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I have a little question, it might seem obvious but, how do I update Clangen? Do I eliminate it and then re-install it?

(1 edit) (+1)

on most platforms you can update via a button on the main menu of your game

if that isn't working, you can redownload from here or from

Has cruel season come out? would it be in an update for the game or would i have to redownload it?

No, cruel season is not out yet.

Is this being updated ever ?

Yes, clangen is still being updated, just not super frequently.

So I downloaded The Clangen Mac IOS Version,And I did everything it asked and when I go to launch the game its says "The game Needed to be Updated".So I don't really know what to do bc it says contact the Dev so the game can be updated.

It says The game was updated 74 days ago so idk if it needs to be updated again or not?

this is an issue with mac's built-in antivirus falsely flagging your game

right click open your game?


Hi! I have a suggestion that could be helpful: Having a section where we can see the relations to the 'other clans', as I often forget what my clan's relations are to others..

yeah this is a good idea

some kind of leader's den screen has been a vague idea for a long time, so maybe this would fit nicely into that...

i think that more things to influence clan relations is coming in the next update.. There was a sneak peak on the clangen tumblr of a possible addition :)

coming from someone who is an official beta tester, I have seen nothing of this, and I can't find the post you're referring to, so I expect this is false

It was on discord I think over a month ago and it was just a single screenshot and there hasn't been any follow-up, so it might be coming eventually.

this is all that shows up when I click the mobile link for clangen. Anyone know what’s going on?

web version can unfortunately be a bit unreliable and prone to this sort of breaking. We have a few potential solutions to this (copy-pasted from the discord):

What you can do to fix it:

1. Make sure the website isn't down: The website should go to a 404 page upon a contributor attempting to push any update of the sorts. 

2. Try leaving the site: because there might be a lot of people trying to get in. Just exiting out of the website for a while might help boot up the page upon re-entering. You might have to wait 30~ minutes, but it should be the first thing you retry.

3. Convert your save: If you have an older version of your saves, which predates the update of 12/25/2022, you might have to convert your save to the new save-file format. Use to convert, then refresh or completely exit out of the website.

4. Use a different browser: Some websites can only work for some browsers. Change your browser to see if it works.

5. Use an incognito tab: Sometimes it works if you make your tab incognito

6. Clear your Cache: This should be a final resort if all else fails, clearing your cache completely deletes all save data: OR alternatively you can use  and type platform.window.localStorage.clear() when it loads.

Thank you! It works now!

  hello! I'm wondering if we can have mental illness as a condition in game, such as depression, adhd, anxiety and so on, kits that grow up without their birth parents by their side or were adopted into the clan would be more likely to have these conditions, they could struggle with relationships, or get into a toxic relationship, such as distancing their mates, lashing out at their mates, but wanting to be close to them still (borderline personality disorder). It could be made like the grieving process, when the cat with these condition are being well taken care of (like patrolling together, mediating)by their loved ones, they would recover from it. I think it would be interesting to see cats struggling with their issues, and eventually overcome them!

There is a mod that has mental illnesses like bpd, adhd, and depression. It's the Disorders and Disabities mod.

oh thank you! i didnt know this game has mods

Yah there is a mod that like your cats have wings I think 🤔 

Yeah! I have that mod.

do you know where I could download that? I don’t have discord to find any mods

I'm not 100% sure, but you can probably find it on github.


Hello! I have a suggestion, maybe you could add the ability to bring back dead cats? Even if they come back as a kit with a different name but it's still them. I think It'd be a cool feature, also my medicine cats keep getting mates even though it's against the warrior code for them to do so, I normally break them up right away but it's a bit annoying. 


Hey can you please change it for the Linux files you don't have to open a zip to install? I'm using a chromebook and accessing hidden Linux files is not working for me, it would be simple if you didn't have to do that

Is the 68 days go update new ? I haven't been here in AGES
My last update was the Halloween one

If the latest version of the game on your device was the halloween update, then yes, this one's new.

there hasn't been a major update since Halloween, so this is probably just a patch or something
May as well update anyway, just in case :P

Has there been a fix to relationships so breakups aren't happening so frequently? It would make sense if the pair had poor standing with each other but half the time it's cats with maxed feelings.

Help! I cant full screen ): back to killing kits. please help! ):

there should be an option to fullscreen in your game settings

if that doesn't work then idk

Thank you sooooo much! It worked ^W^


Hi! I love this game but I play it on my laptop (I don't know if this is a problem) and it won't install the new update past 54.4%. Does anyone know how to fix this?

You might not have enough space on your laptop to download the full update

That might be it Thanks!

I'd suggest redownloading the game if it gets stuck updating. You won't lose saves as they are stored separately.


I really like this game and also my cat. Can I use the cat pictures inside as my OC? I won't use it for profit。

So long as you don't claim the sprite as your own or sell it, you can use it as an OC. Best to credit Clangen if you're using the sprites. 

can anyone help me with this bug? every time I've tried to download near the end of the download time i get this message " file wasn't available on site " and if this matters i am on a windows 11and I've tried the 64 bit and the 32 bit versions I've been watching  videos on this game for so long so if you can find anything to help me please do!

I'm not sure if it's because of the versions you're downloading, but I tried downloading both of those versions on my windows 11 pc and the only one that booted up was the one that says windows 10, so maybe that'll work instead?

thank you for the suggestion i will try that!


Maybe add a feature where you can reincarnate cats? Just an idea for an update.

What I meant was Chromebook.

there is a guide here!! Official Tech Support Guide to Downloading Clangen - Google Docs go to "CHROMEOS" :)

How can I get ClanGen on my laptop? The WaveBrowser thing just wasn't working and I had to get rid of it. I had a version for a while and then it stopped.

anyone has any idea how I can through windows blocking it?
(My school computer doesnt allow me to turn it off or deny)

im not an expert, but if you dont want it to block i think you just have to change some settings, to block it u just delete it

school computer denies that unfortunately

get a vpn :3

I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but as per the latest update, my downloaded version of CG is not opening. It moves kind of quickly but here's a screenshot of the Python log and why it claims to be shutting down. Does anyone on the team (or anyone with coding knowledge) know a fix to this?

yea it happend to me dont worry ab it its just a code that says what is hapenin in the game. btw dont close it or the game will crash (sorry for my grammer)

from what I can tell, it looks like your modules aren't installed correctly- it says it's missing one called schema
I'd suggest reinstalling your requirements.txt

I'm not great with source version though, so if you have more issues I'd suggest joining the discord if you can :)

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@Toothles2 I reccomend looking it up on the internet, there are some really descriptive videos.

Uhh i don't know what to press on big download file please help me! I'm stuck with outdated online version!!! HELP?

If your device is a 32-bit windows (usually windows 7 and some windows 10 pc’s) than download that one, and 64-bit file for 64-bit pc’s (most windows 10/11 pc’s) if it’s Linux, download one of the versions listed (idk which one, I don’t have a Linux) or if you have a Mac download the Mac file! As far as I know playing on any of those just requires unzipping, searching for clangen.exe in the folder, and if it gets falsely flagged, run it anyway! Hope this helps! :)

how do you play the game once you download it? 

unzip the file and search for clangen.exe! :)

anyone know how to update this????

if its a newer version, go into settings and turn on the setting that says smth abt showing updates it will update it and keep the cans, depending on how old it is you might have to redownload it

I don’t know why I can’t download it on my Mac Pro. Can someone please help me with this 

can you be more specific? where are you getting stuck?

when I download the game press play then it says something about the application and you have to go into settings to fix it but when I do it doesn’t let me

try right click opening the game? (control click if you can't right click)

The online version for some reason isnt working for me? Is that happeneing for everyone or just me.

yes me too

i used it on mobile many times and then it crashed so i just had to stop playing it that day but then it worked, for pc ive only ever downloaded it so idk

(1 edit) (+5)

is there a way to disable your cats from randomly transitioning? I know you can edit the gender, but I still don’t want the randomized event to happen in the first place. 

Edit: I typed this out super quick and realized it could’ve came off wrong, so just to clarify: it’s because I want to decide this for myself and it triggers my dysphoria when it comes to certain cats I've written lore for or turned into OCs


no, there isn't a way to turn that off, and there won't be one added. Sorry it's triggering your dysphoria, that sucks :(


Im on Mac and I don't have much storage, so I tried using the online version. For some reason, it didn't load and had me on a screen saying downloading, but nothing happened.


hello!i'm a player from China.i like this game very much!Can i translate i into Chinese?i wouldn't make a profit with it,it's just for Chinese players to play.


we have people working on translations for a variety of languages, including Chinese! I'd suggest joining the discord if you can, you can get a role to help with an official translation. 

Alternatively, I doubt anyone would mind if you translated it yourself, although it would be a heck of a lot of work! The game has a *lot* of text to translate. 


Quick question, because I absolutely LOVE the backgrounds for the areas you can chose in Clangen, what application do you use to create them?


you can use basically any art program that supports pixel art for sprite modding, including background editing

We have a variety of people working on sprites and backgrounds, so there's a good chance different backgrounds were made in different programs!


lovely cat!!!!!!

i like this game :)

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does this work on like a chromebook or laptops? Please ive seen this game on youtube and i really wanna play it!

Chromebook guide is here! Just scroll down till you find CHROMEOS:

I cant get the game to load on my computer. Its just a black screen. Its been happening more and more as I play. What do i do?

theres a good chance you may have downloaded a version that is unsuitable for your computer! have you tried playing the other versions?

I don't know of any other versions unfortunately 

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I have clangen, but I don't know how to add the new updates. I have the sprite designs for faded cats, masked cats, newborn kittens etc. But I don't know how to add them to the game. I installed clangen last year without, but I have it now. Does anyone have any Ideas on how to install the updates.

There is something in my clangen files that say 'self_update' or just the word 'update', should I press that or what?

if you’re talking about the version of clangen, it should just update on its own

faded cats were added in the update before the auto-updater, but the original poster seems to not have it in their version - they'll have to redownload the game with the latest update manually and transfer their saves to there

hello i just wanted to know will any of these work on any type of cromebook?

Sadly I don't believe chromebooks are able to download executable(.exe) files, so for example like games of any kind. Though I may be wrong since I'm just going off what I know from using my school chromebook, googling it might give more info!

here’s the download guide! It’s a bit complicated for chromeOS though, just scroll down till you see “CHROMEOS”!

im on a chromebook and idk anything i need to download it. PLEASE!!!


Sadly I don't believe chromebooks are able to download executable(.exe) files, so for example like games of any kind. Though I may be wrong since I'm just going off what I know from using my school chromebook, googling it might give more info!

ok ty its blocked on my school Chromebook im only in 6th so maybe that will change soon!

I use my personal chromebook, and since it's more space efficient, I just run the game via the source code from github. You could also use Wine or the Linux version, buuuuut- Wine takes up a lot of Linux space, and I haven't tried running the Linux version itself.


im Playing on iPad and im Trying to Download it But it doesnt work i Need help TvT


it doesn't work on ipads, you can use the web version though! (which has less features unfortunately)

I don't seem to be able to save my clans or make new ones on the web version. Is it limited and have I reached the limit then? 

Curious if anyone else was dealing with this, I stopped playing months ago because randomly half my cats kept breaking up despite having good relationships. Don't know if it was maybe a fluke for my file or a change in the relationship mechanics that made breakups so frequent.

oof that sucks. 

Idk but it's happening to me too, three times now as soon as my cats give birth their mate breaks up with them


It could be a compatibility issue between the two cats!

iirc the flat line is neutral, the soft squiggle line is 'good compatibility', and the jagged line is 'negative compatibility'.

Is that what the lines were suppose to mean? I just kept ignoring them per pairing and not really thinking about it until one of my playthroughs I had a lot of break ups happening randomly.

I've been playing on the web version for a few days and it suddenly stopped working yesterday. Is that normal ? (Absolutely love the game btw!!!)

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