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Hello. I updated my game last night and did not have any problems until today. I tried opening the actual application and my virus protection program told me the file was potentially dangerous, and that it was a trojan, before the application disappeared. I tried redownloading and replacing the file, but it told me the same thing. I've noticed that another person appears to have the same problem. Is there any way to fix this? ^^;


it specifically mentions that the wacatac.b!ml file is included in the download... 


im having the exact issue, i dont know how harmful it actually is but id at least like an explanation since it specifically came up as a trojan and not just a vague "might be a bad file" false positive.

I believe there might have been some sort of interference with downloading the game from the web page. When I installed the game using the app, there weren't any problems with my antivirus and I scanned my computer multiple times to find that the trojan was no longer attached to the game. I recommend you play this through the itch application if you want to continue playing the game in a safe way!!


idk if its ok to give suggestions but there will be an option where a clanmate betray another clanmate or kill cat kill one of its clanmate due to all the feel of hatred towards that cat? i would love interactions like that it gives more drama to the game, as well if df and starclan cats can have more "physical" interaction with alive cats? like a df cat making one of your cats evil due to its influence and because of that, and if that cat dies they automatically goes to the dark forest??? idk if this ideas are already in development but i cant wait to see more of this game!

I'd like that too.

@ anyone having trouble playing it, make sure you're opening the .zip and looking for specifically Clangen.exe - you don't need to open any of the other code unless you're looking to edit the game. you may also need to scroll to reach the .exe file!

Is there anyway to play the game on thonny?


*sighs* i hate life, sometimes, yk?


maybe the game is glitched or somethin? i dunno, but from what im reading, a lot of people are having trouble playing the game (like me, i cant even FIND the game, nevermind play it :/

First thing you'll want to do here is unzip the file package, you can usually do this on windows with a simple right click and the extract all option should show up, once that's done, open the file and scroll down till you see the clan gen logo with the name, "Clan Gen" Next to it, click that and you'll be good to go! (this was copy and pasted from advice that someone else gave me. Hope it helps u!)


anybody else have an old mac? pls help me. I WANNA PLAY IT SO BAD

Hi there! I downloaded the windows ones, and they all appeared in my files, but I have not figured out how to play them. Can anyone help me? I really want to play this ;w;

Or is it in the instructions and I just missed it--


i thought i did too, but then i found out i didnt and the game jus doesnt work

Hey guys! First thing you'll want to do here is unzip the file package, you can usually do this on windows with a simple right click and the extract all option should show up, once that's done, open the file and scroll down till you see the clan gen logo with the name, "Clan Gen" Next to it, click that and you'll be good to go!

Ah, thank you so much! It worked! :DDD

(1 edit)

Once you unzip the file you gotta click the new unzipped file and select the file until it shows you like a MILLION other files, just scroll down until you find a file that says Clangen.exe. Then once selected for the first time, it will say its a virus, but once you select more info there is an option to open anyway. Also, every once and a while it will kick you off the game, so remember to SAVE OFTEN. I hope this helps.

I downloaded clangen like two weeks ago and suddenly disapeared? I downloaded it again, but when i try to open it, it says that it cannot be opened because it's dangerous and it puts it in quarantine?? I clicked the ,,open anyway'' or something button btw. windows 64


would it be possible to see a log of what's new in the newest updates?

(1 edit) (-1)

idk dude--WAIT U CAN PLAY IT?!

yes,all you need to do is follow the instructions as detailed in the post

i saw that this was updated again (from possumbreaths video) is that true?

Yes, I just downloaded the new version and it's the same as the video.

i was working normally but now its not working anymore and says its not responding. i have no idea what is wrong.

shoot that sucks

(1 edit)

Oh wow, so thankfully I'm not the only one!

I can't even play Clan-gen anymore, because every time I do it stops responding after a few minutes (usually when I try to go on patrols) and I'm forced to close the game then open it again. Totally sours my enjoyment ):

it let me download the game and even open it after bypassing the safety feature, but when I try to open the application it wont actually open? does anyone know how to fix this? (Mac user)

Clan Gen, in my opinion, is the best fan game of warrior cats



(1 edit)

Still won't let me download the thing, saying that it can't be verified. Did all I could with the settings, can anyone help? :(





But i feels u bruh

if I kill a leader does it drain all their lives, or just one? mine hurt a clanmate for disagreement and I want to punish him  :)

he did it again. I killed him, it drains all remaining lives.

but then I sent him to the Dark Forest, so whoopee!

Same happened to me. Got an evil leader and sent em to the Dark Forest

(2 edits)

How do I actually play it?  I can't find the way to start it. 

Edit: nvm i noticed the download links

Edit 2: Now i actually can't find how to start it ;_;

If you use windows this should be helpfull for you

Hey! First thing you'll want to do here is unzip the file package, you can usually do this on windows with a simple right click and the extract all option should show up, once that's done, open the file and scroll down till you see the clan gen logo with the name, "Clan Gen" Next to it, click that and you'll be good to go!


I'm currently using my chromebook. I've downloaded the files but can't figure out how to unzip them.

what you do is click the file and select 'extract'.




please do not yell at people for trying to assist you.


I have a clan from the previous download, how do i transfer them to this update..? (i have a mac)

So u look at the clan list and put the name of an old clan of yours. Idk if this is right tho i don’t remember how I did it very well.


i play on a chromeos, whenever i attempt to play the game,a black screen shows up and it doesnt load. it worked perfectly before, i dont know what happened.

same here

I might be doing this wrong but when I click download it just downloads the old version. Could someone help me download the new version?

can anyone help me with this?? I clicked download for all four types separately, but I don't know how to open/access it. what do I do after the download?

I'm in the same boat. Downloaded on PC. I can open all the files but not "right click" or figure out how to get the game installed/running. Help!

I think I just figured it out! You download all the files, then extract them (or unzip) and then look for a little icon that is called CATGEN and looks like a cat's face. Clicking on this opens the game. Hope this helps.

alright, I'll see if this can do anything!

Yeah, you unzip the zipped folder, then look for the "clangen.exe" program and double click it. This will start the game. You can not start the game if the "clangen.exe" isn't in the unzipped folder, so if you don't want to have to open the folder every time, look up a tutorial on how to make a shortcut on your computer, it's to hard to explain with text. Hoped this helped!


Gotta love getting an evil leader and sending them to the dark forest when they die, yay.


is there an approximate date of when cruel seson is supposed to come out?


pls fix this   :,)

(1 edit)

do you need to have a python interpreter?? Also, does this game have something for chromeOS?

chromeOS does have a website version! although now it's not really working...

i have a question: can lost cats ever be found or come back?

Not yet but soon :)

(1 edit)

I'm confused. Every time I try to download it doesn't show up main. I've done everything properly and have even watched a YouTube tutorial and it won't work. Just me? I've also tried doing the 32-bit too. Still won't work.

Did you update this for macbooks?

(5 edits)

is the game available on a HP w2207h because that is the only computer i have and i can't tell if I am downloading it wrong or I am using a computer that isn't available?

(EDIT) I even tried the web version but its not loading.

(EDIT#2) it says entry point not found by the way and I don't know what to do

After doing a search, I believe your computer should use the Windows downloads, probably the 64-bit one, but idk what the difference is between the 64-bit and the 32-bit. You should then unzip the file, and inside the unzipped one, look for the program "clangen.exe" Double click that to play the game, but it won't work if you take it out of the folder. To not have to always open the file to play, look up how to make a shortcut. Hope this helped!

AHHHH i love this game sm!

can you make it available for chromebook

it can be hard to make downloadable games for chromebook, however there is a web version, its not exactky teh same as download but yeah

when i press that link it just shows a black screen for a hour but i clear my data but it still dont work maybe can u try fix and also im using a chromebook  bell  


I have an idea, what if the creator adds that we can team up with other clans when we go to war with another clan, that we can also choose who we go to war with, and that we get death descriptions from the cats who died during the war in the 'births and deaths' area. Will not be upset if you decide to not do it.


I am trying to load the game on my pc, and I have done before with it working, but now this is all I get? I’ve tried loading it again and restarting my pc but nothings working. 

Yea I have the same problem, I had it working but even since the new update its not working!

I had to clear my data, maybe you might also

Deleted 1 year ago

theres a fix!! the converter ( ) you need to press the convert some times, i hopw it works!!

Hey dev, just wondering is the game meant to save when i close it if so, it's not working for me and i keep losing my clan due to the glitch


Not exactly- I mean if you hit the Clan button there is litterally a save button


it's not meant to save when you close no, hence why there's a save button (and an option to autosave every few moons)


So I am just playing the game and a loner joins my clan and their name is FRITOFALL. LIKE THE CHIPS FRITOS. LMAO

I had on called Murder Minnie Mittens or something like that xD

Lol, thats funny. I also got a cat named "Old Man Jenkins" in the current version and a cat named "EvilFaceNeedle" in the old version

My cat in the new versions name is L/speck

Also, your cat was most likely named Molly Murder Mittens, I had a cat named that too but I renamed them to Morrowheart


Fun Fact: Molly Murder Mittens is an actual cat. She belongs to the owner of Gold Shaw Farm, a youtube channel and lives as a barn cat. I'm not sure if the devs are aware of this, but it could be that you have the possibility to find YouTuber's cats in the game.


my loner cat just joined and their name was ''McChickenpaw

I once had one called Kitty Catfern join my clan lol


Hey developer, I would like to ask a favor, could you possibly make a version compatible with HP chromebooks perhaps? I just want one so I can do it with my friends, since they have windows. If not, that is fine since I am saving up for a windows. Have a great day! 

there is a web version, its not the same as teh game but it works!

I got it on my new windows I got for my birthday.

How does the mate system work may i ask? what does the straight, wavy and pointy lines mean?

the lines tell you how the personalities of both cats complement each other! the wavy lines mean compatible, the straight is indifferent/neutral, and the jagged is incompatible.


ohhhh okay thank you!

Is that a thing? i havent seen those thing..

maybe you haven’t updated? i’m playing on the downloaded version too, so maybe it doesn’t exist on the web browser? i’m not sure, unfortunately 

im on the web, maybe thats why


Hey, Is this ever going to be out on Acer Chromebook or android? The game looks SO good, but I hate that I can only watch it rather than play

(1 edit)

There is a web version! If you check just some cats tumblr, they have a listed github version you can play on! I use it and it works, sadly, we dont have the updates the PC players have.


Also, this page says that unless Python 2 updates then the dev won't be able to port this game to mobile, something like that.

But Ive got one recomendation... Maybe put a starter in the dark forrest?

you can always exile your starter starclan cat to the df. If you don't want your entire clan there, then you can just exile the first cat that dies

Wait theres a df?? or is that download only (i use web)

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