I helped, 


can you get it on a google crome???

You can often get it on Chromebook (assuming that's what you're using)! It can be a bit finicky to set up though so I'd recommend the discord for tech support

The online version is just a black screen nowadays. Did i do something or did the owner just give up on the online version?

From what I understand, the previous person primarily in charge of the web version stepped down for personal reasons, and the web version is in general a bit buggy and behind. You might be able to get it working again by clearing your cache/cookies for your browser, but that will delete your existing saves as a consequence.

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Okay, I'm on Windows 10 and I already have it downloaded. The problem is, when I try to open it my PC says that it's dangerous and it might have a virus. Is that true? If not, sorry I'm just being paranoid. It says it's unrecognized. Should I run anyway or not?

Clangen has no malicious software or virus in it. Antivirus programs and such tend to flag various parts of Clangen including the auto updater. You can safely run it anyway :)

Thanks! I decided to do it before you replied but thanks for letting me know


Hello. My name is Zoe, and I'm blind. I use a screenreader called NVDA that reads what's on my computer screen with text to speech and allows me to use it with special keystrokes. I love listening to people play this game on YouTube and I decided to see if it would work with NVDA since it's mostly text. Sadly nothing will read, although that could be because I'm on Windows 11, can't be sure.

I know this is a bit of an ask since I myself don't know the first thing about how to make games work with screenreaders and I'm likely the only visually impaired person interested in this game at the moment, but if you or someone else would consider working on this game to make it more accessible, I would be beyond appreciative. There aren't really any accessible storytelling/sandbox games out there that visually impaired people can play, and I know I'm not the only blind warriors fan since there are audio books of the Warriors series made specifically to be distributed among blind people. So I don't think I'd be the only blind person to play it if it was accessible.   

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hey hi- you came to the discord to ask about this correct? there was someone there the other day asking about something quite similar

You're definitely not the only visually impaired person interested in the game! One of our discord mods is blind and we have quite a lot of people using screenreaders :)


Will this ever be available on Android?


no, the game does not work on mobile. You can use the online version however (if it's working; I've heard a couple people say it might be down).

HELP. I'm on mac and yet it just refuses to open. I need assistance please

same it wont open on all my devices it used to before but now its just a black screen

For the first time you have to right click it in your finder, and click to open on the menu. Then it will ask if you want to open it since it came from the web and you will click yes and it will open then you should be able to open it normally after the first time.

so i tried that and it still didn't work

what MacOS are you on? Clangen will only run on MacOS 10.13 and up

For the first time you have to right click it in your finder, and click to open on the menu. Then it will ask if you want to open it since it came from the web and you will click yes and it will open then you should be able to open it normally after the first time.

does this work on  a HP w2207h with windows vista home premium 

it doesnt let me download it on ym phoneeee ;-; *Le cri*

there is no mobile version sadly 

I understand yours sadness but you can use the online version when its back up instead :3 

(no rush to it tho dont worry)


How long until the online version is back up?

Would you mind updating the mobile one? I can only played on my phone and I think it’s a bit sad how it’s behind.

yup it's being worked on! the lead dev for the online version stepped back and is passing the torch to other people, and there's been some issues with the packages the game uses to run, so progress is slow, but it is coming. 

Help- how do you download this on a Chromebook 2022 gen? 

I'd recommend joining the discord for help with it! It can be a bit tricky to get it to work

How do you get this on a Chroombook HELP

I'd recommend joining the discord for help :) I don't know much about Chromebooks and I know they can be a bit finicky

I just updated clangen and when i try to open it it shows a black screen then closes. any help?

are you on Windows, Mac, or linux/chromebook?

this is the same problem with me

same it does that to me too im glad im not the only one.

I don't understand how to download this on Chromebook, i have watched so many unhelpful Youtube videos, can anyone help!?


I'd recommend joining the discord for help with this! 

Downloaded it last night and was up for hours following the story of the clan that I named Poopyclan for whatever reason, my current leader is also named Big mac star. Love this game. :D

big mac star I love that lol

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Hi so Its saying that when I try to download the versions of Clangen (Im on Windows 10 34-bit with a 64 processor) that I cant download it. I went through Thonny but should I try something else? I tried downloading the three ones that said Windows and nothing. Its saying when I try to click on the clangen thing that "App cant run on this pc find a different version"

"RuntimeError: Dynamic linking causes SDL downgrade! (compiled with version 2.28.2, linked to 2.26.4)" Is what its saying on Thonny

One more time. I Can run the Its just crashing on me and saying there was a problem when I click on the brown and white cat logo clangen in the file

I'd recommend joining the discord for help with this if you can


I have now played several clans for many generations, and yet I have never had a cat be unfaithful. I have it set to on, but it just doesn't seem to happen.

it's pretty rare! most of the time they are loyal. an affair will only really happen if the cat has really high romance with a cat that's not their mate

i see, thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

There should be a option for when you have your main clan, The other clans, (ones you start wars with, ect) you can choose the names of them so for mc challenges when you have other clans you have the ones you made yourself!

You can do this via editing your save files without too much trouble. I haven't heard of anything implementing it in game, at least not yet. 

if you do want to edit save files, I'd suggest joining the discord for help doing that :)


What kind do I run on a dell computer? I tried windows but its just a file folder that doesnt run. 

Try extracting it? 

Hi! I've got a problem. I downloaded the game and took it out of rar, but then I cannot enter the game: "unhadled exception in script" error comes out. I've got Windows 7 64bit

I'm trying to open the game but it says "Clangen" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.  It also says that 'the software needs to be updated' but my device is completely updated.  So what else can I do?

Right click open your game (control click if you can't right click)

I've been trying to open the game but it has a problem with 'Python DLL'  

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