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for some reason its not letting me download. it keeps saying theirs a vires or something. im not sure.


My computer said it wasn't safe as well, but I got it working in the end by tapping more info and there was an option to run anyway. Not sure if this is the same issue you are having, but I hope it helps!

(1 edit) (+1)

For me it said virus scan failed and I've done what people have said to do to fix it. It still doesnt work


I turned off my antivirus to try and see if I could actually download this, but it still said virus scan failed. People told me to turn off my antivirus to fix it, but as stated, I did and it was not fixed. I try to download this a lot and it always says virus scan failed.


I am on windows, I try with every download, yet it still doesn't work. Any advice?


I don't quite know is you need any suggestions, but if you do: here's some! It would be amazing if players were able to edit relationship statuses, family and age, like for example, on the personal button when you click it, theres an "age" button, where you can edit the age. Same thing with family and relationships, except there could be an "edit" button in the corner somewhere. So that way, when you click the edit button, you can change who their parents and siblings are, as well as change who they like and dislike, and by how much! 

These are just suggestions, I'm absolutely in love with this game, and I'm so grateful for all the hard work that has gone into it!

Haven't played the game yet, but there's a python3/pygame webAssembler in development called pygbag

It won't work on the online version, when I try to select a terrain it freezes, when I try to switch clans it freezes, and when I skip a few moons it freezes up. I deleted all of my cats in the one clan that I can go into (big mistake) because I got bored and now I cant make a new clan.

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    So. Many. Kits. and Don't get me started on the overall count. I'm adicted, I started this on like, thursday
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same with my first clan. Mine aren't ass much but there are a lot of them

XD yeah, but I was on the online version and now it's not working *sad*


Took a while, but I figured it out




did ya do it on pc?


i cant open it so there is nothing to do


When you get so far into the game that you only have one cat left from your original 10 cats and their an elder and probably the oldest cat in the clan and will probably die soon.

(BTW If you're reading this, that cat of mine died a little bit later, just before my online version stopped working and I can't play *Cries*)


idea: add a "kill cat" option but we can choose a murderer to kill the cat they dislike for example Whitestar killed Moonfoot out of jealousy and bloodthirsty.

If you click "Kill cat" On a leader, does it take one life, or all? or is it random how many lives it takes?

it kills the leader instantly

I've been trying to timeskip one moon but it keeps logging me out, giving me this message:

I'm not really a coding expert so I'm unsure of how to fix this, the other clans that I've created do just fine though.
I've also tried restarting my computer but it won't work and I don't want to uninstall it to install it once more as I don't want to lose my progress.


I'm not sure if suggestions are needed, but I think that the mechanic of Gathering would be awesome, it can be like an instrument to improve or worse your relashionship with other clans and also to see some parts of the life of other clans.
This is just an idea which came to my mind and I thought I needed to write about it. Thank you a lot for your work, ClanGen is amazing! The ultimate instrument to write fanfics c:

I think that that would be fun too! I've not seen the word gathering even mentioned once!


i got on this online and i cant load in anymore its just on a black screen and the sides are blue it took me a very long time to get on that screen. im also on a chrom.OS so  maybe thats why but it was working just fine a couple days ago.


Try resetting the site data.


ok just tried that still a black screen any other suggestions?

Try asking in the discord 

they just said “ it may be out for a bit”



and it happened to my friend to


whenever I try to login, it turns to a black screen and it’s incredibly annoying. I can’t play this game anymore. I was addicted for a while and it makes me sad. Please fix this.

If its the online version, try resetting the site data.


Should be a button near the search bar

hey, im having an issue where everytime i save my game and sometimes when i time skip my game just shuts off, when this happens i cant see events that happened that moon. any ideas of how to fix this? or would i be better off deleting the game and reinstalling it?

Try reinstalling it


It be cool if this generator had a full creator mode. I'm not sure why but I think it be pretty fun to mess with

Anywho keep up with the good work, your absolutely amazing and so is the previous dev!

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LOLLLL My med cat Piperfur has (currently) a bit of a crush on the dep Greenmask, and a decently big crush on Hickorystar, Piperfur-why? You little romantic, that's not okay

That happens a lot lol.

its just really funny, after a while piperfur had a HUGE crush on greenmask and greenmask had a crush too, so they were mates until piperfur died, they had a litter of kits tho. again, its just halarious how it played out


it happened to me. three cats fell in love and then I had to choose who gets who, I wish there was an option for polyamorous relationships

In the books, medicine cats aren't meant to have kits...It would be kind of funny if your one did and was allowed to stay as a medicine cat! 

He was allowed to stay a medicine cat until he died, it's perfectly fine in ClanGen, and it's my Clan and can have it's own code if I want, so I don't see what's funny

Okay then.....That is funny! So did your med cat have kits? And if so, who with?

yes he had kits, with his mate, the deputy, Green mask later Greenstar, I have same-sex couples can have kits on

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!

for some reason on the online version it will go from pygame window to clan genarator and stay a black screen, it only worked for a few hours. I don't have any idea how to fix it.

Yeah, I'd reccomend the downloadable version, as its much less buggy

Yea that happens a lot to me. Sometimes when I try to switch clans it just goes to a black screen.


I'm unsure of where I can put suggestions for the future contents of Clan-Gen but I will put them here. I believe it would be a fun decision to (in the game settings) disable or enable accessories. This would mean that kitty pets, loners, and rogues that join the clan won't come with collars or any supplement. With the setting off, it will not on account of skipping a moon, give a cat an accessory unless it is enabled.

I also think it would be fairly amazing if the ones playing with this setting enabled can choose what accessories they can put on their cats.

Have a wonderful day! :D


sooooo how do u play this on an iPad I adore this game and seri pixel biologist who plays this. Check her out! But I can’t play this game anymore! I played it for about a month then the screen would turn black and it wont load 😭😭😭😭😭 I just got my iPad and I really want to play this game. I need help ty for reading this! God bless :D


The only way to play this on mobile is the online version.


same I’ve been wanting to play this, and it turned to a black screen :(

Maybe try resetting the site data

I LOVE SERI PIXEL BIOLOGIST! That is how I found out about this too. And my favourite game, Wolf Quest.


WHEN U GONNA ADD TO APPLE, I wanna play it ;)


You can already play on Mac computers.  If you mean on mobile, then you'll be waiting a long time.  We aren't going to be able to port the game to a mobile version anytime soon.

Where can you get the dev version? /gq

Press the GitHub link

Kk, thanks man


Hii! When are updates on the online version posted usually?


I am on a tablet and on chrome the clan gen game worked just fine for about a day or two but one day i tried to enter clan gen and than it was loading and when it fully loaded it showed a black screen and thats all and on my internet search app i also used to play clan gen but once when i tried to save the game it all just crashed and now i am unable to play the game at all i am so sad about it cuz the game is so much fun to draw! Does anyone know how to fix theese problems?

You can't play Clangen on moble, It itsn't exaclty designed for it, so there isn't really a solution, but did you read the stuff up top?

Try resetting the site data, it’s going to delete all your clans but it should work 


I have a question. How do I download and put mods on? I’ve tried looking on the discord but I’m young and it doesn’t make any sense to me TvT

I'm not sure if you can exactly download and put mods into your game, I think you would have to download the whole modded game and then play it from that. But I am no modder so hopeful someone can give a more confident answer. Could you say where you found the mod? Like, on discord or something like that.

Try checking the mods and coding on the server. Some mods have a released version that you can download and play like the dev version.

is it possible to determine what the cat will be good at?

for example,

if i keep making an apprentice hunt, will they then be a good/fantastic hunter?? or is the chance of a cat being good at hunting/fighting randomized? i don't want my entire clan being a 'good teacher'.

I think it's random, I had that problem too, you can try to save the game before they become warriors and if you don't like their ability, just exit and re-enter to change it

Give your apps to a mentor with the skill you desire! If you have them patrol together as much as possible, then the app will be more likely to have a skill similar to their mentor's


does it matter if i put the apprentice first or no? 

Does this game work on windows 11

It does, I can help you download it if you want .

Yes please and thank you 

First you should either download the win32 or win64 

(1 edit)

how do i play on chrome book i know theirs a way to play it without downloading it i just dont remember how

use the web version

Deleted 136 days ago

Try right clicking the app and pressing "open" instead of double clicking to open and there should be a message that pops up. Click "open". I did this and it worked. Lmk if I explained this well enough haha

Im on a chromebook and it doesn't work. Also, I tried to do the online version but it also didnt work. 


For chromebook you have to have Linux and program it into your computer

I'm struggling to download this, I can't find a way to turn off my antivirus like others said to do to fix it. Google won't help either, it just says the same thing.

If when you try to open it a red box comes on screen then you have to click the "Show more" button at the bottom left and then click "Run anyway". If it's not that then you'll have to give a description on what's happening when you try to download/run the game.

(3 edits)

I'm having problem with the game every time I download it it take me to microsoft app sometimes it is telling me to replace the files and when I do noting happen it just look and tell me to extract the files again noting happen. Then it be saying error loading python dll, the specified module could not be found it does this every time I restart my computer.

Huh, I don't think that's suppose to happen. If you're not already, just extract the files, open the folder up, and run the Clangen.exe program. If you are doing that and it's taking you to... the Microsoft Store for some reason, then idk what is happening. I guess make sure the folder with the game files is not in any other folder if that's a problem. But yeah, sorry, but I'm not sure what is happening.

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Hey, I tried downloading the game. I have a windows 11 pro computer, and it downloaded as a zip file. I tried following a tutorial on youtube, however, it did say it was out of date and I assume that's because the "Main" application is no longer available after extracting the file. I cannot find it, and it looks no different after extracting it then it would if you simply double-clicked, and opened the zip in my downloads. Not sure what's going on, but any help would be appreciated. 

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im struggling with the exact same thing i dont know how to get the game to open

Glad I'm not the only one, Lol ':)

You should download Itch and download it that way

(2 edits)

you have to go into the files and click the file you downloaded and than once you get in there youll scroll through the files and see one that says clan gen and click it extract the files and it should get a file with logo of the game. click that and you got it!

Im so exited for cruel seoson

Same, I just came back and updated my game and found out that a whole bunch of stuff was updated, like the medicine cat den had herbs and the GUI was improved and stuff like that. I was so surprised lol

and i heard they added a morph for newborn kits


I think we are all ready for cruel session!  Honestly, I think it will be fun! Thank you StableSteel for being such a good game creator, I love this game and it's so fun to play!


when will cruel season come out?

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It doesn't say when it will come out but the creator said on twitter that in a few weeks or in a month it will come out


Where exactly did you hear that?  Our twitter hasn't announced anything about when Cruel Season will come out (and it certainly won't be that soon)

Deleted 1 year ago

I love this and am very exited for cruel version ^^

Mmmm....So am I.

Hello, I really want to play this game it looks really fun! But I have a chrome OS and I was wondering if there is any way I could play?

Maybe the online version! The update is behind and it isn't rlly that good, but it's an option!

can i play on chrome web browser?


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