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I normally play the game on laptop, but for some reason it hasn't let me play for a while. it stops at the black screen

I tried on my phone, and it worked perfectly


Are you on web version or downloadable version?

web version

I downloaded the game but I can figure out how find the actually game

what OS are you using? Mac, Windows, Linux?

Linux I think

oops I mean crome sorry 

yippi the black screen is fixed <3

I cant get into the game anymore, the screen is just black, help please

what OS are you using? Mac, Windows, Linux?


I'm pretty sure that's a brand of computer, not an operating system

also are you using the web version, by any chance?


Hello, I am on the online version because I don't have computer, but i have a problem on my game, the moon passed, but the cat are not affecting by this, if a apprentice earn their warrior name and I saved, if the web page are refresh, the Moon counter don't change but the apprentice is always apprentice and have no longer his warrior name or his age. All the cat stats his froze and the Moon continues to passing, I don't know what to do.

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is there any chance you can join the discord to ask about this? I've never seen this before

Most likely it's a web version bug, but web version isn't really being maintained at this point. 

Sorry im just dumb but was there a fresh-kill pile?

(1 edit)

Ooh it might be LifeGen

lifegen is updated with the current dev version - the fresh-kill pile is coming is also in-game and is coming soon!




please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you ABSOLUTELY MUST comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it): -list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?) -what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error?  -any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:

I saw on the FAQ that there isn't a mobile bc of python -- I know nothing about this so ignore me if im being dumb pls, but it looks like something called Pydroid might be able to help run this on Android? it would be really cool to have this as a mobile game,,,

(1 edit) (+1)

If I remember correctly, it was because they were waiting for the mobile python to be updated to the same version as the python version that ClanGen uses. Hope this helps! (i also think that mobile clangen would be pretty neat when/if we get it!)


i'm quite paranoid person and when i go to details about the anti virus it says that the clangen is made by unknow so i'm kinda scared


it's just because it's by a very small indie dev team and doesn't have the backing of a large corporation like sony or microsoft. if it worries you then don't run it, but i can guarantee you that this isn't a virus and won't intentionally harm your computer!


For those asking where the updates went, I think they are working on a LOT of things for this, so this will be a big update. 

Stay patient. Good things come to those who wait. :) 


yes!! it's a big update indeed - anyone interested to see what types of new features there are can always download dev in the meanwhile


Is there a tutorial on how to update this game? I can't find anything on YT

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I don't know if it updated in awhile because again 97 days - I wish It updated again considering it's been a long wait for most 

How to download clangen [May 2023]
by  FrostyLass

or you can use the guide

yeah there just hasn't been an update for a while- v0.10.6 is the most recent version

In terms of updating, on most platforms there'll be a button to update on the main menu screen. If that doesn't work or gets stuck, you can redownload the game, which will always give you the most recent version

I think they might be doing an update on the fresh-kill pile??

yes! freshkill pile is in dev, planned for the next update

Im on chrome and i've followed every tutorial under the sun but i keep getting a format error. can anyone help

I'd suggest joining the discord for help if you can. 

Hi, I noticed there hasn't been an update in 94 days. I was wondering if that was for other people too or just me?


Yeah, there just hasn't been a main version update in a while
This is still getting updated, just not super frequently

Idk what to do, whenever i go onto files and do all the stuff to work clangen, it doesnt let me go INTO the game, I keep clicking it but nothing happens, it worked for me in the past though

what OS are you on? Mac? Windows?

Windows 11

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Try redownloading the game and see if the issue persists? Make sure you're extracting things properly and opening the right thing

Yep I tried that, but it still doesnt open

Huh- I'm not sure what to tell you in that case. I'd suggest joining the discord for help if you can?

i had this exact same issue !! try downloading it from the actual itch browser app and search clangen and download it that way!! download the window file still tho

are you trying the zipped verson or the unzipped? you have to extract the files from the zip.

Hello! I’ve been having difficulty playing the web version for this game. It is very zoomed in and I can’t zoom out and have to scroll just to make my clan. None of the in-game settings fixes this. I have tried playing on pc and iPad but it is zoomed in either way. I sadly can’t download the non-online version due to the pc not being mine. Is there anyway to fix this? I very much want to play this as last year the web version worked and now it wont. Both of my friends are able to play the web perfectly fine. ;-;

Try resizing your window to a square/rotating your iPad vertical? 

For the pc i have resized the window but haven’t tried playing it verticle on ipad.

I was wondering if anyone could help me with this.

I have quite a few cats in my clan that have been hurt for moons now, and when I look at how long they've been hurt/sick for it says -20 moons. After 20 moons it goes away and the cat becomes better but I'm confused as to why this is happening to my cats. It can be pretty annoying. Especially when it's a cat like the leader, deputy or medicine cat. 

this is a bug I'm pretty sure

are you on classic or expanded mode?

I'm in expanded mode.

I don't think there's anything we can really do to stop it from happening, but you can manually remove the conditions in save files if it gets annoying



please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you ABSOLUTELY MUST comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it):
-list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?)
-what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error? 
-any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:

I am having trouble downloading and accessing the game, i am on an HP chrome and cannot find any download for it. if i could get a response that would be great, if not, its whatever. thank you! :) 

I'd suggest joining the discord for help with downloading if you can :)

I love this game but is there a reason that I never get calicos/ torties? No matter what I do, they are so rare! Out of ~120 cats (my biggest clan) only 3 are torties/ calicos. Is that normal or do I need to do something special to get them?

nah, you don't need to do anything special; they're just a bit rarer

just bad rng :/

just played it and i liked it a lot... 10 stars out of 10

I extraced it it's telling me to extract it again and if I press run it gives me the warning, i press run anyway and it shows a error I'm using an hp I need help bc I have no idea what I'm supposed to do ab this the error message is the image..

Could you possibly add interclan romances where there can be mates and kits? Just think it may make it more realistic.

if you turn on "allow cats to have kittens with an unknown second parent" you'll get half-clan kits occasionally

the team isn't really accepting suggestions right now- this one's already in the pile related to other clans. 

For some reason it doesn't work on mac (idk I've never played this game before) 

(1 edit)

yeah this happens a lot for games, what you do is click 'OK' then go to settings, security and privacy, and it should say something like 'clangen could be malicious, would you still like to open' and just click open (also this is for my mac I'm not 100% sure it'll work for you tho)

Thank you I managed to get it to work :)

(1 edit)

How do i play it i downloaded it and extracted it?

click the file named clangen.exe, if you cant find it download it again


There's A YouTube On How To Download The Game :

it let me download it, but it wont let me open it as a game because it keeps itself as a file so i dont know what to open to play the game??

have you extracted it? 

i have now. What do i do after

nevermind i got it. Thank you

how am i able to extract it? sorry, i just  so happened to roll along this... hope you understand! <:D

generally right click > extract

On Mac it says I can't play because 'the software needs to be updated'. Is there a way to have the computer let me play or do I just need to try and find a new device to play it on??

Try redownloading it becasue it worked for me and im using catalina

nothing actually needs to be updated, it's mac's built in antivirus falsely flagging it

try right click opening your game? (control click if you can't right click)

what happened to the game that can update itself? I had it at one point, but I accidentally deleted it and now I can't find it again...

If you're having trouble updating I'd suggest redownloading
The newest version should be able to update without redownloading!

just wondering when hard mode is coming out?

we don't know! currently it's planned to be worked on once Expanded is finished

I just got a laptop purely to play this game, is it still active/being worked on? Or is there anything else like it? Thanks

Yes! It is.

Awesome! My laptop gets here tomorrow, I'm so excited! I saw a lot about the discord in the comments, anyway I can join that?? I might be slow but I can't figure it out ^w^ Thanks sooo much for the reply, I was worried since the last update was a long time ago

if that doesn't work, there should be a discord link on the page- I think it's near the bottom

I cant download halppp

Did you ever fix it? Just bought a laptop to play this

Nvm its oki!!

how do i play this? i downloaded it only shows me the file names, and not the home screen. i'm on windows 11 at the moment.

make sure you extracted it, then look around in the files for clangen.exe? then open that


How do i play this game?

what OS is your computer on? Windows, Mac, other?

Im on mobile

the game isn't available on mobile, sorry

you can still play web version, but it's not being maintained right now, so kinda buggy

Oh okay

I keep getting this weird error every time that I try to open up Clangen on Linux using a chromebook.  Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it?

Clangen is already installed, running it...

Running on PyInstaller build

Version Name:  0.9.0

Running on commit v0.10.6

pygame-ce 2.2.1 (SDL 2.26.4, Python 3.11.6)

libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open virtio_gpu: /usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

libGL error: failed to load driver: virtio_gpu

libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)

  Major opcode of failed request:  149 (GLX)

  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)

  Value in failed request:  0x0

  Serial number of failed request:  161

  Current serial number in output stream:  162

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I'm not really sure what any of this error means, I'd suggest joining the discord for help if you can.

Did you find a fix? I'm having the exact same issue


Is there a way to get mods without discord ?

Hello! I am using a windows computer that I got for christmas and lost a few braincells due to the excitement from (/JK). It sadly will not run/download properly for my computer. I have a desktop windows. The github version does work, though! I'd like to have this fixed- others do, too. If you're a bit too busy, lack motivation, or really just don't wanna fix the issue, I really don't care. Please take your time!

sorry I'm kinda late, I missed your post

what kind of error/issue did you get when running/downloading? this is most likely on your end and not ours

Deleted 158 days ago

what OS is your computer on? Windows, Mac, other?


clangen deez nuts together

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