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I downloaded it but I can't play

are you on Mac, Windows, or Linux/Chromebook?


Do patrols actually have an effect on if trespassers show up? I've been playing this game for quite a while now and still cannot begin to guess if anything is happening under the hood.

There is a mechanic where if you antagonize loners/kittypets that want to join the clan, they will show up less, and if you're welcoming to them they will show up more. But I don't think border patrols really discourage hostile rogues, etc.

can you please make a version for ChromeOS?

there is a version for ChromeOS! the linux versions in the download link section. I'm not experienced with setting it up though and I know it can be a bit finicky, so I'd suggest joining the discord for tech support

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I dont know how to open the game I downloaded it but cant play it


are you on Mac, Windows, or Linux/Chromebook?


you'll need to extract it if you haven't

I did but it did nothing but crash my laptop

I am having a problem with the online version, it keeps me really zoomed in and locks it so I can't zoom out to press the button to start the game. I am on a tablet.

yup this is a known issue. it's being fixed :)

When I tried to open the online version, it showed a zoomed version of the website. I've tried reloading, resetting my laptop, everything but its just zoomed in. I don't know what to do

yup this is a known issue. it's being fixed :)

I tried to download it again after I uninstalled it because of some error and now it shows Loadlibrary: file not found

Ok so- Whenever I download the game ((I am on windows)) It just downloads a file and not the game. I try opening it, but that just shows folder contents, anyone have any knowledge on this?



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Scroll through the contents of the folder, and you should find an application in the folder with a brown and white logo that says "Clangen." Open that.

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Scroll through the contents of the folder, and you should find an application in the folder with a brown and white logo that says "Clangen." Open that.


Will they make hunting useful in the future? I see sending cats on hunting patrols a bit useless and risky if they can´t bring any prey to camp

yup! there's a freshkill pile system in the works :)


when I try to play on the online version it doesn’t work ;-;

can you please please update the online version. One tiny little one. :()

Online version is being worked on. The lead dev of the web version stepped back and is passing the torch to other people, and there's a lot of problems involving the packages the game uses to run, so it's slow, but it will happen. Please be patient :)

oh ok I didn’t know that. Thank you I can’t wait!


what should i do if it says clangen  no such file or directory even though i have installed the file

This happened to me too?? I downloaded before, but my Chromebook decided to reset itself, I'm now contacting the Discord server about it lol


If a cat gets lost when on patrol can you find them or can they come back gradually?


You cannot look for lost cats currently, however they will sometimes come back on their own. 


it is the 18th of August 2023, is this the most recent version of the game, if not, how do I update it without removing current clans

If your game is updated to a certain version (I believe 9.0.0 and onward, but not sure) then the game will automatically tell you if there is an update and gives you a prompt to update the game. If it is not then reply and I'll give more info.

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Thank you I got a new version. I got 9.0.4 because that is the only Windows version I see that is new

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For people who struggle to get this on Chromebook here's a guide:

1. download Linux

2. Open the terminal

3. Type in or copy paste this:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Now you should be good!

For more info:

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Thanks very much! I don't use a chromebook but I do like to scroll through the comments and just help people and I see alot of people wondering how to download for chrombook and I would just have to say "go to discord" since idk how to download for linux. But now I can save this, thank you! :]

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i keep trying to download but it keeps saying    Failed - Forbbiden

what are you trying to download on?


can I download on mobile?

No, there is no mobile download


what version of the game should I download on Chromebook?

I have the same question. My computer is a Chromebook hp hybrid but it acts like a Chromebook and I really want to download this.

There isn't an exact version made for Chromebook buuuut I do know that you can download the linux version and use that to run the game. Go to the discord or you can follow this google doc if you do not use discord Hope this helps :]

(Note: I do not have a chromebook so if you have any problems, go to the discord please)

I'm super happy right now but also super confused, lol. I was looking through one of my clan save files looking for the "Faded Cats Info" file, and I noticed a freshkill pile file? When I clicked it, it said something about expiring (i'm guessing prey will expire) with some numbers, I don't know how to describe it, you will have to look for yourself. I'm guessing they are planning to add a freshkill pile soon?

Also, for those of you wondering where to find it, go to "data directory" in the setting&info tab in the game, then go to saves, then click on any of your clan save files, then click on the "freshkill_pile" tab. (I'm on windows 10 btw, and sorry if I don't give good instructions.)


I believe that's been in development for a little while, yes :) It's just taken so long since it's been very buggy and hard to iron out, but maybe it'll be added soon! I think that would be really cool.


Me too! I can't wait!


I downloaded it but it was the cat maker, how do I get the real thing when I click download it doesn't download anything just has the same clangen maker file I am quite confused.

You're clicking the first link, which is just the game that this game is inspired from. If you want to download the game, go down to the downloads section and download the version for your computer. Hope this helps :]

(Note : This game doesn't work on mobile, the web version is not as up-to-date as the downloadable version, and if you are using a chromebook, there is a way to download it but it's kinda complicated, so go to the discord and ask there)

once i open the game itself it crashes and the app vanishes off my computer. whats happening

something similar happened to me, but when I clicked on settings the app's icon changed and it wouldn't open even though the computer said it was an executable, I've never seen it happen to anybody else and I couldn't fix it since.

btw which OS u on? bc it happened to me in macos high sierra

try copying the save files over and reinstalling the game, then u can put the savefiles exactly where u found them. I can't guarantee it working, but it probably will. it's better to research the topic before u try anything tho.


If the app vanishes after you try to open it, it's likely getting flagged by your antivirus


my screen has been black for over 2 hours now? I reload it after it being black for 10 minutes, but then it just does the loading barand sends me to the black screen again. I tried going out of the tab and searching it up again, but it still doesn't work?

This has happened to me before. I suggest getting Microsoft Edge or another browser. But if you can’t or that doesn’t work, just redownload your browser. That should fix it.


-cries- I got microsoft edge but now the same thing is happening on that? I close my mac, come back and its frozen. I reload it and its black and won't load the game at all

Hmmm... Try re downloading it. and if not, try downloading the full version of the game.

You might wanna go take this up with the discord instead, there are more experienced people there that can help you with your problem. Sorry to hear that tho, that must be frustrating :[


I love this game!!!

How do I play this-

I download it on my mac and it appears as a folder with multiple things in it but I can't open it??


if you're on Mac make sure you get the Mac version! it should download a .dmg file

Thanks! Luckily I figured it out a few hours ago, but I closed it and now when I try to open it, it doesn't even send me to the loading screen

ack sorry I missed the notif~

are you still having trouble with this? 

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Hello, i am on windows and whenever I try to open the game, it just crashes and exits the screen. Please help!! I don't know where to turn, and i'd rather have some answers then trying to figure it out myself since I was really looking foward to playing :[

Edit: it's working now, my dumbass downloaded the wrong one lmao since I'm on windows10

my computer wont let me down load the game, and i have watched countless tutorials. if someone had the same issue and still some how managed to down load the game please tell me.

what computer are you using?


yes I’m having the same problem:(

Hi, I'm having problems with the game. As soon as I open the game it freezes and throws an error. I downloaded the game in different ways, used video materials but nothing happens, does anyone know what to do?

What computer are you using?

Lenovo HuronRiver Platform. Windows 7/32-bit

i want to play

People are complaining issues with downloading, I can't even figure how to download; but I'll give it a few more trys until I require assistance

you have to download itch to and then download the game to play


there are download links on the page and at Get whichever version is right for the computer you're using and you can come back or go to the discord for help running them if you have issues



dose anyone know how to download lifegen?

It's a mod in the discord, one of the (I think) threads.

yup! it's a mod. there's a post for it in the #mod-library forum


I have just recently gotten a Macbook pro and I have been looking forward to the computer version of this game for quite sometime, but unfortunately the file won't load. There is a pop up that appears upon clicking on the application saying that the software needs to be updated, and I am just curious about what version clangen currently supports? Is this also a common issue with my computer/my computer's IOS or is it an issue with the version of the application itself?

this is a very, very common issue- right click open your game?

Deleted 1 year ago

Ok I have an update, I can control click the application and click open but then it disappears and won't open.. better than before but still weird

make sure you've put the game in your applications folder?
and check what software update your game is on- clangen will only run on 10.13 or up
if it's a new MacBook I'd expect your operating system to also be pretty new

This happened to me when I got my Mac. just go into settings, then click security and privacy, then go into one of the tabs that it has, then click on either General, FileVault, or Firewall, then click allow Clangen. If it doesn't pop up, download Clangen and then try it. I hope I helped!


hello im sorry to bother but,

I dont know if its just me or not but the online version is kinda broken it doesnt load anymore and it just a black screen after the green bar is full. I would download the game but my dog broke the personal computer a while ago and im using my school computer now. 

Any help or advice is appreciated Thank you so much for you time sorry again

The lead of the online branch stepped away and the online project is a number of updates behind so might not be stable; we are looking for somebody to take it over and get it up to date with the main clangen version but i dont have an ETA on that. If you want more updates on it, join the ClanGen discord

ok thank you so much.

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Can anyone help me out? I'm on a windows 10+ and downloaded the most recent update. As soon as I open up Clangen, it's a black screen, and crashes almost instantly.

I'd recommend joining the discord for tech support if you can :)

Does anyone know a way to do this on chrome? I would play the online verison, but like 85% of the times I would open it would just sit on a black screen does anyone know how to fix it?

You might want to check out the discord for help getting it running on chrome

I shall try

I dont know if youre still having this issue but i recently posted a comment above explaining how to download on chrome, hope it helps!


Whenever I try to download it, it just goes to FlipAClip :(

make sure you're downloading the right version for the computer you're using? 

Since FlipAClip is a mobile app, I'm assuming you are trying to download this on mobile, which doesn't work. The game only works on computer, and the devs aren't planning on making a mobile version atm

can I use my ipad? 

you cannot get the downloadable version on iPad, but you can use the web version

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im on a windows 11 computer and i downloaded an update, and now it won't load. i've double tapped the file, troubleshooted, and right clicked and pressed open, restarted my computer, updated my computer, but nothing will work! what do i do?

This is happening to me, too! I've tried turning off my firewall and redownloading, but nothing's working.

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i just downloaded it again and it actually worked. It even saved my clans :)

Mine still doesn't work..

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