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if i get the new version, will it remove my current clan?

no, the saves are in a different folder

i cant open the clangen game, and no i cant get discord either. im on windows 10 (maybe 11) and it says this: 

error loading Python DLL 
LoadLibrary: the specified module could not be found.

i did as you guys said for the virus thing and also clicked on 'Clangen.exe' but still nothing.

Make sure you didn't move the clangen application out of the folder? And if you did move it out of the folder, you need to put it back

ok thanks

I'm sure someone else has asked in the past, but what is up with Cruel Season? It says coming soon, I always end up with too many cats and have been looking forward to a gamemode that is actually difficult.

 Or like Lifegen, is there other mods or echos of this game that add things for more difficulty?

Cruel Season is a planned feature that's just not in the game yet. Last I checked it was planned to be worked on once Expanded has all its features, since it would be a harder version of Expanded. 

I don't know any mods that are specifically for increasing difficulty. However you could always do some form of challenge clan- maybe a clan where you must always antagonize outsiders, never accept? 

I play ClanGen online as my windows computer is mean to me when I download things. However, my online ClanGen has been down most of the day. I can make a new clan, name it, add cat, but when I go to pick a location (mountains, plains, etc.) and I click "done" it no longer loads. everything is greyed out. it currently updating or is my software just crap?


for ppl confused on how to get it running you just need to extract the file(:   (the button that is shown on the screenshot also its gonna be called extract alll not this bc am polish and there is a big chance u have the english setting turned on also when you click to run the game a blue screen might pop up just click more info the run app for anyone confused)

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To laurelwillow14

-list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?)  
-what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error?  
-any other info you might have on the problem?

Chrome OS.

I'm on a school computer and can't access everything. So, downloading is an issue. You replied that if I couldn't download it, I could just open it up in my browser. Lucky me, it worked. I've been playing it for at least one day and have an issue. The error: When I was loading into the first screen where it asked me what clan I wanted, new clan, switch, etc. Then, before I could even see to go and create or load into my clans, a black screen came up and I couldn't get out of it. 

Things I've tried: Refreshing the screen, exiting off the page, restarting Chromebook. Anything else?

Sincerely, a Fan in Need of Assistance

You could try using a different browser, or trying in incognito mode? 

If those don't work, then you can clear your cache, which does often fix black screens. However, that will also delete your saves, so definitely try other things first!


huh, question, but whats lifegen? i'm not sure if its connected to clangen or not but i just wanted to ask here anyways


It's a mod for Clangen where rather than running a whole clan, you play from the perspective of a single cat. 


oh cool! how do i download it?


nevermind! i found it <3



please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you don't have any other option than to comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it):  
-list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?)  
-what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error?  
-any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, how do I do it, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:

Thanks, Laurel!

of course!

I have been trying to update the game but whenever it says verifying update, it'll just get stuck at 56 or 59%. I tried to redownload the new files but my computer thinks its a virus and will just say "virus detected"

Windows antivirus very commonly falsely flags Clangen as a virus. It's not a virus, and instructions for bypassing the flag are in the most recent devlog post. 

i'm gonna risk it and see what's up and if its fine ill reply back

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alr its fine

ty for ur service

this looks like it'd be a really fun game but i don't feel safe running it on my computer because of windows being so insistent on detecting it as a trojan :(. i've never had another game do something like this and this feels like a pretty severe bug for a game like this to have.


man i think it actualy has a virus like my pc NEVER says smt has a virus(ok i mean browser) SO LIKE IT SAID IT HAS?? (i taught my antivirus was dead from the amount of torrents i have)

I trust that the developer wouldn't actually intentionally distribute malicious software (plus, a warrior cats game just seems like a silly way to spread a virus lol) but it does make me wonder what exactly in this game such a wide variety of antivirus software thinks is malicious.

it's because of the autoupdater mixed with the fact that not alot of people download this file. it's not harmful - you can check the source code on github for yourself if you're still on the fence. further in the comments there are ways to solve this issue and bypass your antivirus

I'm starting to think comments like this are pointless, they've been coming since the update with the virus thing came out. Very sad, this was a good game.

Official tech helper in the discord here. 

From what I understand, the biggest problem the game has with Windows Defender is that it is an unlicensed .exe file, which Windows just intrinsically doesn't trust. We can't do anything about that; to get it licensed would cost a pretty decent amount of money. 

In addition to that, we have an update button within the game, which will download an update from the internet to replace files within the game. This looks a lot like trojan behavior to an antivirus, but in reality it isn't a threat. 

I will reiterate that our update was not what started triggering the antivirus. The game was fine for days after the Clangen update before Windows started freaking out about it. 

As sprout said, the game is open source; all the code is on Github (github link is further up on this page). You can scan through it if you want to be really sure that what you're downloading isn't a virus. 

If you don't want to get the game, that's okay. But you must understand that the current situation is out of our control. 

Okay, sorry. I don't understand how a lot of this works.

Not to mention that the program that we use to compile it - Pyinstaller - isn't very commonly used for distributed executable files in the scheme of things (pygame is more commonly used as a learning tool, than as a tool for making actual games, because it has a lot of limitations - those same limitations are the reason why there were so many complications with the web version of the game & other complications), so this file looks very unfamiliar to windows. If you are not convinced about the safety of the game, you can view the source code on github, run it from source, or you can download the releases directly from github (these are the same files that are copied over to to distribute). Those those are the same files as here on, though, and will likely get flagged as well.

This game has been triggering antiviruses for a while, as long as I've been working on it, but to get this software signed is pretty expensive, and because this is a fan game and we don't own the warriors cat IP, it's all done by volunteers and we can't accept payments. Even the server that runs the auto-updater service is just run out of one of the developer's own pockets.

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Does the Windows 10 version work on Windows 11?


please someone tell me how to update the game I am so stuck and I really don't know what to do and I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of new thing


I have downloaded the game on my mac, for the last few updates when I click start update it either doesn’t update or freezes in the middle of the update

If your update isn't working, you can just redownload the game to get the update. There isn't much way to troubleshoot the in-game updater besides that

not tryna say its bad or anything but my windows security detected and deleted a file labled trojan after i installed this, does anyone know why? and what do i do now that i deleted it after i detected it

(1 edit) (-1)

When I go to download the file, (I'm on ChromeOS) it says that I need to find an app that can support those file since my device apparently cant. Does anyone know what app to install or have any advice for how to download this on ChromeOS?

Also when does the online version get updates? as this is the only version that works for me :)

The online version is not being actively updated right now. 

As for the downloadable version, is there any chance you can join the discord to ask about this? 


how often does the mobile version get updated or does it not update at all

no update ever for now

my pc says this game is a virus...

It's not a virus; this is a false flag by your computer. Please refer to the most recent devlog post regarding antivirus issues.


Dose anyone know how to open ClanGen and play the game?

It varies from computer to computer. Are you on Mac, Windows, or Linux/Chromebook?

Does anybody know how to download this on chrome?


I believe you use the Linux downloads for Chrome? But I'm not at all experienced in setting it up. The guide to downloading might help?

but past that I can't provide much help. I'd suggest you join the discord if you can. 

I tried discord but il do it again thx


I need help!!!!!!!! idk how to download it!

There are download buttons on the page. Click them. 

If you're not sure which one to download, will recommend one for you. 


como puedo cambiar de idioma e tenido problemas con eso...

Other language options aren't implemented yet. Sorry!

Otras opciones de idioma aún no están implementadas. ¡Lo siento!

i get way too attached to my cats :sob: also, is it normal for a cat to or two to get murdered every moon? i'm not sure if its a glitch or not but it adds drama to my clan so i'm not complaining- 

but seriously, one of my apprentices got mauled by a dog so i quit the game so i got him back but then we just died anyways later :') this game is so fun tho! the devs and everyone who worked on it did an awesome job <33 i have a bunch of suggestions but ya'll probably get those alot so i'll just shut up now

You and I are the same. I am emotionally attached to my cats 😭

(1 edit)

Cats get murdered when someone hates them (or have the dislike relationship).

yea, apparently my clan just hates eachother lol

like annapukite said, murders occur because of high dislike/jealousy stats, but it also occurs randomly so a cat who doesn't have that much dislike for another cat can still murder them. glad to see you're having fun anyway!

How to download:

If you have trouble downloading it, you can go watch a video on Youtube (Frostylass-How to download Clangen Tutorial May2023)

I recommend it.

The online version is not working for me.

same here



please join the discord server instead of commenting on this page! we have tech support. you should get a much faster and more efficient response than you will here.

If you don't have any other option than to comment here (for instance, you don't have discord and can't get it):   -list your operating system (Mac, Windows, Linux?)   -what issue are you having? did it give you some kind of error?   -any other info you might have on the problem?

Literally anything is better than "help, how do I do it, it doesn't work!"

also here's a guide to downloading:

How do i get the web version on mobile

There's a link further up on this page. If you tap that link while on mobile, you should be able to access web version on mobile. 

Is it in the green downloads? Or is it below comments? Or none?

No, not the downloads- I think it's in or below the FAQ section, above the downloads

can I download it on mobile?

No, there is no mobile version. You should still be able to use the web version though. 

Unable to download a game due to virus? 

I’ve redownloaded this game several times because my update feature never works. Every-time before it’s given me a warning and let me go on anyway but this time it cancels the download due to a “virus”. Could anyone help?

Please refer to the most recent devlog post on antivirus issues!

help what??? is my computer just old???? 

No, you should be able to run it still. Try right click opening from your Applications folder (control click if you can't right click)


its letting me get to this point, but i get the popup after i try to open the game. 

You need to move the game into your applications folder. Then right click open. 

i am so so sorry that i keep bothering you but im very bad at this, but i changed the setting so i could override it despite apple not trusting it, and now it opens and then instantly closes. im so sorry, im trying to work this out on my own but i dont wanna mess up my computer on accident

Make sure you dragged it into your applications folder? 

Also, check what OS version your computer uses? Clangen generally doesn't run on versions below 10.15

Can lost cats return home eventually?

Yea they can.


thanks :>

Found a stray pixel in the long-haired paralyzed sprite with the sienna pelt color

Found another but with the ' 11 ' StarClan sprite
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PLZ MAKE THIS A GAME WERE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DOWNLOAD!!! I have a crappy computer so it never works no matter how hard I try. 

There is a web/online version. It's linked further up on this page. 

Next time please look a bit further before yelling in comments. 

Deleted post
Deleted post

The online version doesn't work on my computer. It goes to the main screen, but won't get any further than that....


I play on the online version and I'm kinda happy about it because I have grown EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED TO THESE CATS 😭 I like to go a few moons without saving but when one of my cats (especially the kits and apprentices) die, my heart can't take it so I leave and come back just so I can give those cats a second chance at life. I do save every few moons as well as before I leave. But I'M STILL EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED 😭

a weird thing that keeps happening on my online version every time i try to maniuly save or create a new clan the whole thing freezes im not sure what to do and now iv tried installing it on windows and not sure how to launch the game

Any chance you can join the discord to ask about this?

If no, then what problem are you running into with launching the game? Generally on Windows you need to extract the files and then open the Clangen application.

will you ever make this mobile? I wanna use it but I don’t have a computer.


See the faq- no, at least not in the near future

aw k


Clangen has been flagged as a generic trojan by my Windows Security. I know it's safe, and I have allowed it past, I'm wondering if I should or should not be worried about it and whether I should unzip the file.

It is safe, there is no trojan. You should be good to unzip and open the file. 

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