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hold up a minute, the ratio on the screenshots are 4:3 ish, AND MY MONITOR IS 5:5 ish SO IT WILL BE FULLSCREEN FOR ME? idk man

There is a full screen version, but there is also a smaller window version
it takes up about a third of my screen

(1 edit)

Whenever I try to load the game it says that Apple can't check for malicious software and it (Clangen) needs to be updated. Do you know what I should do?

my too

Happened to me! It worked when I clicked open anyway in System Prefrences/Security and Privacy

try right click opening or make an exception for it in your Security and Privacy settings :)


how do I open the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

You unzip the file and play the button with the white cat on it! There's also tutorials on Youtube!

Anytime I try to download the update it gets stuck on 54 percent and won't move. So I tried just downloading the whole new file off here but I'm not getting a zip file when I download it. I am getting a .dmg file. Can anyone help?

I got something similar, to the original game. I found a tutorial on Reddit for an experimental version.  Works normally like the original Clangen. It's a bit long of a long tutorial yet not hard. Here: GUIDE ON HOW TO INSTALL AND PLAY CLAN-GEN EXPERIMENTAL VERSION : r/WarriorCats ( It might work. Maybe it can download better? If not I'm outta ideas, hope it might've helped!

"Experimental version" has not been a thing for several months now and is now called developmental version. You also cannot get official tech support on the discord with source versions, and this guide is generally a bit outdated and not really the best way to play the game, even if you want to play source versions. 

are you on Windows, Mac, or something else?

(1 edit)

How do I get a new deputy/medicine cat after the old one dies?

You go over to the cat's profile that you want to become deputy and pick the roles tab and choose the deputy role. or if you don't know, what can you want, you can go over to the settings tab at the title screen and choose the option for your leader to choose one automatically. :)

thank you so much!

chromebook file?


You can play clangen on chromebook. All you need to do is to install linux beta, download thonny in terminal, download the code in github in a zip file, open thonny.(after opening the github file and grabbing the folder then putting it into the linux files.) Click the open button and click in the clangen folder, click tools then manage packages, click install then the requirements file when you open the clangen folder in thonny. Click out of that then press the green button at the top of your toolbar. If this seems too messy then this guide is basically what i'm saying:here

EDIT: This won't work on the following:

  • Acer AC700 Chromebook.
  • Acer C7 Chromebook.
  • Acer C720 / C70P /C740 Chromebook.
  • Acer Chromebase.
  • Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311.
  • Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-531.
  • Acer Chromebook 11 C730/C730E/C735.
  • Acer Chromebox.

(don't have linux to my knowledge)

This works on older versions as long as they have linux (I'm running on Version 86 and it works.)

I have a guide above that explains how to download on chrome, hope it helps!

i have an hp chromebook, could i play still? the windows files dont work and neither do linux. what do i doo !! also, for future can we get a chromebook file done? and browser vers. updated? appreciate it <3


i have a hp laptop. What download would work best or will any of them work at all?


Same here. The laptop brand doesnt matter, but the version. From Windows 11, You should get “win64”, (or “win32”, but i dont recomend, all windoes 11 laptops are 64bit), and for windoes 10, mst simply, windows 10!

(1 edit)

"windoes 10" and "windoes 11" my favorite 2 operating systems 💀💀💀💀

are you dead lol?

yo lia (more like lie-a) are you dead?

yup she's dead

i played clangen for a while but now everytime when i open the game it says "there was an errror loading the game. There was an error loading the cats file" can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong

i just tried to open one of my old clans with the classic mode and that works perfectly fine. But everytime i open a new clan with the expanded mode it says Error

maybe try making sure all of your clan files are in the right place and that your game is updated. If you've ever coded or modded a cat's settings with the Json file then you may want to go back and make sure there are no spelling errors in said clan/cat's files.

i downloaded the game onto my files but when i open the game it opens for a moment then shuts back down

try using the experimental version, here's a tutorial on how to make it work: GUIDE ON HOW TO INSTALL AND PLAY CLAN-GEN EXPERIMENTAL VERSION : r/WarriorCats ( hope it helps! I had the same problem.

hmmmmmmmm, looks like scam to me

the experimental version is straight from devs. it runs on python so if you don't know anything abt it it doesn't really work. i posted it so that if this doesn't work they can use the other version.


"Experimental version" has not been a thing for several months now and is now called developmental version. You also cannot get official tech support on the discord with source versions, and this guide is generally a bit outdated and not really the best way to play the game, even if you want to play source versions. 

how do i upgrade my game to be newer because i still have an older version (i think) ?


can you please at least update the online one or let cromebooks downlood it :)

you can get it on Chromebook, yeah- joining the discord is good to get help with that since I'm really inexperienced with it and it's kinda complicated

you can actaully download the game and play it on chromebook if you have linux(outdated versions apply) 

Which linux, please a photo or vid tutorial!!!

here is the tutorial, i'm kinda bad at explaining

yes please

(1 edit)

There is only one person working on it at the moment, so that's why it's very outdated. Sadly, I don't believe any more people will be coming to help work on the online version so that's why it isn't updated alot.

You can play clangen on chromebook. All you need to do is to install linux beta, download thonny in terminal, download the code in github in a zip file, open thonny.(after opening the github file and grabbing the folder then putting it into the linux files.) Click the open button and click in the clangen folder, click tools then manage packages, click install then the requirements file when you open the clangen folder in thonny. Click out of that then press the green button at the top of your toolbar. If this seems too messy then this guide is basically what i'm saying:here

EDIT: This won't work on the following:

  • Acer AC700 Chromebook.
  • Acer C7 Chromebook.
  • Acer C720 / C70P /C740 Chromebook.
  • Acer Chromebase.
  • Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311.
  • Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-531.
  • Acer Chromebook 11 C730/C730E/C735.
  • Acer Chromebox.

(don't have linux to my knowledge)

This works on older versions as long as they have linux (I'm running on Version 86 and it works.)

this is amzingggggggggggggggg i love it im kinda obsessed with it but havent played in ahwile so im replaying ittt!!!! <3

hey, I used the terminal code for Linux and accidentally deleted what it spat out is there a way to restart it?

Are you trying to play the game in terminal?


I am trying to get this it looks SO MUCH FUN but im not an adult ;-

u can get it :) u cant join the disco if ur under 13 tho


why :(

discord tos :)


Can you update the online version

online version is being worked on- they were getting more people to work on it just the other day :)


im shitting out my own balls trying to download this on cromebook

I was for a while as well but i did it, need help?

hey!! I know this wasn't directed at me but can you help me? I downloaded the first Linux version and moved it to the Linux folder but I don't know what to do from here :(

If you still need help, right click on the file you downloaded and press "Extract Here", then after a few seconds a folder should appear next to it. open that folder and you should see another folder called "Clangen". open that too, and then double-click on the file called "Clangen" and that should start the game!

Basically what you need to do is open Linux terminal and then put in 

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

It should download the game for you after that and you can play and for a better guide you can use this docs sheet under the Linux area.


ya pls

me too


This is so fun may you please add gathering scenes or mabey something with the DarkForest please or mabey more backgrounds like a aboundend barn or house just wondering have a good day if you see this :D

Um, so I just got on my clangen save and remembered a certain cat in my clan and how I hadn't heard much about them since they joined. So, I went to make sure they were still there. I didn't see them on the list by default, so I tried using the search bar and they didn't show up when I typed in their name. I looked in StarClan thinking they may have died and I didn't notice, but they weren't there either. Apparently the same thing happened to another cat because they aren't there either. Is this a glitch? If so, where can I report it? I want my cats back   :(

did you make sure they didn't get lost? check your cats outside the clan
also if it's been enough time since they died (around 200 moons) they may have faded away

Nope, I know it hasn't been 200 moons, since my clan is only 95 moons old. I also checked my Cats Outside Of Clan page, and they weren't there either. It has to be glitch.

Hm- weird. Yeah I don't know where they went I'll be honest- could be you remembering the wrong thing, or something else. I haven't heard of any cat disappearance glitches basically ever.

Okay. Thanks anyways.


I can no longer play the online version of clan gen on my computer or my ios ipad. I can only play on my android phone. Everytime i go to play the onoine version of clan gen on my ipad or computer it just loads me to a black screen. Could someone pls tell me how to fix this?

also I checked my cats that are listed in the .txt file and they all look fine with no visible signs of corruption or anything like that, so I’m pretty sure what I’m about to try will work, but as I said I’ve never done anything like this nor know what I’m doing, so I might make the problem worse

(1 edit)

what version are you on? because if your cats file is still a .txt that's a very old version

I’m on version 2.7.5, and when I checked the game’s files again to try and find a solution I found that my budcats.txt file had turned into a .json file- this is really confusing

that's good- in recent versions the file is a .json

where did you find your save files? I want to make sure they're safe
in previous versions saves would be wiped upon redownloading the game, but in the last few they will not be. I think redownloading might fix your issue

I found them in the _MACOSX folder, in the saves folder inside it

The game still won’t open either

also question: since the computer thinks the clangen file displayed in the dock is an executable, would running the clangen.exe file fix the issue? I didn’t try anything that I didn’t know its function, so maybe it’s simple as that? I don’t want to reinstall it because convincing the computer to run it in the first place was hard enough

you will need to reinstall the game unfortunately. Make sure your saves folder is stored somewhere safe and redownload from the Mac link


haha don’t u love when clangen crashes when u click settings and the computer doesn’t even acknowledge it, then the game decides the default mac os app icon is way better and refuses to work in any way???? Totally normal move by the game right there, like who would that possibly happen to couldn’t be me

This is not a joke this is a cry for help I’m gonna reinstall the game and put my savefile, which I will copy and backup like a million times, in the exact spot I found it BUT Idk what I’m doing so I’m afraid of losing BudClan forever- help pls bc I don’t have discord

I’m on macOS high sierra (ancient Ik) and uh if yk how to fix this pls help me out

surprisingly, I couldn’t find anything on the internet relating to my problem so I am now convinced that I’m the unluckiest clangen player there is :D

Question-- would anyone happen to know what's going on with cruel season? I'm really excited to see what it'll involve but obviously I'd like the team working on the game to take their time because they're doing amazing, I love this game so much. Just curious because I see the option sometimes when making a new clan and I think about it for a second :)


I don't exactly know specific updates or details. BUT I'm pretty it's still being worked on. I think they are working on making more mechanics to make the game more realistic. I have heard that they are working on a fresh kill pile and it was apparently featured in a dev mode so maybe they are working on that rn. :P

But yeah, sorry but I don't think there has been much info on cruel season rn

Okay, tysm for replying and letting me know!! :)

Is there one for chromeOS? I know over 10 people and myself who would adore the downloadable but we're on chrome and cannot access it

yes, there is a version for that! I'd recommend asking in the discord for help with it as I'm very inexperienced with it

I believe there is but you have to download linux on your chromebook first and then follow what this docs instructions are for downloading it on linux it helped me quite a bit and now i can play the game on chromebook :)

gah i don't know how to load the game

Have you extracted the file?

(1 edit)

add albinos, bling cats, interactive fresh kill pile and more realistic genetics.

1) They have specified that they aren't adding albino cats or, for that matter, hairless cats due to certain health conditions for those cats that make it hard to live.

2) There are certain accessories that look phenomenal, I once got a cat with a neon collar and it was black and rainbow, and it looked pretty cool. His name was Rigatoni as well, favorite cat I've gotten. So yes, there are "bling cats" in the game already, just gotta get lucky.

3) I believe the devs are actually working on something for the fresh kill pile. I think they have talked about it a bit and there even was a prototype in a dev version once apparently so it might be a WIP atm.

4) Idk what they are doing for genetics, but I'm pretty sure it is not on the devs to-do list since it isn't really as big as a feature as other things :P

Hi, I love this game a lot, but I played this game for two days and then the day after that I was loading it and it didn't work. So, I uninstalled and reinstalled the file and it still didn't work so I tried on a different device ad it worked for two days and then the same thing happened. Can you please help me with whatever's happening? I would love to get back to playing the game. Thank you.

Hmmm I haven't heard of the downloaded version doing that before. The online version does that a lot since it's not as maintained. Just make sure you are downloading the right file (Windows, linux, etc.) and have your virus detector off when you download it (Some virus detectors delete the game thinking it's a virus when it isn't). Other than that you might wanna take your problem to the discord since I have never heard of that happening with the downloadable version. Sorry to hear you're having trouble :(

(P.S. The game isn't compatible on mobile devices and if you are using a chromebook I think you have to do something special, ask the discord if you are using a chromebook)

I have an HP lap top and it wont let me download it because its not Microsoft verified.  I guess ill just have to be finw with the online version. [PLZ help :(]

You should probably ask this question on the discord instead since there are a lot of people who know how to deal with tech issues. Sorry to hear it's not working :(


I love this game! Benn playing a lot on my PC. 

Also got a cat named Lemon Boy. I'm assuming this isn't a coincidence and there is a fellow Cavetown enthusiast in the dev team? (also got a cat called Luzpatch that may have died immediately. Very fun! Love it.)

how do you download it on your pc?

Download file to your computer, extract file, look for Clangen.exe file, run. Can't find it? turn of virus detector when you download file. Idk what you do for linux. Go to discord if you're using chromebook. If this doesn't help then I'm pretty sure there is a tutorial somewhere.

Anyways, lol that's funny, apparently there are some pretty funny names in the game :P


Love this game! I've been playing for hours lol. I would, however, like a river or marshland for my clan to live on. 

I know there was a marshland camp in the works for a while, although I haven't seen any progress on it recently. Most likely it is coming :)


Is this running on phone cause I tried playing on PC and it didn't start and I have the right PC so I was wondering if it can run on phone

No, it doesn't currently have a mobile version, unfortunately

if you're having issues running the game (esp on pc) you should join the discord for tech help! there's lots of people who can figure out the issue you're running into and help you with it


Will this game ever be available for ChromeOS? I'm on a chromebook and there is no download for the browser

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

You can play clangen on chromebook. All you need to do is to install linux beta, download thonny in terminal, download the code in github in a zip file, open thonny.(after opening the github file and grabbing the folder then putting it into the linux files.) Click the open button and click in the clangen folder, click tools then manage packages, click install then the requirements file when you open the clangen folder in thonny. Click out of that then press the green button at the top of your toolbar. If this seems too messy then this guide is basically what i'm saying:here

EDIT: This won't work on the following:

  • Acer AC700 Chromebook.
  • Acer C7 Chromebook.
  • Acer C720 / C70P /C740 Chromebook.
  • Acer Chromebase.
  • Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311.
  • Acer Chromebook 15 CB3-531.
  • Acer Chromebook 11 C730/C730E/C735.
  • Acer Chromebox.

(don't have linux to my knowledge)

This works on older versions as long as they have linux (I'm running on Version 86 and it works.)

My chromebook says it can't run linux, is there any way to change this?

Sadly none that i know of.

Okay, thank you for helping me :)

I downloaded the linux one. I couldn't find the ''clangen.exe'' file. Does anyone know how to fix this??

On Linux, the file you're supposed to run is just called "clangen"! clangen.exe is the one you'd get on Windows

My mac book keeps giving me this message when I try to download it 

“Clangen” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. 

Does anyone know how to fix this?

you're going to have to go to settings -> security privacy -> and then select open anyway 

may I ask where do I select open anyway?


you can also try right click opening, which often works

(1 edit)
Gibt es eine deutsche Übersetzung? {German translation?}

there are people working on a German translation, yes


I wanted to ask you a question, Ive tried the download many times over and over, but it wont actual download the game, it just comes up with all of the files and codes, ive tried doing what the instructions said at the top but it still wont work, if you could tell me why this is, please tell me,


Extrahieren Sie die Dateien in die App
(Extract files into the application on your pc) 

Your virus detector might also be deleting the actual program thinking it's a virus when it isn't, so just make sure when you download the game to turn off your virus detector.


The game is awesome but I do have some suggestions...... Could be were we can edit our cats when we first make the clans like how they look or their personality, Could you allow us to more interact with starclan unknown and df (Dark Forest), (This is a joke) Could we please drop the death rate!?!? I have the most easy mode on yet everyone is dying! Overall its a good game and everything is perfect.                                  Love                                                                                                                          The commenter


lol death rate used to be a lot lower and everyone was complaining of overcrowding and coming up with all sorts of rules to keep their clan a manageable size. If you're having trouble with clan population, a mediator to create romantic relationships and/or accepting lots of outsiders are good places to start

I want to say I have been playing the game for a long while now and your team has done a INCREDIBLE job! Do you consider a option to costumize cats when creating a new game? I know it would be difficult though.

Again, you're doing an awesome job, specially with the inclusion! When I first saw the cats could gender transition I was so happy <3 this is such an amazing feature to have!

There are cat customization mods in the discord, but none of them in the base game. 


I am being really dumb rn, but I don’t even know how to get into the game! 😂😂😂😂

you can join the discord for tech support! 

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