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I have an idea, what if the creator adds that we can team up with other clans when we go to war with another clan, that we can also choose who we go to war with, and that we get death descriptions from the cats who died during the war in the 'births and deaths' area. Will not be upset if you decide to not do it.


I am trying to load the game on my pc, and I have done before with it working, but now this is all I get? I’ve tried loading it again and restarting my pc but nothings working. 

Yea I have the same problem, I had it working but even since the new update its not working!

I had to clear my data, maybe you might also

Deleted 1 year ago

theres a fix!! the converter ( ) you need to press the convert some times, i hopw it works!!

Hey dev, just wondering is the game meant to save when i close it if so, it's not working for me and i keep losing my clan due to the glitch


Not exactly- I mean if you hit the Clan button there is litterally a save button


it's not meant to save when you close no, hence why there's a save button (and an option to autosave every few moons)


So I am just playing the game and a loner joins my clan and their name is FRITOFALL. LIKE THE CHIPS FRITOS. LMAO

I had on called Murder Minnie Mittens or something like that xD

Lol, thats funny. I also got a cat named "Old Man Jenkins" in the current version and a cat named "EvilFaceNeedle" in the old version

My cat in the new versions name is L/speck

Also, your cat was most likely named Molly Murder Mittens, I had a cat named that too but I renamed them to Morrowheart


Fun Fact: Molly Murder Mittens is an actual cat. She belongs to the owner of Gold Shaw Farm, a youtube channel and lives as a barn cat. I'm not sure if the devs are aware of this, but it could be that you have the possibility to find YouTuber's cats in the game.


my loner cat just joined and their name was ''McChickenpaw

I once had one called Kitty Catfern join my clan lol


Hey developer, I would like to ask a favor, could you possibly make a version compatible with HP chromebooks perhaps? I just want one so I can do it with my friends, since they have windows. If not, that is fine since I am saving up for a windows. Have a great day! 

there is a web version, its not the same as teh game but it works!

I got it on my new windows I got for my birthday.

How does the mate system work may i ask? what does the straight, wavy and pointy lines mean?

the lines tell you how the personalities of both cats complement each other! the wavy lines mean compatible, the straight is indifferent/neutral, and the jagged is incompatible.


ohhhh okay thank you!

Is that a thing? i havent seen those thing..

maybe you haven’t updated? i’m playing on the downloaded version too, so maybe it doesn’t exist on the web browser? i’m not sure, unfortunately 

im on the web, maybe thats why


Hey, Is this ever going to be out on Acer Chromebook or android? The game looks SO good, but I hate that I can only watch it rather than play

(1 edit)

There is a web version! If you check just some cats tumblr, they have a listed github version you can play on! I use it and it works, sadly, we dont have the updates the PC players have.


Also, this page says that unless Python 2 updates then the dev won't be able to port this game to mobile, something like that.

But Ive got one recomendation... Maybe put a starter in the dark forrest?

you can always exile your starter starclan cat to the df. If you don't want your entire clan there, then you can just exile the first cat that dies

Wait theres a df?? or is that download only (i use web)

i already have a fav cat...


wait there was a new update?


Just wondering, but can your cat actually eat the deathberries while on patrol?


yup! if they don't realize what they are they can try to gather them thinking they're a useful plant and then accidentally chew on them. I've had a few cats die that way. 

Is there a way to play without downloading it?

yes, there is a web version at


OMG TYSM!!! i play on tablet and the web version is perfect!

I play on  Chromebook and it works for me too!!

Does it take awhile to load for you? Or just me cuz I'm on acer chrome book

hey, is it just me or is it not loading on a black screen?

Have you already played on it before? If so, then you need to clear the data.

Ever since the new update, it doesn't let me play the game. I tried to contact someone through discord but no one answered so I'm posting it here because maybe some good soul will help me. :')

Whenever I click to open it (on the app) another window pops out, saying that there was some unhandled exception. I'm not a coder or a pc person so I have no idea what to do. 

The pop-up window says:
"Failed to execute script 'main' due to unhandled exception: 'cp950' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 10165: illegal multibyte sequence."

English isn't my first language and I need some help. :sob:

Have you meddled with ANYTHING, other than unzipping the file and clicking the game?

Nope. All I've done is re-install the game a few times and tried different versions (32 and 64).

Have you unzipped it?

i'm on windows and it isn't working even when i go into file explorer. help please!


See, I love this game. The only problem I have is that for me, i downloaded the game and it took up nearly 4 GB of storage. It just takes up way too much.

I really want to play the game but when I press download button it dose not work? Can I only play on Mac or windows and if yes how

Okay so I really want to play the game after watching youtubers do it. I'm on a Cromebook and cant figure out how to get on the game. Help plz!

you can't get it on a chromebook unfortunately. I think its only compatible for windows and mac

(1 edit)

EDIT: it works for me now

it does work with the web ver, well before it did, its broken for me now

does anyone know how to fix the web ver? im on chromebook and had saved lasttime i played, but now its just black ang grey, i saw some other are having probs but theres a sollution on the discord, but i dont have discord idk what to do?


what browser are you using? it might be that the game is not compatible with your browser. for me, it works fine on google chrome but not at all with firefox - if you're already using google chrome, you could also try opening the game on a different browser and see if that fixes it :) i hope this was helpful

(1 edit)

EDIT: i figured it out! someone posted the convert link, and it works now! ty for ur help

Im on chrome i think, i really dont know browsers well sadly, i cant change browsers since my chromebook is controlled by my school :( is there any othe way to fix w/o disc or? sorry if my text is confusinf

can you add that link im having the same issue

(1 edit) (-1) here! press the convert soem times to be sure

How many times do you have to press convert cuz it aint working for me?

(1 edit)

So like, I wanna download it but when I press ANY of the download buttons it just kind of doesn't do anything, like it doesn't download at all. I'm on Windows 10 if that helps at all

Edit: I was finally able to download and play it. the problem may have been caused by my pc being so new and all

I got an email saying you updated earlier and I was wondering if theres a changelog? like whatd you change/fix? 😸

you can find the changelog in github. tho make sure your on the right branch

Im trying to download but there is no tutorial for mac ios here and on youtube. so i dont know what to do. the website goes black and doesnt finish loading please anytime the game updates update the website

where are you getting stuck?

So I'm trying to download this to my mac but every time I try this pops up

"“Clangen” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software."  "This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information."

And I don't know whats going on


Are you able to mess with your safety settings? .exe games do often get flagged regardless of safety and sometimes you have to go into system settings to fix stuff

i keep trying to download but whenever i do, it never actually opens the game, even when i open from folder. am i doing something wrong?

same here

Hey! Quick question: Whenever I try to open the clan generator after I extract the files, Microsoft tells me that I can't open it since it's not a "Microsoft Verified App". How do I fix this problem?

I have noticed that even if you scare away a kittypet or rouge during patrol they still join your clan.

I noticed something.
My clan was slowly getting overpopulated,  so once one of my cats found a loner I antagonized it, but then it appeared in my clanlist. Dunno if it was a one time bug or other, but yeah. (The cat was named Maverick, lonesome and formerly a loner)

I made a test clan and yes, if you antagonize a loner / kittypet, it will automatically go in your clan list.

I've been playing the Github version for a week but then I had to reload Chrome and now it won't load. I just get a grey screen with a black box in the middle when previously it was on the side and not even in the middle. I had a Clan with 1,100 moons and something like 280 cats help 😭



Luckily I have screenshots of the cats I was planning to keep. Unluckily, I don't have screenshots of the cats I was gonna make adopts of lmao. Serves me right ig


It isn't working for me either.

They recently updated the web game, you have to convert your save, if you want I can give you the link but it's in the Discord so you could also check there


I can’t go on the discord for some reason, do you mind giving me the link? I’m having the same problem.

(1 edit)

Yeah of course! Here you go <3

For some reason it still isnt working.


same :[


Hopefully they fix it :C

(I just copied this bc I didn't want to type it twice)

They recently updated the web game, you have to convert your save, if you want I can give you the link but it's in the Discord so you could also check there

Deleted 1 year ago

it never started downloading😭


the game itself is great but it literally took 74 GB from my pc💀💀💀

obviously i had to delete it, hope they fix this

Did you guys had this one time when?..

You create a new clan then timeskip one moon, then your deputy suddenly disappears? not even in starclan?

(1 edit)

Is anyone else having issues opening the game on mac? When I try to open the game after confirming that I am okay with running a program from an unknown developer, nothing actually happens, the program just bounces a bit then disappears :(

The website version seems to also not be working when it previously did (at least for me). Just a black screen with gray bars on each side. (edit: i'm using firefox - when i tried opening the site in chrome it seems to work :) )

blackfur confirmed on discord they would be working on the web version, for mac, im personally a chromebook user so *shrug*

(2 edits)

The web version isn't working for me on chrome though, maybe blackfur is working on the chrome version to?

It works for me and this happens to me too

(1 edit)

can you play on chromeOS? :I

edit: so you can, but is it possible to do it without installing python and pygame or whateva

I also play on Chromebook and having the same problem.

No. But you can play clangen on the web.

(1 edit) (+1)

anyone else ever go into the save file and make their cats have 365000 kits and the game just not respond

(1 edit)

which file do I play on??? There are so many files that I could go onto and I can't actually find the game.

(1 edit)

If you press the file folder called: Clangen, you'll see a bunch of files come up, the first few being file folders. Scroll down until you see a file called Clangen which should be below the base_library folder, Press it and export all the files, then return to the folder and find the Clangen file again, this time appearing as an application. 

Thats how you do it on Windows, at least. I hope this helps :)


how do i start playing??

Has anyone else experienced this? I had just made a clan and 4 moons in a kit in that clan died, but I had no information about their death even though they showed up in the starclan list

You might of accidentally pressed 'kill cat' i did that once one time


Sometimes a cat will die but the game says nothing,


Taking a look at the file size problem it seems to be tied up in how you save the character relationships. By saving every relationship event to every character relationship file, it bloats the files by insane degrees.

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