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it wont let me make a path? everytime I do make one, it says "a fatal error has occurred! Help please!


it says error loading python dll the specified modile could not be found it was working the first time ive tried both win 64 and win 32 zips ill try the online version see if that works

Hey! How do I Update the game, would I just re-download it from this website? Does it automatically transfer the data? I’m not sure about what people mean when they talk about “newer” versions, If they mean current updates or the big one when a lot of the interactive parts were added. Sometimes I’m not sure I have the most recent version? How would I be able to see that? Hahah sorry if none of this makes sense!

I’m having the same issue, I tried to re-download the game but seemingly nothing changed.

it seems like your talking about the dev version

what’s the dev version? (What does Dev stand for?) 

The dev version is hosted on the github linked above! Dev stands for "in development", as it is for testing possible features for the future and fixing bugs (as such, it is very buggy at times)

The development team recommends just sticking to this public version since it is much more stable than the dev version.

As of this recent update from a few days ago, we can now update the game automatically rather than redownloading the file every time (which we used to do)

hello hello! On the website  version of clan Gen, usually when you refresh all your data and progresss is deleted. This has been a common issue with other website players as well and I’d like to address it ! I love this game very much and it made me a little sad when all of my progress was deleted. Thank you💗

This is a common problem with the web version, which is currently being worked on by Blackfur. The web version takes a lot of time and patience to work on and because of this, it does have some problems like this, which Blackfur is aware of. The itch version is suggested to use over the web version, if you can :)

sadly I do not have a computer :( but I will be excited once it is fixed! Thank you so much 

Yep! It was actually just spoken about today in a contributor meeting :)

Deleted 1 year ago

this is.. partially true, but mostly false

there was a way to run the development version using an android app, but it was highly buggy, crashed very often, and, from what i've heard, no longer works at all since fullscreen mode was added. please make sure you fact-check your claims in the future to avoid spreading misinformation :)

If anyone needs help downloading Clangen (dev or released) or mods on Windows, dm me on Discord or comment under here. (1st comment got kinda buried)

Discord: ✧ Caiden#5543


Random passing idea I've had for a few days, but i think it would be cool if we had a city area for one of the BGs, doesn't need to happen i just thought it would be neat

Hey there! great game i think it would be a good idea to add a roadmap! or maybe a release date on the updates!

we never commit to updates at particular times, or any order of updates. this is because our team is 100% volunteers - we don't want to cause undue pressure by forcing deadlines. we essentially work on what we want, when we want, though we do try to aim for monthly releases. sorry this wasn't the answer you were hoping for!


I totally understand, game creating is hard and i don't want anyone to feel under pressure. Thank you for answering!


The online version has stopped working for me, I have tried on both phone and laptop, the phone using data, and the laptop using wifi. It keeps getting stuck on a blue screen, and I am unable to play. I also cannot download the game, as it just comes up with a lot of files, such as 'sprites, etc.' I deleted those, as they were taking up some space in my laptop. I just want to draw my cats and watch my clan TnT

you'll need to redownload and this time keep the files! they are needed to run the game

Does anyone know if there is a way to play on an Acer laptop?

Do you mean an Acer cromebook (I think that’s the one without a windows or Linux system etc right?) I have a regular Acer Laptop with windows and can download the windows version just fine :)


I can't seem to get the download to work, I enjoy the online one but I want to try the download my comepeter is a elitebook 8470p any idea how I can get it


Hi Btw i adore clan gen! anyway I thought that a good feature might be not to allow cats to give newborn kits tasks it doesn't quite add up.  Just a Suggestion! 

hey Im new to itch.Io but I dont exactly know how to download it

Instructions can be found under "How Do I Download This" :)

Late comment I suppose, but if you are still having trouble im here to help. Click on whichever one you need to download for your device, and go to finder and go to applications. Open the download once ready, and it should open in your downloads finder. Double click on it, then it will tell you to move applications. Click and hold on the clan gen logo, then drag it to your applications folder wherever. Then once thats done drag it to your app folder thingy / where your backround is. Hope this helps.

hello! I'm on Mac and I cannot play as it says apple cannot check it for malicious software, any tips?

Deleted 164 days ago
(1 edit)

I’m new to itch.Io, how do I open the game?

I may be able to help if you're on Windows

(1 edit)

I'm on Mac, and the game only worked for the first few minutes then it kicked me out. Now it doesn't wanna open anymore.

Edit: Nvm its working now

Aa whenever I try to download the new update it just stays at 0/100 and when I close the application and try to open it again it shows a black screen :(

How do you switch to the newer version? I'm on Mac and downloaded this, but it still takes me to the old version. Please help?

(2 edits)

The clangen tumblr page made a tutorial that might help with that! You can find it here:

Gah thank you! It's working now!


when I downloaded the game it wouldn't allow me to open it, I'm just wondering if its my computer or if I'm using the wrong download, my computer is an Avita and the downloads I chose were the 64 and 32 I tried them both out to see if I chose the wrong one the firs time 

Deleted 1 year ago

you can try the web version.

(1 edit) (+1)

does anyone know how to transfer saves into new updates? i always have trouble with that (i use the Windows64 downloads idk if that's important to add)

edit: nvm i figured it out :P

Could you tell me how or where you found out how to do it because I also struggle with that?

well for this newest update there is an option in game to look at the save files so i just moved my old saves into there and boom it worked.

So in settings there is a button on the bottom left and opening that should take you to that place

i hope that helps whhwh


Hi! I have a question, would it be possible to add the letter ä,ö,ü and ß to the game? I´m from germany and many of super cool names for cats include those letters, for example, lion is Löwe in german. So yeah it would be great to have them in game. Tysm for reading this, love your game <3


there's definitely some translations for the game in the works!


will it show a cat's belly getting bigger when they are pregnant?


Probably not! But it is a good idea, so it could be added! But, you never know

is there a way to move files from one version to another on MacBooks?

(2 edits)

The clangen tumblr page made a tutorial that might help with that! You can find it here:


(1 edit) (+3)

For those of you who want to play on Chromebooks out there, but doesn't like the web version, I'll just share some things that helped me run the game on Chromebook.

  • Have Linux on your chromebook enabled! This is required, as Linux holds some really powerful tools that you will need in order to actually play this game! 
  • Install things like pygame with Linux! Go to the Github page for clangen, and find what is required to run it! A big one is Pygame! Make sure your Pygame, Python and whatever else Clangen requires to run is downloaded and up to date. If you don't know how to download things on Linux on your chromebook, go look it up, I'm not Google, you can do it yourself. The internet will also give you instructions on how to download these things too. It is also recommended to use something to run Clangen too, like IDLE. I think Thonny can probably run it too, idk.
  • Use the Github version of Clangen! More specifically, go to the branch with the latest officially release version on This version uses a .py file instead of a .exe file. .exe files cannot be run on Chromebooks, but .py can, with the help of Linux! 
  • To run the .py file, use the command python3 (which is the name of the file).

I dunno what else to put here, but if anyone else also runs clangen on Chromebooks with Linux, you can add some more stuff to my comment here. Also, I'm not a professional coder hackerman or anything like that. I just did all of this coding stuff to run clangen, lol. So uh... yeah.

Also, apparently the Linux versions can work too, but I haven't figured out how to get the Linux version running, oops-


heres a simple Linux guide for Chromebook peeps I made:


Download whatever Linux version works on your chromebook. look it up I aint no google.

Go to the .zip and right click, hit extract all. Move the new 'Clangen' folder to your general downloads. 

exit and right click said folder, hit 'open in terminal' and once the files load, type (case sensitive) ./Clangen.

it should be up and running! if problems, ask in the discord.

(2 edits) (+1)

If anyone needs help downloading Clangen (dev or released) or mods on Windows, dm me on Discord or comment under here. 

Discord: ✧ Caiden#5543

I cant open the files when I download them and I don't know if its something I did or if its the game or my laptop I have an Avita and I downloaded both of the 32 and 64 files 

Have you extracted them

can it work on chromebook because it works on linux if so how do you play it

first turn linux on. next, what version do you run?


I would like it if i could play as a single loner cat then join a clan or start my cat off as a rouge interactions with other clans that we own/ clan saves  instead of random clans would be nice. they could be like on cat that can be us as a cat that we have more control over. like when we are pik clans cats we get to chose our player cat that we can edited coat eyes ex.. then we get to pick leader dep med ex...


1. suggestions are closed
2. that's not the type of game this is

you can make a clan and then exile/kill all but one cat to get a bit of a loner-starting-a-clan situation

Deleted 1 year ago

Yeah some of my cats i had plans for like mate plans then they decide the not straight anymore its annoying i feel like they should not chnge sex on their on that should be for the player to decide what sex they want them to be



You can still make them have kits? There's no set sexuality for any of the cats, don't be stupid about it.

Deleted 253 days ago

none of the cats are straight anyways...even if they're not trans, any of the cats can gain romantic like towards any other cat regardless of gender


I agree with you. I understand the game has a lot of trans developers and they're putting that in the game, but if the button to specify a cat's gender manually is already there, why is the randomized chance for cats to choose their gender by themselves there too? The game is already very gender neutral with each cat being referred to as they. Some of us already have stories for our characters and what they prefer. Even if no cat is really straight or bisexual or gay, people have headcanons for their own cats and I don't see why the game should randomize their cats' gender and may have to change that. You can reverse the that action, but why is it there in the first place? You can manually do it if it's something you desire with your cats.


Why should we let the cats choose their own mates when the player can manually set mates?  Why should we let the mentors be assigned apprentices automatically when the player can manually assign apprentices?  Why should we let the deputy be chosen automatically when the player can manually promote a deputy?  Why should we include any RNG elements when we already include options for the player to manually make those decisions.  I don't understand why you're only asking this question in regards to the trans cats.  Sounds like you only take issue with one thing, and that reflects badly on you.

Those are all natural things that can happen in a clan. I understand those elements being randomized, but not their genders. Gender is a personable thing, that each person has a unique take on, depending on who who are. There's some that believe there's only two, while others believe there's multiple. Sex doesn't equal gender, so why are the cats referred to as male and female instead of tom and she-cat like in the books? Why are male and female the gender identities if they aren't genders? If the game has genders, why can't you set the pronouns of your cats?

Why does gender even matter to cats anyway? It's nice that gender diverse people can headcanon their original cat characters as gender diverse, but why would a cat want to be nonbinary or a trans male/female if the issues with gender and gender identity stems from human socialization and stereotypes of male and female people of the man and woman gender?

Pronouns are actually an upcoming update. As you can imagine, making sure all the text in the game can dynamically update to given pronouns of specific cats is rather complex, which is why a neutral they/them was used originally.  But, regardless, we could argue this all day and likely get no where.  The bottom line is that this is the decision that has been made by the contributor team and is very very very unlikely to ever change. You do not have to play the game if it makes you uncomfortable and you can always change the gender of the cat if it displeases you.


Sorry, this isn't in the plans. A lot of the development team for clangen is trans and the game itself is lgbt+ friendly. If you dont like it when a cat transitions, you can change them back on their profile page


what did the original comment say? can you add pronouns too? I'm sorry I keep asking, I just really really want them.


Is there a release date for the next update I'm really excited for when cruel season comes out and I was wondering if there was an estimated date for release.


I love this game, I played it when it first came out and I must say that it has improved so much! 

I have a suggestion, that forbidden outside the clan relationships become a thing, I think it would be pretty awesome! 




For the online version, it's not loading for me. It just shows a blank blue screen. Anyone know why, and how to fix it?

U wait for a couple minutes then it'll load in


Suggestion: Can there be a way to simulate life in a Tribe like the Tribe of Rushing Water? Or a way to simulate life in a group like Scourge's or Darktails? Also, maybe StarClan's prophecies could also have an impact on the simulation? 

I'm having trouble opening the game, I downloaded it on my Mac, but it won't let me open it because Apple can't check it for malware. Does anyone know how I can bypass that?

Aight, I figured it out, my computer gave me some handy-dandy instructions:

  1. In the Finder on your Mac, locate the app you want to open.

    Don’t use Launchpad to locate the app.

  2. Control-click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
  3. Click Open.

    The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it at any time by double-clicking it, just as you do with any registered app.

(1 edit) (-1)

sorry for saying, but when I get into the game, its like just no details and the whole thing is like a earlier version of the game. I don´t know what to do at this point. please tell me if you see this! 

all love,


(edit) please also tell me how to open the game, I´m no genius.


If you're on windows then just download the game then open it in files. Open the file again and you'll see a lot of files or images, then scroll down until you reach the "clangen.exe" double click it then extract the file. Your computer might flag it as unsafe but thats because it isnt officially a real game. Then you open the new extracted file , open up clangen again then it'll play.

alr, thank you!



You know how we can click on the Medicine Cat Den to see all the injured cats, the log, and the Herbs? Can we maybe get something like that on the Clearing, where it shows the other Clans near us and our Status with them? Like, in one of my playthroughs, I'm at War with a Clan but Allies with another, and I think it would be neat to be able to see our Relationship with other Clans. Being able to edit those Clans Names would be nice too, it can even be in the same section. Otherwise I'm having a lot of fun and look forward to whatever else you may add!!

(Like also maybe a Bog/Swamp map and/or a City/Twoleg Map lol?)



Maybe make a few new maps? Like maybe a river map? Just a suggestion though!



Ability to bring back an exiled cat; for example, I had a clan once where the leader was very tyrannical and an elder got exiled, but I was so sad and after the tyrannical leader died I couldn't get that cat back or put them in the clan's Starclan, so maybe it could be a feature to bring back an exiled cat??


hey there, my game isn't allowing me to get past 218 moons, if I click save or skip a moon it shuts down the game and doesn't save. I have a couple of clans and it won't let me swap clans it will just shut down the game. I have re-downloaded it 3 times now with no success in solving this. I don't know what else to do... do I say goodbye to my clan and restart anew or is there anything I can do to save my current clan?


I need help i cant get the game i have tried but cant figur it out could i pleas get some help.

(1 edit) (-3)

HOW DO I PLAY IT?! I have none of those dum apps,that can and might give my info away. is that the prob? :( Edit: nvm,I'm on Mobile,I wanted to play it instead of watching everyone else have fun playing it. :,(


(None of those are apps, they're all types of computers, unless your on Chromebook where you have to enable Linux and that's what that is, also maybe be a bit nicer to the poor game devs who try their best to develop it on multiple computers)

If you are on mobile you can use the website version, it may be behind a ways, but you can still enjoy some of the experience!

If you are on an iPhone with the latest version of iOS, you can bookmark the ClanGen website link to your homepage and play it like any other mobile app, it will auto update as well.

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