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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

anyone else not able to download this because of some sorta trojan?? i need help idk if its a false warning or no..


Clangen does not have a trojan. It is a false flag by your antivirus. 

Refer to the most recent devlog post.


it wont download because it says there is a virus or something :/

I did the troubleshooting for that part and it worked for a while then the error popped up.

Clangen does not have a virus. It is a false flag by your antivirus.  

Refer to the most recent devlog post. 

I had the same issue it gave me a freak out


I got this error and I have redownloaded the game and I got the same error.

i cant get on discord so...



please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you don't have any other option than to comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it):  
-list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?)  
-what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error?  
-any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, how do I do it, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:


can someone make a way to download it without the Trojan virus? I want to play the game, but I don't want to get hacked.


This is a false flag by your antivirus. You will not get hacked. The game is open source; you can check the code on github yourself. 

Antivirus just doesn't trust unsigned .exe files, which is why it's flagging the game. 

There are instructions to bypass Windows Defender flagging the game in the most recent devlog post. 

Hey! Ive been playing this game for a long time, and its a lot of fun. I love to watch videos on it and create stories, as an author this makes it so fun as well. Im not sure if youve answered this or if Ill sound silly but I wanted to ask

Ive seen videos of people playing Lifegen and I REALLY want to play it but I dont have Discord and I know thats where you can find it. So my question is, when do you plan to release the link outside of DIscord

Thanks for reading :)


They aren't officially affiliated with each other, so it's different makers it seems!
Here's the download for the mod :]


how do I get into the game?

what OS are you using, and what problem are you having? 

I've spent most of my summer so far moding the living hell out of this game. It's fun.


please make it so cats cant go ontop of eachother the deputy wont stop doing this to the apprentices

oh no

unfortunately we can't guarantee stopping this completely, because if you have a clan of hundreds of cats some of them are bound to overlap on the camp screen. There just won't be enough room. 

However, iirc this is adjusted in dev so that the cats don't stack as much. 


maybe your jst dirty minded..

Always  something to change... ;) I still like the game tho.


is there plans to fix the Trojan virus issue? this was one of my favorite games until this issue came up. I am not willing to risk getting hacked just to play this game though.


We can't fix the trojan virus issue on our end because it is not a trojan virus; it is a false flag by your antivirus. The game is safe to download, open, and run. 


is there a other place to install this because it says that this has a virus

It's not a virus. You can try from, but that'll probably give you the same warning. 

Refer to the most recent devlog post if your antivirus is Windows Defender. 


I have this downloaded on my laptop, but I went to download it on my PC too! but when I do it's telling me I don't have permission to extract the files and when I try, it relocates to a random area in my files on its own, which I've never had those issues with my laptop. It also wouldn't let me delete it at first due to not having permission for that either? Is there any way to fix that or is it an issue with the file itself in some way? i've tried twice now and it did it both times 8(

 hello! it is interesting to know if there are any more updates on the web version of the game at all, if so, then you can find out how many versions it is currently lagging behind and when the next update will follow?ಥ_ಥ

Currently on Windows. I've tried the steps to fix the antivirus so I can play again, however, I can't seem to get the option to 'restore' the file. I can get as far as going to actions but I only get the option to 'allow'. 

Could this be because the file isn't actually reaching anything? It's not in a folder so I can't exclude a folder. I've included a screenshot of what it looks like after I attempt to download it on my end. 

I keep on getting a warning that clangen is downloading a trojan virus when i try to update, does anyone know what that is about?? Like has the game suddenly gotten a virus or is it just the antivirus being overdramatic??

Your antivirus is warning you not to download a random .exe game, but its safe, i have played this for a while now and i have never encountered a virus before


That is true. The first time I tried to launch my antivirus sent me that which kinda scared me...

until I took the risk and there was actually no virus. It's only a warning, just like how it creates false claims about hacking cookies and junk files and stuff (I like my junk, thank you very much).

No virus. When I first downloaded it I was nervous too. I think it is just cuz it isn't licensed and to liscene it cost money *excuse the spelling

Does anyone know if there's a changelog/where to find the changelog? I've been taking notes of all the code for the game so I can make custom cats, but unfortunately I missed the last update's changelog and was wondering if there's a way to look at it again?

if you go into your ClanGen folder there should be a file named "changelog.txt" :)

Thank you so much! This helped out a lot. <3

I've been attacked by another clan alot, and i'm thinking it might be a nice idea to add an update where your clan can decide if they want to attack another clan's camp. Is it a good suggestion, or is it already in the process of making?

this is already a planned/in development feature

Oh that's great to know.

when will Clangen work on mobile? It would be cool if it could because if I don’t have my computer or my brother using it I could always play this game on my mobile devices anyway anytime 

(1 edit)

Probably not anytime soon. Its not been on mobile for about 2 years now, probably more.


Can someone make this game for a Chromebook? It's crazy how it works with everything else but not a Chromebook.

Not cool.

(6 edits)

I'm not sure about this since i dont use my chromebook much and i use a laptop Lenovo way more, but i don't think there's a ton of coding programs able to create something so complex like clangen on Chromebook. If you want to find something you can try the discord server, they can help you run the game via linux. There's also a website version on the website if needed.

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for shouting out to me, Forestbirds! I appreciate your help with a metric tonne!^^

The previous posts mentioned that they would try to make the game playable for a Chromebook, so I'm not sure about being unable to create something that complex for a Chromebook. 

I will look into the Discord Server and get my results if I must and if the Discord people will let me seek that knowledge.

Thank you again! :3


I downloaded the game and it detected it as a trojan

this is most likely a false flag by your antivirus; see the most recent devlog post

Please, I ask once more to please make this game work with chromebooks since i had a Lenova computer before but it stopped working and my chromebook can't get it and the online version auto zooms it so i can't see or do anything, Please. Fix this issue i beg of you.

are you able to join the discord server to ask for help? some chromebooks can run the game via linux. 

As for the online version being zoomed in, you need to make sure you're not in fullscreen and resize the window to a square

I have a linus chromebook and it still said no and wouldn't work sadly and i checked out the discord and i kinda got lost as for the only version i haven't checked that but i will now.

Online version works now thanks i just needed some guidance


out of all the different warriors games i've played, this one has to be the best ^_^ thank you for showing me this gem


this game is so epic >:D



please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you don't have any other option than to comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it):  
-list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?)  
-what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error?  
-any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, how do I do it, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:

is there a lenovo version? :P


lenovo is a type of computer, not an operating system, so I don't know

if your lenovo is using windows or linux, then yes

I think it’s using windows bc it has the windows section


then yeah, almost definitely windows. you can try the windows downloads, I don't know what version of Windows you're running but one of them should work

can I have step by step instructions on how to download the game because I am so confused rn xD and the link above wont work for some reason


we have a guide to downloading here:

thank you so much this helped a lot

What if it won't let me download Linux 

I'll be completely honest, I do not know. I didn't write this guide and I know very little about Linux. 

hi, when I click yes to update it doesn't it does show the loading bar but it sits at 0% how do I fix this? I am on a steam deck.

Well, today I learned that Clangen runs on a steam deck. Wow. May I suggest asking in the discord, if possible?

Generally with update issues the solution is to redownload the game, so you can try that also


tried to get the latest update, but my anti-virus warned me there is a severe trojan. Could you try to fix this as soon as possible.

yeah, windows antivirus updated to detect trojan virus in anything that it doesn't recongize as being downloaded a lot. The creators themselves can't fix it, pretty much it's just up to windows whether or not to do so. Most likely no tho

im so glad im not the only one. mine flagged it as trojan:win32vigorf.a and i was so scared

When launched, it buffers and does not open sometimes. My internet is fine and I restarted my computer. What should I do it?

Will this game be translated into other languages? It's just very difficult to constantly translate a bunch of text in patrol events.

Yes! there's some different language options in the settings but I don't think they do anything as of yet. 

also the discord link aint working :( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

just to check, you have a discord account that you're signed into, and you haven't been banned from the server in the past? If there's no reason on your end that it wouldn't work, I can try to get a new link

I've been trying to download the updated version but it wont work. The loading screen for the update pops up but the percent rate never moves.

generally if the in-game updater is not working, you should redownload the game from here or from

How do I play the game I can’t figure it ou

you can download the game from here or from, which should recommend a download for your computer. 

I can't help you much more than that without more details.


Will there ever be support for Chromebooks without Linux support? Because Linux is not supported for my Chromebook.

nvm thanks


I can't open the file and I can't do discor

How do you open it

I have no idea 

There’s a download button just before the cha

Never mind agnore me

you just gotta wait the creator is prob busy yk

There are like SO many videos on how to download it, sometimes it is a pain

what kind of error are you getting? is it telling you anything about why you can't open the game?

also what operating system is your computer using? windows? mac?


please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you don't have any other option than to comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it):  
-list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?) 
-what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error? 
-any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, how do I do it, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:



(2 edits)

I AM TRYING TO PLAY SO BADLY BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO!! (i'm a kid and I'm 10) Please help i'm despret!(I'm trying to open the file)

1. please calm down

2. can you give us more information? What OS is your computer using and what error are you getting when you try to open the game? 


you need to go into the antivirus software and give authorisation to download the app that worked for me

how do i get in the game? sorry im new

any chance you can ask on Discord? there's much better tech support there than here

if that's a no, then what OS is your computer using? 

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