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How do I update to the newest version?

There should be a auto updater in the newer versions, but if you are still using the older versions you gotta go into the game and go into the settings, click the data directory button in the corner, then go into the saves file. Download the latest version and copy your saves into the new game's save folder. Hope this helps :]

(1 edit) (+2)

Also, i have a suggestion for an unknown residence, and a pons (place of no stars) guide along with the starclan guide. It would make sense, would it not?

(1 edit) (-1)

we have an unknown residence and dark forest! you can access them via toggles in the cat list tab
you can also exile your guide to the dark forest in order to send all of your cats there

edit: sorry, misunderstood your question. dark forest guide is the closest we have to that, and the team isn't currently taking suggestions as they already have a lot on their plate

Sometimes when i go onto a dead cats (or just a cat in generals) history, it says ' this cat got maimed my r_c for questioning their leadership' ?!?! whats up w\ this?

bit of a bug- "r_c" is usually code for random cat but in that case it'd be referring to the leader. I doubt it's really fixable

It isint letting me download anything so idk how to do it

so, it depends on what type of computer you have got.  If you've got a microsoft, there should be a symbol for it. The same goes for these types of devices: apple, and the penguin symbol, whatever that is. Then,  you extract all files, and then find a file called Clangen, or Clangen.exe. Keep in mind that the app is only for pc for downloading, though there is an online version that worked for my samsung tablet, and i think that it works for any other mobile too. 

Come to the discord for official tech support!

(3 edits)
Help wanted. um so I have a ridiculously old version of the game and when  I tried to import the save it just said cant find Clan_cats.json! so um ya here are the two versions: can you help please. If you need more info just ask!

You might want to join the discord and ask there; in old versions the cat file was saved as a txt and not a json. There is some backwards compatibility between saves but if they are too far different there are some tools the community uses to version up old save files

(4 edits)

thanks for the info! thank you.

I am looking to mod my game, but I cant find the mod channel on the discord?? Do I have the wrong discord?

...Check the rules page for the discord~

(1 edit)

It wont let me open it on my chromebook


I don't think there is a version for chromebook. But you can play online!

(1 edit)

there is a Chromebook version, but it can be fiddly to work with- I'd suggest joining the discord for help



there’s no russian translation right now (в настоящее время игра не имеет русского перевода)

There is a russian translation hub working on one though

hello, i have pretty old version of clangen, is there a way to download the latest version but not lose old savings?

If you go into Settings, it'll give you the option to update it.

This google doc has a tutorial on how to transfer saves!

Hi, I recommend asking in the discord to receive official tech support!


I love this game, the detail and all, but I personally think it would be amazing if music was added, like chirping birds or something, and also weather! (example: stormy night) also, if there was an option to focus on one specific cat (Like FireStar in the first series) that would also be really cool. But these are just ideas / suggestions. Thank you for your time reading this, and have a good day (or night)


they’ve considered adding music but there’s not a lot of volunteers who can do background music, so it’s not in the game yet

there is a mod in the discord server called lifegen that has you play as a cat in a clan!


I like the music and sound effects idea alot, as I can't STAND silence for to long. As for the focusing on one specific cat, there is a mod called Lifegen that does! The only way I know how to get the link to download it is to go to EcoLeaf's Legend's video playing Lifegen and go to the link. As far as I know, it's still in early access but it's still fun!

there's a Lifegen thread and Lifegen download links on the discord too- that's the case with a lot of mods


Is there any way to get this to work on a dell chromebook  ver 11 3189? I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS!!!!

maybe this tutorial would help you out

Hi, ask in the official tech support forum in the discord!


I play on mobile and I want to know how to get it? It seems fun


I don't think you can play on mobile

they’d have to recode the entire game in order for it to work on mobile devices so they dont plan on making one

there’s a website version but it’s not specifically meant for mobile and it’s outdated


When will the cruel season be coming? i cant wait for it (and the drama it will bring)

(1 edit) (+2)

there’s no release date for cruel season sadly

I just updated my Clangen and it keeps crashing. I didn't see a place to report bugs so I'm doing it here, I hope this gets fixed soon

You can report the glitches on the clangen discord. There is a link up above that will take you there, or you can click the discord icon in the corner of the screen while in the main menu of the game.

Unfortunately I am unable to access Discord at the moment, is there some other way to report the bug? Or could someone pass it along to the Discord?

I believe you can post it on Twitter or Tumblr, if you have access to that. Otherwise I'm not sure. I don't think they look at the comments very much on unfortunately.

Ok, thank you

(1 edit)

here’s the link to the form for reporting bugs if you havent found it already! also try checking the faq page



cant open

maybe reading the faq will help! if not, try reporting the bug

does it work on chrome OS?

if you’re talking about chromebooks, this tutorial might help


where is the release zip?

When the game is updated, does it auto update the download you already have?

if you have an older version without the auto updater, you have to move your saves to the new version. here’s a tutorial on how to do that!

How do i extract it doesnt even pop up when i right click it 

What device do you use?

I think you have to click on the little image thingy on the left side of the file so it turns into a tick. Then click the 3 dots on top right of your screen and look for ''extract all''. That's what worked for me.


Hi! I just wanted to say hi.


Hello! :)

(1 edit)

Is there a way to download an older version of clangen? As the newer updates don't work on windows 7 anymore.

I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for- but there is always the online version of the game that doesn't get as many updates so it's probably a bit behind... but I think you can go into the save files and change the version? I'd suggest asking in the Discord if you have it (They have a whole team there- and a few channels dedicated to helping with questions :3 )! I hope this helped- if not- sorry! /gen

Im having trouble, on thonny it says i need premul_alpha? and for nightly, when I update, it never updates-


Reminder the game needs to be extracted after download to play! Right-click the file and the "extract all" option should be there <3

there is an error message when I try to extract it so I have no idea what to do

(1 edit)

I right-clicked the file but nothing happened (I did it on an asus chromebook btw). Pls help! eek if i don't play this game i will explode

(2 edits) (+1)

Also, some suggestions:

(Warning, this could get long)

.1 This one seems a little overboard with realism, so I'm not going into to much detail: maybe, lets say, your patrol comes across abandoned kit(s). You would need at least one nursing queen to nurse them, only if they are newborns. You would be forced not to proceed if not.

.2 It'd be nice to add some sound effects, music, or both. As a person who hates silence, it would be greatly appreciated. You could then have a setting to turn the effects and music on/off, as some people don't like playing with music on of course.

.3 I think it would be awesome to be able to get more involved with the cats outside of clans and/or cats in other clans. It would be nice to have some half-clan kits. Sure, you can have unmated cats to have kits, but that happens alot. This could be something that happens rarely to make it more fun and surprising when it does happen.

4. To make a specific cat's story more in-depth, there should be a setting where you can turn 'prophecies' on/off. If it is switched on, very rarely a random cat will become part of a prophecy of some kind. The prophecies could also consist of more than one cat as well. And, if you are playing in classic mode, you can pick the cat you want to be part of a prophecy.

5. It would be nice to be able to equip/unequip a cat's accessory, as I (and I'm sure alot of other people) don't like the look of some accessories, and as far as I know you can't get rid of them.

(1 edit) (+1)

1. Hm. It's an interesting idea, but I doubt it would be added; it'd be very harsh for early game when nobody is having kits yet

2. some background framework for sounds is added and sound will most likely be coming

3. this is also planned 

4. kinda goes against the "random generator" feeling? where the game might pick a main character or five for you. might be a good mod idea though

5. there was a "remove accessory" button in an earlier version, and it'll most likely be coming back. 

Thank you for the info! I'm glad sounds with be added as well.

Does anyone know how to make your leader lose lives faster? My clan is almost 60 moons old, and my founding leader still has 9 lives. I know that if you kill them using the kill cat button it will take all of their lives at once, but I only want to take a few so that way my leader doesn't last 10,000 years XD. It would be nice to have a setting where you can turn the lives system on and off as well.


On the newest version of clangen, last time I checked you have to check an option on 'kill cat' for it to take all the leader's lives. So you can choose to only take one life with the kill cat button. That's the only way I know to speed up leader death, normally I just retire my leaders when they have the role for too long.

OMG THANK YOU! I tried that a while ago before that was added and it took all of the leader's lives automatically, which was why I assumed you couldn't do that. Thank you again! My leaders won't won't last forever LOL!


You’re welcome! I was really glad when I found out about the change because I used to send leaders on singular patrols and press proceed on everything hoping they would die lol.


can someone help me , every time i open clangen 

it says clangen.exe has stopped working and the following sentence below "a problem caused the program to stop working properly. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available", can anyone help me with this? [
sorry for the bad english i used the tradutor because i don't know english , im from brasil ;)]

You have to uninstall it you will lose your cats but you will be able to play


that's the problem it's the first time i instaled the game And that mensage shows UP

Hey! Is there anyway I can download this on MacBook Air? Im currently on vacation so my Pc is at home. Thanks! ^^

yup! there's a Mac download in the list of download links here :)


help how do i download!

Same, I pushed download but I couldn't seem to make it work. Can someone help?

Same, I pushed the download button but it doesn't download or show any popup even though my popup is not blocked but enabled.  

Really wanted to play this, can anyone help?? :(

(1 edit)

yeah this is happening to me as well, I click download and it shows it downloads but it doesn't show the file in my folder and removes it as soon as I go to open the file. sometimes it works but wont let me extract it


hello everyone!
im lookin for some help, please! i been playing normally yesterdays night and today when i opened the program its said there some error in my dawnclans settings. ill add the screenshot with it. what should i do? i miss my kitty-cats, i hope its just cause da new updates and we can fix its soon.

I'm sorry Idk how to help you but that picture tho-


I updated clan gen on my PC but I cant open it any more.  

Same! I went on there there twitter to see if anyone was talking about it but nothing!


Ah, ok. I bet the devs are working on it there hardest we may just have to wait.


Oh! I got it to work you need to redownload it :D

Oh ok imma do the same

oh it still doesn't work probly cause im playing it on itch

oh sorry


Is there any why to download it on chrombook? I don't think there is, but I just want to make sure

Here I'm not sure if this will help Clan gen on Chromebook


Since the new update on itch I can't launch the program!


So, Ive been editing my clan cats and all, (giving them a new look) but when I'm done and I go to the "Time skip one moon " icon and click it, it closes the  game. I've tried over and over. Is there a way for me to keep my edited clan cats and still play the game?


So this game is amazing, but since this new update I can't access the Starclan? Is this a new feature or is it a glitch?

Starclan is in a different spot from before- it's accessed via a toggle in your cat list, much like the cats outside the clan 


my computer doesn't allow me to play it, just open it in the folder. It doesn't show up on my app list either...

have you unzipped the file? You’ll need to do that before you can play the game.


I don't mean to be rude or impatiant but are we ever going to get an update on browser adition?

They've mentioned how the browser edition is only being worked on by one person at the moment


i have the zip but where do i play? it only says " name="play" platform ="windows" etc. , anyone help??

You have to unzip the file


Hi! I really want to play cos I love warrior cats and my friend says this is a great game, but the problem is I don't own a computer or anything so I can't play, is their anyway to make this available on Android tablets/phones?

You can play the online version on phone/tablet, there's currently no ports for phone/tablet

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